干接点(Dr y Con tact),相对于湿接点而言,也被称之为干触点,是一种无源开关,具有闭合和断开的两种状态,两个接触点之间没有极性,可以互换;
湿接点(WetConta ct),相对于干接点而言,也被称之为湿触点,是一种有源开
2,把TT L电平输出作为湿接点,也未尝不可;一般情况下,TT L电平需要带缓冲输出的,例如:7407、245、244等,与VCC等构成回路;244、245也可以跟gnd 构成回路;才能驱动远方的光耦。
3,NP N三极管的集电极输出和VCC;
V CC→限流电阻→光耦LED→干接点1→干接点2→G ND
湿接点1→限流电阻→光耦LE D→湿接点2
湿接点如果是D C电源,如果湿接点1和2反了,显然打不开光耦;
Vo lt-fr ee an d dry cont act m ean t he sa me th ing.If acontr ol sy stemsuppl ier o ffers a dr y con tactfor y ou to read as a stat us bi t, th en he is o fferi ng to clos e a c ontac t (re lay o r
con tactoutpu t) th at is noth ing m ore t hat a stan d-alo ne se t ofconta cts w ith n o vol tage, curr ent,or an ythin g els e imp resse d acr oss t he co ntact t. It b ecome s the ur's
12指肠>卷头re spons ibili ty to dete rmine howto se n t hat c ontac t clo sure. Usua lly y ou do this
by p uttin g a v oltag e onone s ide a nd se nsing thevolta ge on a re turnlinefromthe o thersideof th e con tactwhenit cl os. Once youapply volt age t o the cont acts, it b ecome s
a w et co ntact. You "wet" the cont act w ith a ns iblevolta ge le vel.
A pr oximi ty co ntact is a cont act s et th at ma kes w ithou t any kind of d irect coil or p hysic al ac tuati on of theconta ct se t. Pr oximi ty co ntact s orswitc hes a re us ually eith er op tical
devi ces t hat s witch beca u a ligh t bea m isbroke n orcompl eted, or i n som e cas es
ma gneti c swi tches arecalle d pro ximit y con tacts. The cont act s et wi ll op en or clos e whe n a m agnet gets clos e eno ugh t o cau th e swi tch a ction like a do or sw itchon aburgl ar
al arm
I thi nk th e guy s abo ve ta lk ab out R elays, and notabout Curr ent T ransf ormer s as
per y our q uesti on.
A ssume youwantto me asure thecurre nt in a ci rcuit ry. t hereare 2 stan dardways
a) yo u put an A mpere Mete r wit hin t he ci rcuit
b) y ou pu t a s mallresis tance with in th e cir cuit, andmeasu re th e vol tageacros s tha t
res istor.
Bot h met hodsmeanthatyou h ave t he ci rcuit's vo ltage stan dingon yo ur me asure mentdevic e.
Wi th aCurre nt Tr ansfo rmer, youcan a voidthat. Youhavejusta few (say 3 -5) wi nding s ofthick wire on t he pr imary side whic h goe s inrie s inyourcircu it, a nd yo u hav e
a g ood n umber of t hin w ire w indin gs on thecon daryside, with a vo ltage gene rated
by t he ma gneti c fie ld of thecurre nt tr ansfo rmer, andwhich canbe me asure d asa fun ction of t he cu rrent in t he ci rcuit.
So youmeasu re acircu it cu rrent with a "V olt F ree C ontac t".