we decided to monitor and quantify the Dnmt1/PCNA interaction by proximity ligation in situ安全心理学 assay (P-LISA) in cells . As illustrated by the Figure 瘦骨嶙嶙1A, the principle of this assay is bad on the staining of Dnmt1 and PCNA proteins by two antibodies, which are next revealed by condary antibodies conjugated with oligonucleotides. In pren
ce of hybridization solution and liga, the two oligonucleotides form with PLA a circle in ca of clo proximity of Dnmt1 and PCNA, here. Then, polymera and nucleotides participate to the formation of the rolling circle amplification, which are visualized in red fluorescence.局域网远程桌面
Figure 1. Detection of endogenous Dnmt1/PCNA interactions using P-LISA.
(A) Schematic reprentation of the Dnmt1/PCNA proximity ligation in situ未来的房子图片 assay (P-LISA).
(B) Calibration of the microscopy (Axiovert 200 M Zeiss, Le Pecq, France) with ApoTome module. Left: picture of calibration performed with calibration balls (4 μm, Vue X-Y, Molecular Probes F36909). Right: picture of calibration performed with calibration balls (2.5 μm, Vue X-Z, Molecular Probes F36909). Blue and red were merged in lateral and axial.
(C) Decovolving of picture realized with calibration balls (140 nm).
(D) Dnmt1/PCNA interactions were visualized in MCF10A cells. Red dots symbolize Dnmt1/PCNA interactions. Nucleus/DNA are stained in blue via the u of DAPI. Top left: ApoTome view, top right: orthogonal view, bottom: 3D views.
引自:Proximity ligation in situ assay for monitoring the global DNA methylation in cells.B
MC Biotechnology
Volume 11 2011.Eric Hervouet1,2 , Philippe Hulin2,3 , Fran?ois M Vallette1,2 and Pierre-Fran?ois Cartron1,2
PLA is an antibody-bad method in which either a single or two proteins (or antigens) are immunolabeled first with two primary antibodies and then with different species-specific condary antibodies conjugated to complementary oligonucleotides (8,9). When two antibody molecules are in clo proximity, the complementary DNA strands can be ligated, amplified, and visualized with a fluorescent probe as distinct puncta (Figure 1). Each spot may reprent a single complex containing each of two interacting proteins (or antigens). The maximal distance between the condary antibodies in this assay is ~16 nm, only slightly larger than that for resonance energy transfer between fluorophores (~10 nm), the most common approach ud to infer GPCR oligomerization. By measuring clo proximity, PLA allows a validation in vivo of the molecular proximity of two endogenous proteins, something that cannot be est
油爆肚ablished with simple colocalization studies, thereby making it possible to interrogate the existence and localization of interactions in vivo.