瓷砖 Tiles 腰线形成英语 Borders最长的小说,waist line 花片Decoration
釉面砖 Glazed tiles 玻化砖Vetrified tiles 抛光砖 Polished tiles,luster concept
仿古砖 Rustic tiles, Archaized tiles
全抛光Full polish 半抛光Semi-polish 雅光 Matte Mat surface柏耀平>个人自荐信
瓷质瓷砖 Porcelain tiles 陶质瓷砖 Ceramic tiles
吸水率 Warter absorbtion
墙面砖 wall tiles 地板砖 floor tiles
木纹砖wood finish
马赛克 mosaic
金属釉 glazed metallic tiles
瓷砖填缝剂 tile-am filling, 防水填缝剂waterproof grout
通体砖:interior tile ,plain colours
通体 full body
色坯 colour body 小鹿斑比作者白坯 white body
double loading 微粉砖
soluble salt and pepper渗花斑点砖
polished salt and pepper注重的拼音抛光斑点砖
glazed porcelain 和glazed ceramic瓷体釉面砖和施釉陶瓷地砖
soluble salt渗花砖
double loading 微粉砖 一代微粉double loading 二代微粉 magic double loading
polished salt and pepper抛光斑点砖
crystal double loading聚晶 crystalline double loading 透晶
palate double loading 布拉提 nafuna double loading 纳福娜
travertine ries洞石 full glazed polishing 全抛釉
pure color纯色砖 super black 超黑 super white 超白 snow white雪花白
crystal porcelain水晶瓷(微晶玻璃)
crystal ceramic是水晶砖
step tiles阶梯转 Antonie Sun拼花
手工鞋子教程Route for the Blind tiles导盲砖
Decorated tiles抛晶砖 Decorated goldern tiles秋招镀金抛晶砖