英语部分 English part
一,仓库产品拆分: Divide up the products
1,妆台 dresr/dressing table
(1),旁板 side board
(2),旁线 side line
(3),顶板 top board
(4),底板 bottom board
(5),带框妆镜 framed mirror
(6),妆凳 stool
国庆节演讲稿2,床 bed
(1),床头 head board/high side
(2),床尾 foot board/low side
(3),床板 bed board
(4),床栏 guard board/bed shelf
(5),床头柜 night table/night stand
3,衣柜 wardrobe
(1),顶板 top board
(2),底板 bottom board
(3),旁板 side board
(4),旁线 side line
(5),中门 mid door
(6),旁门 side door
(7),底线 bottom line
(8),旁柱 side pole
(9),顶线 top line
4,餐边柜 buffet/side board
(1),顶板 top board
(2),底板 bottom board
(3),旁板 side board
(4),门 door
(5),带框镜子 framed mirror
5,酒柜 cellaret /wine cabinet
(1),顶板 top board
(2),底板 bottom board
(3),旁板 side board
(4),旁线 side line
(5),中门 middle door
(6),旁门 side door
(7),底线 bottom line
(8),地脚线 floor board
(8),玻璃 glass
6,五斗柜 chest of drawers
(1),旁板手续费英语 side board
(2),旁线 side line
(3),顶板 top board
(4),底板 side board
(5),抽屉 drawer
7,书柜 book ca/book shelf
(1),顶/底板 top/bottom
(2),旁/侧板 side board
(3),门 door
(4),栏顶木 top bar
(5),底线 bottom line
8,电视柜 TV cabinet
(1),旁板 side board
(3),顶板/底板 top/bottom
(5),带框妆镜 framed mirror
(6),妆凳 stool
9,办公台/写字台 office table/desk
(1),顶/底板 top/bottom
(2),旁板魅力女生 side board
二,其他单件产品, Other single product .
1),客厅系列 lounge furniture/hall furniture
组成为: Composition is
(1),沙发 sofa
(2),茶几 tea table/end table/nest
长茶几 long tea table
方几 square tea table
小脚裤配什么鞋角几 corner table
(3),咖啡桌 coffee table
(4),花架 flower shelf/stand
(5),地柜 floor cabinet
(6),酒柜 cellaret/wine cabinet
(7),电视柜 TV cabinet
(8),休闲椅 leisure chair/occasional chair
(9),休闲桌 occasional table
(10),组合柜 combine unit cabinet
(10),玄关台 console table
2)餐厅系列 dining room furniture
(1),餐边柜 buffet
(2),餐台 dining table
(3),餐椅 dining chair行驶证年审
扶手椅 armchair
无扶手椅 sidechair
(4),酒柜 wine cabinet
(5),餐车 rving table/buffet
(6),茶水柜 tea and water cabinet
(7),组合柜 combine unit cabinet
3)书房系列 booking room furniture
(1),写字台 desk
(2),转椅 rotary chair
(3),躺椅 recliner
(4),摇椅 moving chair
(5),书柜 bookca
4)卧室系列 bedroom furniture/living room furniture
(1),床 bed
(2),床屏 screen
(3),床头柜 night table
(4),五斗柜 chest of drawers
(5),衣帽架 hat and clothes shelf
(6),鞋柜 shoe cabinet/rack
凋零(7),妆台 dresr
(8),妆凳 stool
(9),穿衣镜(礼仪镜) formail mirror
(10),衣柜 wardrobe
(11),床垫 mattress
(12),贵妃椅 queen chair
5)厨房系列 kitchen cabinet
(1),地柜 floor cabinet
(2),半高柜 mid-high cabinet
(3),高柜 high cabinet
(4),吊柜 wall cabinet
(5),吧台 bar table
(6),吧凳 bar stool/chair
6)卫生间 bathroom furniture
(1),马桶 flush toilet / nightstool
(2),浴室柜 washbasin
(3),淋浴柱 shower panel
(4),淋浴房 shower enclosure
(5),蒸汽房 steam shower box
(6),浴缸 bathtub
附: besides
仿古家具 antigue reproduction furnirure
儿童卧房系列家具 children”s bedroom suite
配套家具 occasional furniture
风格 style
乡村风格 rustic style furniture
意大利 Italian style
现代风格 contemporary design
新古典风格 neoclassic style
巴洛克风格 baroco style
洛可可风格 rococo style
美式家具 federal style
June 4,2009