授课时间 | 商业氛围 第 周 星期 第 节 | 课次 | |||
授课方式 (请打√) | 理论课√ 讨论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 其他□ | 课时 安排 | 6 市楼 | ||
授课题目(教学章、节或主题): 盘古开天辟地图片Unit 6 征兵体检时间Risk | |||||
Teaching objectives and requirements(教学目的、要求): Students are required to 1.Master economic vocabulary in international business risk and the vocabulary of managing risk; 2.Be familiar with different types of business risk 3.Get to know the aspects of risk management to be taken into consideration 4。 Learn the skills of risk management | |||||
Teaching highlights and difficulties(教学重点及难点): Highlights: 1.grasp he aspects of risk management to be taken into consideration 2.master vocabulary in international business risk and the vocabulary of managing risk Difficulties: 1.understand types of business risk in business 2. express themlves more freely on the theme after doing a ries of theme—related reading, listening, speaking and writing activities; | |||||
Time allotment(教学时数): 6 Periods | |||||
Teaching method(教学方法): 1.Group Discussion 2.Exemplification and demonstration; 3.Task-bad teaching 4.Teams—bad Cooperative Learning | |||||
References(参考书目): 1.科顿,法尔维等编,体验商务英语综合教程4,《体验商务英语》改编组改编,高等教育出版社,2012。6 2.马斯库尔,海特勒著,体验商务英语教师用书4,《体验商务英语》改编组改编,高等教育出版社,2012.8 3.蒋景东著,常用商务英语词典,浙江大学出版社,2012,5. 4.(英)帕金森 编著,牛津英汉双解商务英语词典,华夏出版社,2011 | |||||
教 学 基 本 内 容 | 方法及手段 | ||||
II Teaching procedure Step 1 Starting up: (20 minutes) 1) Students are asked to figure out the meaning of the quotation: "The world is much riskier today," ”Becau everything is much more interconnected." ——-risk—management expert Ron Dembo(gave up a professorship at Yale University to launch his company。) ——- Has there ever been a riskier time to be in business? All business is built on risk。市场推广专员 2) Divide the students into groups of 4 to discuss the 海参泡发的方法following questions。 a. Which item carries the most or least risk? Travel: car, plane, train, ship Lifestyle: drinking alcohol, pool diet, smoking, jogging 黄瓜花Money: property, stocks & shares savings account, cash Shopping: on line, mail order, private sales, auction b。 What risks do business face? Kidnapping of mangers Confiscation of asts (没收,充公) Devaluation of shares, currency Be extorted: illegally be forced to give money.(勒索) Being insolvency: not having enough money to pay debts(无力偿还债务) Facing fraud and corruption 诈骗与腐败 Industrial espionage (商业间谍行为) Invest : putting money into a new venture Venture capitalist: who put money into such business spread their risk so that the payback from one or two successful ventures will hopefully more than compensate for the money lost in the failures. 风险资本家 Reputational risk, brand suicide, product liability claim (产品质量承诺书) Product recalls (产品召回) The risk of management complacency (自满) c。 Listen to Allan Smith and note down the risks he mentions 1 doing nothing | Audiolingual and communicative method | ||||
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