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今天阅读总体难度比较适中,加试比较普遍,并且由于今天的考试是加场的,所以旧题重复率很高,重复范围为 2015-2018 减负提质年;今天的自然科学是考的最多的,包括天文地质等,积累相关 的专业的词汇做题可能更加轻松自信哦。 朗诵伴奏 | ||
Passage one | 学科分类 | 题目 |
社会科学类 | Economic Change in Postclassical China | |
内容回忆 | 重复 2016.01.23 的题:后古典时代中国 第一段:引出话题+ 原因 1(农业)水粉黑板报 经济发展迅速,其原因有:梯田的修建和沼泽的开垦增加了可耕种的土地数里,新品种水稻(早熟 并抗旱)的发展提高了农业产量并且农具的革新,以及农业分工区域专业化和运河系统的建立,所有这些又促进了贸易的发展。 原因 2(城市) 第二段:贸易的增长为城市居民提供物质输送,以及政府駐扎在城市,通过税收将财富向城市集中, 所有这些因素导致了中国城市的快速发展。 | |
原因 3(制造业) 第三段:制造业大量出现在城市中,虽然有些是私人经营的小规模制造,但大多数是政府领导的大规模制造,如纺织业、造船业采矿业和军工制造等。 第四段:政府控制着各个制造业,不允许工匠联盟形成商会,所以中国城市的制造业建立在强政府控制和对工匠压迫的基础上,一旦国家政治 深圳养老保险衰落,城市制造也随之坍塌,无法持续发展。 | |
参考阅读 | Economic Decline in Europe During the Fourteenth Century After three hundred years of impressive gains in wealth and population, Europe’s economy began to slow around 1300. Several factors accounted for the decline. One the most important, though perhaps the least dramatic to relate, was a shift in climate. The remarkably fair weather of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries took a decided turn for the wor in the fourteenth. Chronicler’s comments, tree-ring examination, and pollen analysis all indicate that over the cour of the fourteenth century Europe ’ s average annual temperature declined approximately two degrees Celsius—which may sound like very little at first, but if one considers current projections about the possible effects of global warming, in which the average annual temperature shift is only one degree Celsius, a rather different impression emerges. As the temperature dropped, shortening the summer growing ason and affecting the resilience of certain vegetable species, the wind and rain incread. This meant that crop yields declined precipitously and the agricultural economy began to contract. As food supplies dwindled, costs ro accordingly and cut into the amount of capital that people had available for other purchas or investments. This in turn added to the gradual construction of the commercial economy. Just as significant were changes in the geopolitics of the Mediterranean world. The decline of the Byzantine Empire, which had dominated the eastern Mediterranean, meant the interruption or trade routes to central and eastern Asia. The ri of new political powers signaled a new era in Mediterranean connections, one in which religious loyalty and ethnic fidelity mattered more than commercial ties. Conquently the movement of goods and rvices between east and west began to slow. European interest in circumnavigating Africa and exploring westward into the Atlantic Ocean, in fact, originated in the desire to avoid the roadblock in the eastern Mediterranean and to tap directly into the trade with eastern Asia that had long 真我Xsustained Europe’s economic growth. A more immediate cau of the sputtering economy was an obrvable abnce: since the eleventh century there had been few significant changes in the technology of agriculture. Developments like the wheeled plow, the rotation 写景的成语of crops, and the |
u of natural fertilizer that had made possible the agricultural revolution of the past two hundred years had had no follow-up. Farming was still conducted in 1300 roughly the same way it had been done in 1100, but with a considerably larger population to feed, there was little surplus left to generate fresh capital. As a conquence, food production fell perilously clo to subsistence level. Although the failure of agriculture to keep up with the growing population did not become a crisis until the fourteenth century, clear signs of the problem had already emerged by the middle of the thirteenth century, when occasionally low yields due to bad weather or social disruption revealed how perilous the balance between Europe’s population and its food supply had become. Apart from territories bet by war, the tentativeness of the food supply became evident first on the farmlands most recently brought under cultivation during the economic depression of the twelfth century. The less established farmers of the lands frequently did not have the means to survive successive poor harvests. Tenant farmers unable to pay their rents thus began to slip into debt, and landlords who depended on rents for their income began to rely increasingly on urban financiers for credit. Even whole governments became entangled in the credit crisis, England being the most notable example. The cycle of indebtedness was hardly inevitable, but the string of bank failures and commercial collaps in the first half of the fourteenth century was striking. The famed 24小时制Bardi and Peruzzi 健康长寿banks of Florence (the two largest financial hous of Europe) collapd spectacularly in the 1340’s. They were soon followed by the Riccardi bank of Lucca, who massive loans had kept the English government afloat for years. Many more hous collapd in turn. | ||
Passage two | 学科分类 | 题目 |
自然科学类 | Glacier Effects | |
内容回忆 | 重复 2016.12.11,2017.09.30,2017.11.11 第一部分:冰川的形成和移动过程中对地表的影响 第一段:冰川在堆积形成过程中,巨大的质量会对地表造成重力压力,导致地表下陷(depression) 第二段:冰川在移动过程中,携带的碎石会刻蚀地表,毁坏地表一切生命,将随之带走的碎屑堆积到遥远地方,由此重新塑造地表。 第二部分:山岳冰川对地表的影响 第三段:与平地冰川缓慢均匀地向外扩张不同,形成于山岳上的冰川由于重力作用下沉而速度较快 | |
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