1、 货物将于XX时间完成? 货物将于XXX(时间)完成。 When will the cargo be ready? Cargo will be ready at XXX (Jan.28th).
2、 仓位紧张,请尽快确认
Plea confirm soonest as possible due to tight space
3、 船公司回复——没有仓位
There is no space bad on the reply of shipping lines
4、 几票货物(几家工厂)合拼一个柜子发运 Shipment would be effected by veral factories
5、 几个订单合并一起出运
Tho orders would be combined into one shipment
6、 截港时间 Cut off date
7、 截单时间 documentary off date 高庙
8、 开仓时间 (开始放箱的时间)Empty pick up date (Empty relea time)
9、 预留仓位 Pre-booking space
10、 船期调整 Adjustment of shipping schedule小学教师资格证报名条件是什么
(Due to adjustment of shipping schedule, shipment under B/L NO.:….that carried by VES… ETD on …. Would be arranged on…
11、 客户已于XX时候装箱 / 提箱
Cargo had been stuffed on ….(Container had been picked up on..)
12、 客户无法赶上本航次,要求推至下一航次
As requested by customer, cargo can not catch this voyage and will be postponed to next voyage
13、 已向船公司订舱,但未确认仓位
Booking had been ordered with shipping lines however not receive the confirmation yet. 14、 放箱 Empty Relea
15、 客人出差 Customer is on his business way
16、 仓位 Space
17、 增加/减少1个柜子 add/reduce one volume
18、 客户想要通过拼箱的方式出运剩下的货物 Customer intend to ship remains cargo by LCL
两条直线的距离公式19、 最新情况 the latest status
20、 没有新消息 no any news(no any further information)
21、 此1x20’G是下面所说货物中的一部分. Said 1X20GP is part of below-mentioned shipment
22、 现在还没开始放仓。Empty Pick-up is not started yet.
23、 发货人安排明日装货Cargo would be stuffed tomorrow arranged by shipper
24、 发货人急要入货通知。Shipper eager to get the shipping order(S/O)
25、 此票货物申请推迟航次 This shipment would be postponed to next voyage
26、 此票货物赶不上这个航次 This shipment can not catch this voyage
27、 事情还没有解决。It is not solved until now
28、 这票货物是继续走ZIM还是换船公司?
Does this shipment keep on carrying by ZIM LINE or by other shipping lines?
29、 不知道客户是否能接受MSC?
小饭桌We are not sure if the customer will accept MSC as carrying line
30、 此票货物分单还没电放,请不要放货给收货人
Original Hou Bill of lading for this shipment is not surrendered yet, plea do not relea the cargo to consignee
31、 此票货物签单方式是电放,客户尚未同意电放,请勿放货
32、Shipment would be relead against telex relea, shipper has not prented us the application for telex relea, plea hold the shipment until our further notice.
33、32、 每个柜子重22TONS Gross weight is 22tons per containers
34、33、 发货人不同意少显示重量
35、Shipper did not agree to show less weight for this shipment
36、34、 我们把这个仓位给了另外的客户使用。
南京条约的主要内容37、Space (allocation) had been assigned to another customer. 35、 发货人在等收货人确认是否出运