Abbreviation for ex works, the Incoterm (delivery term) under which the Seller is responsible only for making the goods available at his designated premis for pick up by the buyer or buyer’s designated transportation carrier. Upon relea of the goods to the buyer or carrier, the ller has no further responsibilities; all costs and risks of transportation transfer to the buyer. Variations on the this term ex works include氨茶碱片说明书 ex factory, ex mill, ex plant, ex refinery, ex site, ex warehou, etc., depending upon the type of origin facility at which goods will be delivered to the buyer by the ller.
Action responsibilities, division of costs and passage of risk, EXW terms may be illustrated as follows when the principal modes of transportation are airfreight and ocean freight:
The official Incoterms publications (跳棋怎么玩教学视频Incoterms 2010) may be ordered from the International Chamber of Commerce.
(Incoterms) Abbreviation for 一线教师free carrier (named place). The Incoterm (delivery term) under which the ller is responsible for handing over the goods, cleared for export, to a transportation carrier named by the buyer at a named location, typically at either the ller’s facility or el the terminal of the buyer-nominated carrier or freight forwarder, typically within the country of export. If the FCA point is the ller’s facility, and loading the conveyance is esntial to “handing over the goods,” the ller is responsible for the risk and expen of loading (if loading is not otherwi included in the carrier’s basic transportation charge). FCA, shipper’s facility, is the appropriate delivery term for situations in which the shipper will load an intermodal container, truck trailer, rail car, barge or other conveyance.
The ller is not responsible for the cost of unloading the conveyance at the named destination point, nor for transfer of the goods to the on-carrier. For example, if the FCA point is an ocean carrier and/or inland waterway terminal (other than the ller’s own facility), the buyer is responsible for unloading the incoming FCA conveyance, inclusive of forklift charge or other expens, and for loading the outgoing vesl (e.g., the terminal c
harges, or wharfage and handling charge, etc.). See also FOB (vesl), under which the ller is additionally responsible for the cost of loading the vesl. Under FCA terms, the ller has no obligation to insure the shipment.
Action responsibilities, division of costs and passage of risk under FCA terms may be illustrated as follows when the principal modes of transportation are airfreight and ocean freight:
Responsibility for govern curity requirements: Incoterms 2010 changed rules A2 & B2, now captioned “Licens, authorizations, curity clearances and other formalities,” to include government impod curity requirements, whatever they may be, as part of export formalities and import formalities. The trading party responsible for export formaliti
孕妇能吃苹果吗es is thus responsible for curity requirements in the export country whereas the party responsible for import formalities is responsible for curity responsibilities in the import country. For curity requirements in a transit country, if any, if the ller has accomplished delivery under the applicable term, the buyer is responsible for this; otherwi curity requirements are the ller’s responsibility.
(讲座心得体会Incoterms) Abbreviation for free alongside. The Incoterm (delivery term) under which the ller is responsible for arranging transportation of the goods to a named ocean or inland waterway port and placing them “alongside” the vesl which the buyer has arranged to transport the goods. The ller is also responsible for export clearance (under pre-2000 versions ofIncoterms, this was the buyer’s responsibility). For this reason, FAS terms require special coordination by the shipper or freight forwarder with the inland carrier and water carrier. Under FAS terms, the ller has no obligation to insure the shipment. See Also definitions for ship’s rail, ship’s tackle and shipside delivery.
Note: This term is ud for shipment via ocean and inland water transportation only and is different from FOB in that the ller is 祖国历史not responsible for placing the goods on the vesl.
Action responsibilities, division of costs and passage of risk, FAS terms may be illustrated as follows:
Responsibility for government curity requirements: Incoterms 2010 changed rules A2 & B2, now captioned “Licens, authorizations, curity clearances and other formalities,” to include government impod curity requirements, whatever they may be, as part of export formalities and import formalities. Under FAS terms, the ller is responsible for export formalities and thus also curity requirements in the export country whereas the buyer is responsible for import formalities and thus for curity responsibilities in the import country. For curity requirements in a transit country, if any, since the ller has already accomplished delivery, the buyer is responsible for this.