The labor management department of the company's engineering department organizes relevant departments to prepare bidding documents bad on the engineering labor and nal subcontracting plan and n form submitted by the project management department。They refer to the "Company n Subcontracting Bidding Documents (n Text)"。"Company n Subcontracting Bidding n Method"。and the company's developed subcontracting contract n text.
Bidders for n subcontracting should be lected from the qualified labor and nal subcontractors list。If registered labor and nal subcontractors cannot meet the requirements of new projects。the company's labor management department。together with other relevant management departments and the project management department。will ritize the n of subcontractors from the company's labor ba or conduct ns on other subcontractors in society。They will evaluate them according to the requirements in the "Engineering Subcontracting re" and include them in the qualified labor and nal subcontractors list before listing them as bidders.
Organized labor and nal subcontractors should provide corresponding n and credit n。as well as nal labor personnel rosters。job skill level certificates。ID card copies。labor contracts。and other materials for n by the bidding department.
It is prohibited to invite companies without corresponding n and safety n ns and "contractors" to participate in bidding。It is also prohibited for project departments or any individual to lect labor and designate nal subcontractors outside of the re。If the owner designates subcontracting。it should be bad on written documents。and other forms should be negotiated by the company's labor management department and approved by company leaders before issuing contracts。Otherwi。it will be considered a n.
The labor management department of the company's engineering department will file the n subcontracting bidding process with the local n administrative department according to the ns of the project n and obtain a filing notice。They will urge subcontracting enterpris to sign subcontracting contracts in a timely manner and file them with the local n administrative department before starting n。and obtain a filing notice.台式电脑配置怎么看