August 20, 2013
平凡的世界经典语录>林肯怎么死的Bo Guagua’s Statement
Following is the statement that Bo Guagua relead to The New York Times on Monday in English. Mr. Bo’s father, Bo Xilai, a former Chine Communist Party official, is scheduled to go on trial on Thursday on charges of taking bribes, corruption and abu of power.淡淡的日子
买蔬菜It has been eighteen months since I have been denied contact with either my father or my mother. I can only surmi the conditions of their clandestine detention and the adversity they each endure in solitude. I hope that in my father’s upcoming trial, he is granted the opportunity to answer his critics and defend himlf without constraints of any kind. However, if my wellbeing has been bartered for my father’s acquiescence or my mother’s further cooperation, then the verdict will clearly carry no moral weight.
My mother, who is now silenced and defenless, cannot respond to the opportunistic detractors that attack her reputation with impunity. She has already overcome unimaginable tribulation after the sudde
新年伊始n collap of her physical health in 2006 and subquent clusion. Although it is of little comfort to my anxiety about her state of health, I know that she will continue to absorb all that she is accud of with dignity and quiet magnanimity.
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