Cold War
After the Second World War, the USA and the USSR were the two supreme powers in the world. Hence, both the nations tried to reduce the power of the other indirectly.
The competition between the two nations brought about the Cold War. America was the leader of all the Capitalist countries, and Soviet Russia was the leader of all the communist countries. Hence, both countries continued their rivalry.
Long and Short Essays on Cold War for Students and Kids in English
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Long Essay on Cold War Essay is usually given to class 7, 8, 9, and 10.古装美女简笔画
Cold War was the state of mounting tension between the USA and Soviet Russia after the Second World War was over for Supremacy in the world as the Super Power. The United States of America became the reprentative of the capitalist countries, and the Soviet Unio
n Russia became the reprentative of communism. Hence, there was an ongoing rivalry between the two great powers. Since this rivalry did not result in a war, but only in diplomatic incidents, it is called the Cold War.
杯子蛋糕的做法 Cold War is a term ud to describe the tension between two parties but an abnce of any quarrels. It is also ud to describe the tactics nations u against each other as a diplomatic war.
外贸知识 When Hitler invaded Russia, Roovelt, the then President of the United States nt supplies for the troops. It could have started the degradation of the relationship between the USA and Russia. When Stalin defeated Germany and wanted to implement communism, he was suspected, and since then, suspicion aro between the western countries and Russia. Hence, Cold Was began.考研政治资料
什么是机械能 The United States of America could not accept the communist ideology of Russia. On the other hand, Soviet Russia could not accept the dominance of the USA in other European countries.网络安全警示语
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