// Included Files
#include "driverlib.h"
#include "device.h"
// Include Flash API include file
#include "F021_F28004x_C28x.h"
// Include Flash API example header file
#include "flash_programming_f28004x.h"
// Defines
// Length (in 16-bit words) of data buffer ud for program
// Globals
//Data Buffers ud for program operation using the flash API program function
#pragma DATA_SECTION(Buffer,"DataBufferSection");
uint16 Buffer[WORDS_IN_FLASH_BUFFER + 1];
uint32 *Buffer32 = (uint32 *)Buffer;
// Prototype of the functions ud in this example
void Example_Error(Fapi_StatusType status);
void Example_Done(void);
void Example_CallFlashAPI(void);
void FMSTAT_Fail(void);
// Main
void main(void)
// Initialize device clock and peripherals
// Copy the Flash initialization code from Flash to RAM
// Copy the Flash API from Flash to RAM
// Configure Flash wait-states, fall back power mode, performance features and ECC //
// Initialize GPIO
// Initialize PIE and clear PIE registers. Disables CPU interrupts.
// Initialize the PIE vector table with pointers to the shell Interrupt
// Service Routines (ISR).
// Enable Global Interrupt (INTM) and realtime interrupt (DBGM)
// Notice that Flash API functions are mapped to RAM for execution in this example.
// In F28004x devices that have two banks, Flash API functions may be executed from
// one bank to perform Flash era and program operations on the other bank.
// Flash API functions should not be executed from the same bank on which era/
// program operations are in progress.
/ Also, note that there should not be any access to the Flash bank on which era/
// program operations are in progress. Hence below function is mapped to RAM for
// execution.
// Example_CallFlashAPI
// This function will interface to the flash API.
// Flash API functions ud in this function are executed from RAM in this
/ example.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#pragma CODE_SECTION(".TI.ramfunc");
#pragma CODE_SECTION(Example_CallFlashAPI, ".TI.ramfunc");
void Example_CallFlashAPI(void)
uint32 u32Index = 0;
uint16 i = 0;
Fapi_StatusType oReturnCheck;
Fapi_FlashStatusType oFlashStatus;
Fapi_FlashStatusWordType oFlashStatusWord;
// Note that wait-states are already configured in the Device_init().
// However, if INTOSC is ud as the clock source and
// if the CPUCLK falls in the range (97,100] (check other ranges given in DS),
// then an extra wait state is needed for FSM operations (era/program).
// Hence, below function call should be uncommented in ca INTOSC is ud.
// At 100MHz, execution wait-states for external oscillator is 4 and hence
// in this example, a wait-state of 5 is ud below.
/ This example is using external oscillator as the clock source and hence
// below is commented.
// This wait-state tting impacts both Flash banks. Applications which
// perform simultaneous READ/FETCH of one bank and PROGRAM or ERASE of the other // bank must u the higher RWAIT tting during the PROGRAM or ERASE operation. OR // u a clock source or frequency with a common wait state tting
// Example: U 97MHz instead of 100MHz if it is acceptable for the application.
// In ca, if ur application increments wait-state before using API,
// then remember to revert back to the original wait-state after the API usage
// to avoid extra wait-state during application execution from Flash.
// Flash_tWaitstates(FLASH0CTRL_BASE, 5);
// Initialize the Flash API by providing the Flash register ba address
// and operating frequency.
// This function is required to initialize the Flash API bad on System frequency
// before any other Flash API operation can be performed.
// This function must also be called whenever System frequency or RWAIT is changed.
//step 1
oReturnCheck = Fapi_initializeAPI(F021_CPU0_BASE_ADDRESS, 100);
if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success)
// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors
// Initialize the Flash banks and FMC for era and program operations.
// Fapi_tActiveFlashBank() function ts the Flash banks and FMC for further
// Flash operations to be performed on the banks.
// Note: It does not matter which bank is pasd as the parameter to initialize.
// Both Banks and FMC get initialized with one function call unlike F2837xS.
// Hence there is no need to execute Fapi_tActiveFlashBank() for each bank.
// Executing for one bank is enough.
/step 2
oReturnCheck = Fapi_tActiveFlashBank(Fapi_FlashBank0);
if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success)
// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors
//step 3
// Era Flash Bank0 ctor6
oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraSector,
(uint32 *)Bzero_Sector6_start);
/step 4
// Wait until FSM is done with era ctor operation
while (Fapi_checkFsmForReady() != Fapi_Status_FsmReady){}
if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success)
// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors
// Read FMSTAT register contents to know the status of FSM after
// era command to e if there are any era operation related errors
//step 5
oFlashStatus = Fapi_getFsmStatus();
if(oFlashStatus != 0)
// Check Flash API documentation for FMSTAT and debug accordingly
// Fapi_getFsmStatus() function gives the FMSTAT register contents.
// Check to e if any of the EV bit, ESUSP bit, CSTAT bit or
// VOLTSTAT bit is t (Refer to API documentation for more details).
// Do blank check
// Verify that Bank0 ctor6 is erad. The Era command itlf does a verify as
/ it goes. Hence era verify by CPU reads (Fapi_doBlankCheck()) is optional.
//step 6steam怎么玩
oReturnCheck = Fapi_doBlankCheck((uint32 *)Bzero_Sector6_start,
if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success)
// Check Flash API documentation for error info
// A data buffer of max 8 16-bit words can be supplied to the program function.
/ Each word is programmed until the whole buffer is programmed or a
// problem is found. However to program a buffer that has more than 8
石英斑岩// words, program function can be called in a loop to program 8 words for
// each loop iteration until the whole buffer is programmed.
// Remember that the main array flash programming must be aligned to
// 64-bit address boundaries and each 64 bit word may only be programmed
// once per write/era cycle. Meaning the length of the data buffer
// (3rd parameter for Fapi_issueProgrammingCommand() function) pasd
// to the program function can only be either 4 or 8.
/ Program data in Flash using "AutoEccGeneration" option.
// When AutoEccGeneration opton is ud, Flash API calculates ECC for the given // 64-bit data and programs it along with the 64-bit main array data.
// Note that any unprovided data with in a 64-bit data slice
// will be assumed as 1s for calculating ECC and will be programmed.
// Note that data buffer (Buffer) is aligned on 64-bit boundary for verify reasons. //
// Monitor ECC address for Bank0 Sector6 while programming with AutoEcc mode. //
// In this example, 0xFF+1 bytes are programmed in Flash Bank0 Sector6
// along with auto-generated ECC.
// Fill a buffer with data to program into the flash.
for(i=0; i <= WORDS_IN_FLASH_BUFFER; i++)//256
Buffer[i] = i;
for(i=0, u32Index = Bzero_Sector6_start;
(u32Index < (Bzero_Sector6_start + WORDS_IN_FLASH_BUFFER)) &&
(oReturnCheck == Fapi_Status_Success); i+= 8, u32Index+= 8)
oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueProgrammingCommand((uint32 *)u32Index, Buffer+i, 8, 0, 0, Fapi_AutoEccGeneration);//
// //step 8
// Wait until the Flash program operation is over
while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() == Fapi_Status_FsmBusy);
if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success)
// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors
// Read FMSTAT register contents to know the status of FSM after
// program command to e if there are any program operation related errors
//step 9
oFlashStatus = Fapi_getFsmStatus();
if(oFlashStatus != 0)
//Check FMSTAT and debug accordingly