耶鲁大学心理学导论中英文 字幕08

更新时间:2023-05-13 03:00:42 阅读: 评论:0

我要用一个不同的演示I'll begin the class officially
来正式开始这堂课的内容with a different sort of demonstration.
我想给你们看一个在现实中进行的I want to just show you one of the change-Blindness studies
变化盲视实验that has been done in the real world.
这些录像带没有公开发行And the videotapes are not available publicly.我们在网上找到了这些录像带  We get them from the web
然后用了一些java脚本来打开and e them as little java scripts.
这是丹尼尔·西蒙斯So, this is one of the first studies done
在康奈尔大学时所做的早期研究之一by Dan Simons when he was at cornell.
秋瑾墓他当时的导师是如今在我们系任教的And his advir at the time was our Frank Keil,
弗兰克·凯尔Who's now in our department.电力信息化
这就是他的研究So, here's the study.
人们根本没有注意到And you don't notice it.
变化盲视是实验科学家们Change blindness is one of the more striking phenomena
和心理学家们所发现的discovered by laboratory scientists
较为引人注意的现象之一and by psychologists.
但是请大家But it's important to realize,
抛开对大猩猩的惊奇to get away from the sort of surpri of the gorilla,指手划脚
以及人们很难看到闪过物体的and the fact that it's hard to e the flickering,
这个事实the object that's flickering,
理解这之中隐含的寓意是非常重要的and appreciate the big moral of this,因为我觉得这里的寓意becau the big moral of this is actually, I think,
实际上是非常惊人也是十分重要的striking and quite important.
你觉得你正在感知着这个世界You think right now that you're perceiving the world.
我在这里俯视你们  I look down on you
觉得自己对每个人的位置都了如指掌and I think I have a whole n of where everybody is.
我无法看清坐在后面的每位同学I can't e everybody perfectly in back.
因为你们离我太远有点模糊  You're kind of far away and blurry
但我还是能感知到周围的世界but there's a n in which I have a world around me.
同样如果我把眼睛闭上几秒钟Similarly, if I'm to clo my eyes for a cond,
一切照旧everything just remains
我大概能够记起一些原先的事物and I could sort of remember some of the things that are there.
刚才的声音是我做的一个很好的声音定位That's really good sound localization by me.
你们从下面往讲台上看So you're looking up
觉得自己感知并记住了这个场景and you think you have a n of the world both in perception and memory.
而变化盲视实验则表明事实并非如此The change-blindness experiment suggested this isn't true.尾戒的含义
变化盲视实验表明The change-blindness experiment suggests that
如果你盯着我看一小会if you look at me for a cond
而在这段时间里and during that cond
你所有的同学包括坐在你旁边的同学all of your classmates change positions,绝不放过你精彩片段
都换了座位including tho next to you,
你是很难注意到的you are extremely unlikely to notice.
变化盲视实验表明The change-blindness experiment suggests
如果你将目光从我身上挪到那边去that if you turn your eyes away from me towards there
停留片刻然后再看回来for a cond and turn back,
即便我换了一身完全不同的衣服and I'm dresd entirely differently,
你也不会注意到you wouldn't notice.
除非你有意识地告诉自己The exceptions would be if you told yourlf consciously,
"记住这个人的衣着"remember what this guy is wearing;
他穿的是这样那样的衣服"He's wearing this, that and the other."
但如果你并不是有意识地去观察But if you don't do it consciously
那你就不会注意到了you'll lo it,
通常情况下这是没问题的and usually this is okay.
通常来说没什么问题Usually, it's okay
是因为你的记忆系统和视觉系统becau your memory and your visual system
会应用一个关于宇宙万物的基本事实exploits    a basic fact about the univer,
这个事实就是which is that
多数事物在大部分的时间里是保持不变的most things stay the same most of the time.
我转头的时候I don't have to explicitly remember
并不需要明确地记住that you're over there
你是在那里的when I turn my head for a cond
因为无论如何你还是会在那里becau you'll be over there in any ca.
你不需要拥有关于世界的准确表征You don't need to hold preci reprentations of the world.
所以只有在某些特定情况下And so you only notice it
你才会注意到这些变化in certain clever circumstances.
一种特定情况是心理学家们One sort of clever circumstance is when psychologists change reality
在变化盲视实验中改变现实场景as in the change-blindness studies.
另一种情况就是电影A cond sort of circumstance is in movies.
人们在制作那些含有切换画面的电影时So, one of the big surpris
会惊奇地发现when people started making movies involving cuts
想要连续地理解电影中的一切was it is extremely difficult
是极其困难的to get everything continuously right.
你要非常努力才能注意到这一点And you need to work very hard to notice.电影里到处都是这种一致性错误So, there's all of the continuity errors that creep up into movies
而你必须得像电影爱好者那样and you have to be a film buff
把错误记录下来and writing it down
才会注意到这种情况to even notice this.
所以变化盲视在总体上所表达的寓意便是And the overall moral here then is
你对现实的感知程度远比你想象中的that your perception of reality is a lot more spar, a lot more limited,
更加稀少也更加有限than you might think it is.
这就是我们在上节课的最后所讲的内容So, this is where we were at the end of last class.
我们讲了不同种类的记忆We were talking about the different sorts of memories.
感觉记忆即你对当下的所见所闻Sensory memory, which is the sort of fraction of a cond
在瞬间的感觉残留of nsory residue of what you're hearing and what you're
工作记忆短时记忆  working memory, short-term memory,
然后是长时记忆and then long-term memory.
我们上节课讲了And we talked last class
外界信息是如何进入感觉记忆about how things get into nsory memory,又是如何进入工作记忆的into working memory,
以及注意在其中所起到的作用the role of attention.
实际上对变化盲视的各种研究And in fact, the change-blindness studies are actually just studies
正是在探查信息如何从感知进入意识of  how something gets from your ns to your consciousness
以及哪些信息能够进入意识哪些不能and what does and what doesn't.
现在我想讲一下Now I want to move to the distinction
工作记忆短时记忆between working memory, short-term memory,
和长时记忆之间的区别and long-term memory.
最明显的区别便是储存容量上的差异Now, the obvious distinction is actually just in fact--is storage differences.
长时记忆简称"LTM"  So, long-term memory or "LTM"
拥有巨大的储存能力has a huge storage capacity.
这种记忆很像你的电脑硬盘This is your memory like the hard drive of your computer.
它是会伴随你一生的记忆This is the memory you walk around with.
比如它存储着所有的英语单词It includes all the words in English, just for example,
大约六到八万个单词60 to 80,000 words.
它存储着你对所遇之人的印象It includes everybody you've ever met,
各种的语言面孔故事位置languages, faces, stories, locations,
童谣歌曲以及电视节目nurry rhymes, songs, TV programs.
富贵的近义词没有人知道它的存储容量有多大Nobody knows the storage.
你能记住所有曾经发生在你身上的事情It is not true that you remember everything
这个观点并不正确that has ever happened to you.
没有任何理由能够使你相信There's no reason to believe
这个观点是正确的that this is true.
但与此同时At the same time though,
你在大脑中的长时记忆里储存了海量信息you have a huge amount stored in your brain in long-term storage
事实上没有人--and nobody actually
记忆的储存容量肯定是有限的It has to be limited
因为大脑是有限的becau it's a finite, limited brain.
但并没有人知道储存容量到底有多大But nobody knows how big it is.
没人知道你的大脑能存储多少兆兆的字节Nobody knows how many terabytes you carry around in your brain计划生育证明模板
但是容量确实很大and--but it's a lot.
与之相比工作记忆Compare this to working memory,
短时记忆的储存容量the short-term memory,
实际上则非常有限which is actually very limited.
此时此刻Your memory of what you could store
你能够保持在意识之中的记忆on in--where you could hold in consciousness right now
是十分有限的is quite limited.
我们来做个练习不要把我说的写下来Here is an exerci. Do not write the things down.
我想要你们记住我说的And I want you to remember them.
我念一组数字I'm just gonna give you a few numbers.
{\3c&H111111&}{\4c&H111111&}14  59  11  109\N14, 59, 11, 109,
{\3c&H111111&}{\4c&H111111&}43  58  98  47\N43, 58, 98, 47,
{\3c&H111111&}{\4c&H111111&}25  389  44\N25, 389, 44.
请把这些数字写下来Plea write them down.
你们可以把这当做一次智力测验View this as an IQ test
如果这样想能让你们放松点的话if that would relax you.
参与这个实验的你们有多少人How many of you who decided to participate in this experiment
只写出了三个或者更少got three or less?
很好很好  Good. Good.
四个呢五个六个Four, five, six,
七个八个九个或者更多的ven, eight, nine or more?
有将十一个数字全部写出的人吗Anybody get all eleven?
这是个非常难的记忆任务This is a particularly difficult memory task.
这些数字毫无意义The numbers are meaningless.
我忘了告诉你们And I told--and I forgot to tell you

本文发布于:2023-05-13 03:00:42,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:储存   盲视   记忆
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