贸易⽤语 Trade Terms
搬运费 transportation charge
迎面接力跑教案磅码单 weight list
钥匙怎么读包 packet; package
长毛腊肠犬⽪重 actual tare
包装费 packing charge
保兑费 confirming charge; fee for confirmation
保兑信⽤证 confirmed letter of credit; confirmed L/C 保护贸易 protective trade
保护贸易政策 protectionism
保税仓库 bonded warehou
保险证书 letter of indemnity
保证⾦ margin (money)
保证书 letter of guarantee
保证银⾏ confirming bank房屋出租信息范文
检束报关单 manifest
报关⾏ custom (hou) broker
报价 quote; quotation
备忘录贸易 memorandum trade男人都会出轨吗
备⽤信⽤证 standby letter of credit; stand-by L/C
⽐价 compare bids
避光 keep out of the sun
拨款 appropriation
驳船费 lighterage