UNIT 22 Mechanical Properties of Polymers
The mechanical properties of polymers are of interest in all applications where polymers are ud as structural materials. Mechanical behavior involves the deformation of a material under the influence of applied forces.
The most important and most characteristic mechanical properties are called moduli. A modulus is the ratio between the applied stress and the corresponding deformation. The re-ciprocals of the moduli are called compliances. The nature of the modulus depends on the nature of the deformation. The three most important elementary modes of deformation and the moduli (and compliances) derived from them are given in Table 22.1, where the definitions of the elastic parameters are also given. ® Other very important, but more compl由里及外的按摩
icated, de-formations are bending and torsion. From the bending or flexural deformation the tensile modulus can be derived. The torsion is determined by the rigidity.
Cross-linked elastomers are a special ca. Due to the cross-links this polymer class shows hardly any flow behavior. The kinetic theory of rubber elasticity was developed by Kuhn , Guth, James, Mark, Flory, Gee and Treloar. It leads, for Young's modulus at low strains, to the following equation s
E=3RTp/Mcrl = 3zcrlRT/V=3C0
The paragraphs above dealt with purely elastic deformations, i. e. deformations in which the strain was assumed to be a time-independent function of the stress. In reality, materials are never purely elastic: under certain circumstances they have nonelastic properties. This is especially true of polymers, which may show nonelastic deformation under circum-stances in which metals may be regarded as purely elastic. ® It is customary to u the ex-pression viscoelastic deformations that are not purely elastic. Literally the term viscoelastic means the combinations of viscous and elastic properties. As the stress-strain relationship in viscous deformations is time-dependent, viscoelastic phenomena always involve the change of properties with time. Measurement of the respon in deformation of a viscoelastic material to periodic forces, for instance during forced vjbration, shows that stress and strain are not in pha; the strain lags behind the stress by a pha angle 8, the loss angle. So the moduli of the materials, the complex moduli, include the storage moduli which determine the amount of recoverable energy stored as elastic energy, and the loss moduli which determine the dissipation of energy a
s heat when the material is deformed.
UNIT 23 Thermal Properties of Polymer
The heat stability is cloly related to the transition and decomposition temperature, i. e. to intrinsic properties. By heat stability is exclusively understood the stability (or re-tention)
of properties (weight, strength, insulating capacity, etc. ) under the influence of heat. The melting point or the decomposition temperature invariably form the upper limit; the "u temperature" may be appreciably lower.
香港宝莲禅寺>缺土的名字The way in which a polymer degrades under the influence of thermal energy in an inert atmosphere is determined, on the one hand, by the chemical structure of the polymer itlf, on the other hand, by the prence of traces of unstable structures.
Thermal degradation does not occur until the temperature is so high that primary chemi-c
年夜饭几点吃al bonds are parated. For many polymers thermal degradation is characterized by the breaking of the weakest bond and is conquently determined by a bond dissociation energy. Since the change in entropy is of the same order of magnitude in almost all dissociation reac-tions, it may be assumed that also the activation entropy will be approximately the same. This means that, in principle, the bond dissociation energy determines the phenomenon. So it may be expected that the temperature at which the same degree of conversion is reached will be virtually proportional to this bond dissociation energy. ®
The process of thermal decomposition or pyrolysis is characterized by a number of ex-perimental indices, such as the temperature of initial decomposition, the temperature of h
alf decomposition, the temperature of the maximum rate of decomposition, and the average en-ergy of activation. The heat resistance of a polymer may be characterized by its "initial" and "half" decomposition.
There are two types of thermal decomposition: chain depolymerization and random de-composition. The former is the successive relea of monomer units from a chain end or at a weak link, which is esntially the rever of chain polymerization; ® it is often called deprop-agation or unzippering. This depolymerization begins at the ceiling temperature. Random degradation occurs by chain rupture at random points along the chain, giving a disper mix-ture of fragments which are usually large compared with the monomer unit. The two types of thermal degradation may occur parately or in combination; the latter ca is rather nor-mal. Chain depolymerization is often the dominant degradation process in vinyl polymers, whereas the degradation of condensation polymers is mainly due to random chain rupture.