Semibatch RAFT Polymerization for Branched Polyacrylamide Production: Effect of Divinyl
环境变量设置Monomer Feeding Policies
期刊名称: Aiche Journal
教师师德小结作者: Dunming Wang,Wen㎎un Wang,Bo〨eng Li,Shiping Zhu
作者机构: Dept. of Chemical EngineeringMcMaster
倒数的概念UniversityHamiltonONCanadaL8S 4L7
年份: 2013年
关键词: polymerization;polymer properties;monomer feeding policies;star
polyacrylamide;hyperbranched polyacrylamide
摘要:Star and hyperbranched polyacrylamides (s-PAMs and b-PAMs) were synthesized via mibatc
h RAFT copolymerization of acrylamide (AM) and N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide (BisAM) using four monomer feeding policies. The BisAM to chain transfer agent (CTA) ratios from 1 to 40 at a constant [AM](0)/[CTA](0) of 600 were investigated at 60 degrees C. The s-PAMs with the number of arms of 1.4-12.8 and 1.8-8.4 were, respectively, produced by arm-first (AF) and core-first (CF) approaches, whereas the b-PAMs having the branching density of 1.34-
13.1C/1000Cs were synthesized by constant BisAM feeding (mibatch polymerization, SB) and batch (batch polymerization, BA). Soluble b-PAMs were produced with the four feeding policies at [BisAM](0)/[CTA](0) of 5. However, when the [BisAM](0)/[CTA](0) was incread to 30, the gelation occurred with the CF