本篇作者Jon Miller先生在上世纪90年代和大野耐一的优秀学生在美国联合技术公司UTC指导改善,将当时顶尖日本改善顾问在现场辅导时采用的常用改善工具整理而成,这十大改进工具之间环环相扣,在看似简单工具背后隐藏当时顶尖日本改善顾问的咨询思想,大道至简,值得精益实践者细细品味。
本文作者是实践并推动精益二十余年的精益大师,设计和主导如飞利浦等众多全球跨国集团企业精益转型项目。其撰写的《 TOP 10 Improvement Tools Named After Lean Seni》博客获得全球精益人士关注,也在中国精益圈获得很大关注,并在许多精益公众号中转载。Jon Miller先生能够讲流利的英中日文,他著有新乡奖获奖书籍《创建改善文化》一书,并且是唐道述精益战略咨询北美董事,也是美国GembaAcademy学院创设人。
TOP 10 Improvement Tools Named After Lean Seni
1. Ohno Circle 大野耐一圈旅游景区管理
Taiichi Ohno was the Toyotaexecutive largely responsible for structuring and implementing the system knowntoday as the Toyota Production System over four decades after World War II.Ohno was known for drawing a chalk circle around managers and making them standin the circle until they had en and documented all of the problems in aparticular area.
Today the “stand in a circle”exerci is a great way to train one’s eyes to e waste and to providestructure for the team leader to do daily improvement or for the busy executivewith limited time to go to gemba.
When you spend time on the gembastanding in the Ohno Circle, you will e the gap between the target conditionand the actual condition. It’s time to decide where to start first in closingthis gap, using the Pareto principle.
2. Pareto Chart 帕累托图
In 1906 Italian economistVilfredo Pareto simplified the world for us with his 80/20 rule, or what isknown as the Pareto principle. This is most often expresd in a Pareto chart.
Identify the vital few that willgive you the biggest impact towards closing the gap between current conditionand target condition, and when that’s done, move onto the next tallest bar inthe Pareto.
To focus on addressing the root caus of the top 20% factors that are keepingyour from hitting the target, the next step is to dig deeper into the rootcaus using the Ishikawa Diagram.
制作兔子灯笼3. Ishikawa Diagram 鱼骨图
The Ishikawa Diagram (also calledthe fishbone diagram or cau and effect diagram) was introduced in the 1960sby Kaoru Ishikawa. Ishikawa pioneered quality management
process at theKawasaki shipyards, and in became one of the founding fathers of modernmanagement. The diagram shows the caus of a certain event or condition. TheIshikawa Diagrma is one of the ven QC tools including the histogram, Paretochart, check sheet, control chart, flowchart, and scatter diagram.
It is quite a flexible tool. Rootcau analysis can be conducted for manufacturing or production-type processusing the 4M (man, material, machine, methods) or sometimes up to 6M (addmother nature, measurement) as well as 4P (price, promotion, place, product)for a marketing and sales kaizen.
Now that you have identified theroot caus of your problem, you are ready to implement countermeasures. Forthat, you’ll need an action plan.
4. Gantt Chart 甘特图
Henry Gantt was a management consultantwho popularized the project management tool
known as the Gantt Chart sometimearound 1910.
Anyone who has ud MicrosoftProject or who has ud this classic project management tool has Mr. Gantt tothank. He revolutionized the managing of large, complex projects such asconstruction, worldwide when he introduced his Gantt Chart.
Gantt was a very early Leanni in that he t the foundation for later developments such as standardwork combination sheet, scheduling a day’s work and work balancing. The actionplan must not be limited to “plan and do” but also “check and act / adjust”according to the PDCA Cycle, also known as the Deming Wheel.
5. Deming Wheel 戴明环
The Deming Wheel is also known asthe PDCA Wheel. Edwards Deming is credited with teaching PDCA to the Japane,but proper credit should be given to Walter Shewhart, the pioneeringstatistician and teacher of Deming, who originated the PDCA notion.