Componential analysis
Componential analysis was known as CA, which is also called feature analysis or contrast analysis, refers to the description of the meaning of words. In making componential analysis, we need to find out mantic features and u rectangles or square brackets to describe the meaning of the words. For example:
四川高考状元 | man | woman | boy | girl |
human | 稼轩是谁 + | + | + | + |
adult | + | + | – | – |
| | | | |
Man [+human +adult +male]
Woman [+human +adult –male]
From the forms, it is easy to find out the difference between the words. Naturally, there are some merits of componential analysis. First of all, it is simple, clear and formalized whic
h is benefit for language teaching as well as understanding of the mantic structure. The meaning of the words can be understood easily. Also, it can provide convenience for machine translation. Second, through componential analysis of words, we could know the correct collocation and analyze the syntactic structure so that we can write the correct ntences. Eg:
1 Tom has become an English teacher for two years.
新疆烤羊排2 Tom has been an English teacher for two years.
The surface structures of the two ntences are very similar, but if we analysis the verb, we could find that the verb“become”that ud in ntence① is [+momentary], and can not collocate with ‘for+time’, while in ntence②, “be” is a [–momentary] verb, and it can co-occur with ‘for+time’, so ntence② 高中作文议论文can be accepted whereas ntence① 恐怖的小故事can not. Good as it is, it also has some demerits.
⑴ the mantic filed is possd of characteristic of different levels, interlocking, variabil爱的呼唤
ity, nationality-cultural property, while analyzing words, it must u the methods for contrast, it can only analyze the words which are the same kind of language and also the words of same nature. For example, we can’t distinguish the word “brother” and the word “eat”, becau they are different part of speech.
⑵it has some limitations; it is difficult to make sure the number of the components. And we could not apply the finite components to explain the mantic system of one language. It can not distinguish the word meaning accurately. For example, if we analyze “take” [+make onelf +posss], some other words can also analyze in [+make onelf +posss], as the word “steal”. So the mantic feature which is not a clod system, it has a large number of components and which can not be made sure.
⑶the componential analysis which is so subjective, when analyzing a word, which feature should be cho and which should be banned, it depends on us. It lacks of objective criterion. It only distinguishes the esntial features, not the fine features.
⑷componential analysis is uful only in a limited field, it accounts for only some parts of
a language’s vocabulary. Some adjective words or verbs that can not be analyzed. Just as what are mantic features of ugly, angry?
⑸it could not distinguish the emotional coloring. Some words that have the same meaning, but they express the different emotion. Such as the “accomplice” and the “collaborator”, one is pejorative, the other is commendatory.
电脑连接投影仪Therefore, there are some restrictions of componential analysis, some more other analysis methods should be added to make it better u.