arrect 控诉
arrest convention 扣船公约
arrest of judgement 停止判决
如何植树arrest of judgment 阻止判决
arrest of izure under legal process 依法扣留或扣押
arrest of ship directly involved 扣押当事船舶
arrest of ship owned by the carrier 扣押承租人拥有的船舶
arrest of ship 扣船
arrest of sister ship 扣押姊妹船
arrest or izure under legal process 依法将船扣留
arrest ship 船舶扣押
arrest under legal process 依法扣留
arrest 逮捕;扣留
arrest 扣押
arrest 扣押制动装置
arrest 制动装置阻止
arrested property 被扣押的财产
arrester switch 避雷器开关
arrester arrestor
arrester 避雷器制动装置捕拿者火焰消除器
arrester 火焰消除器;制动装置;避雷器
arresting device 止动装置
arresting gear 制动装置
arresting lever 制动杆
arresting nut 止动螺母
arresting nut 制动螺母
arresting pin 止动销
arresting 阻止的
arrestment 逮捕
arrestor 同arrester
arris-piece 棱形楔
arrival at port 到港
arrival ballast 到港时压载
arrival ballast 到港压载
arrival card 更改地址通知书
arrival clau 到港付款条款蛮王皮肤
arrival condition 到港状况
arrival draft 到港时的吃水
arrival list 到达船客名单
arrival list 到达船旅客名单
arrival note 到达通知单
arrival notice 到船通知
arrival notice 到船通知到达通知
arrival notice 到船通知到货通知书抵达通知书
arrival notice 到达通知
arrival notice 到货(抵港
arrival notice 抵港通知书鹿角膏
arrival notification form 抵达通知表
arrival of goods 到货
arrival of ship 船舶抵达
arrival of shipping documents 发货单据到达
香螺arrival pilot station 抵达引航站引航站
arrival point 到达地
arrival port 到达港
arrival 到达
arrival 到达
arrival 到达到来
arrival 抵达
arrival.arrived 到达
arrivaldeparture 抵达离港
arrive 到达
arrive 到达到达抵达
arrive 抵达
arrived in good order 安全良好到达
arrived ship 到达船
arrived ship 到达船到达船舶
arrived weight 到岸重量
arrived weight 到达时重量
arrived 到达的
arrived 抵港
arrived 抵港已到达
arrived 抵港已到达已进港已抵达
arrived 已进港已抵达
arriving draft 到港吃水
arrow down 箭头向下
热爱生活热爱写作arrow head 箭头
arrow line 箭头线
arrow mark down 箭头倒了
arrow up 箭头向上
arrow 箭头
arrow 箭头指针
arrow 箭头指针朝上或朝下的标记
arrow 指针
arrowroot 葛根粉
arroyo 河
ar 滑车底部
arnic bronze 砷青铜
arnic 砒霜
arnic 砷
arson 放火
art metal furniture 金属家具
art of navigation 航海技术
art of navigation 航海术;船艺
art work 工艺
art 技术艺术
art 技术艺术
art 项目
art 艺术
artemon 地中海古船的小前桅
arterial 干线的
artery 动脉
artesian well 涌泉井
article for ships 船用品
article not otherwi provided for 未列明
article not otherwi provided for 未另列明
article of agreement 雇用合同
article of consumption 消耗品
article of trade 商品
article of war 战争条款
article prohibited for u in harbour 港内禁用品
article 条款
article 项目
article 项目条款物品
article 项目条款物品章
article 章
articles of agreement 船员雇用合同
articles of association of china classification society 中国船级社章程
articles of war 《战争条款》
articles of war 陆军法规
articles restricted for ud in port 港内禁用物品
articulate 接合
articulate 接合起来的
articulated air-cushion 组合式气垫船
articulated anchor 铰接锚
articulated barge 铰接驳
articulated barge 铰接式驳船
articulated car 铁路平车
articulated connecting rod 铰接式连杆
articulated conveyer 铰接输送机
articulated conveyer 绞接输送机
articulated gear 联式减速齿轮
articulated gear 链式齿轮
articulated gearing 链式齿轮传动装置
articulated joint 活动接合
articulated joint 活节接合
articulated joint 铰链接合
articulated loading column 装货系链
articulated loading column 装货系链装货系链桩
articulated pipe 铰接管
articulated pipe 铰链管
articulated rudder 襟翼舵
articulated ship 铰接船
articulated suction tube 铰接式吸管
articulated trailer 拖车
articulated tug-barge 软连推驳
articulated ventilation 人工通风
articulated 铰接的
articulation index 清晰度指数
articulation 铰接;关节;清晰度
articulation 铰链
artificer diver 潜水长
artificer diver 潜水员
artificer diver 潜水员潜水长
artificer 工匠技工
artificer 技工
artificer's knot 技工结
artificer's 技工的
artificial aerial 仿真天线
artificial aging 人工老化
artificial antenna 仿真天线
artificial antenna 模拟天线
artificial antenna 模拟天线仿真天线