dad | n.(口)爸爸 |
daily | adj.每日的,日常的 adv.每天 n.日报 |
in one's daily life | (组)在日常生活中 |
dairy | n.牛奶场;乳品店 adj.牛奶(制)的;乳品 |
dam | n.水闸,坝 |
damage | vt./n.损害;损坏 |
damp | n.潮湿 adj.潮湿的 |
dance | n.舞蹈;舞会 v.跳舞 |
dancer | 欢迎新同事n.舞者 |
danger | n.危险 |
in danger(of…) | (组)处于(…的)危险中 |
out of danger | (组)脱离危险 |
dangerous | adj.危险的 |
dare | v.aux./vt.敢(做情态动词时不用于肯定句) |
daring | adj./n.大胆(的),勇敢(的) |
dark | adj.黑暗的;深色的,黑的 n.黑暗,暗处;天黑 |
at dark | (组)天黑时 |
in the dark | 《画》歌词 (组)在暗处 |
darkness | n.黑暗 |
darling | n.心爱的人;(称呼)亲爱的 |
dash | vi.猛冲 n.猛冲;短跑;破折号;一笔,一划 |
data | n.(pl.)数据;资料 |
date | n.日期;(尤指与异性)约会 vi.追溯,起源 |
date from=date back to | (组)追溯到,起源(用于一般现在时) |
dated | adj.过时的(=outdated) |
daughter | n.女儿 |
dawn | n.黎明,天亮 |
at dawn | (组)天亮时 |
day | 很烦躁怎么办n.天,日子;白天;时代 |
to this day | (组)至今(与现在完成时连用) |
心爱的什么every day | (组)每天(everyday作形容词用),表示“日常的”) |
one day | (组)(过去或未来的)某一天 |
some day | (组)(未来的)每一天 |
the other day | (组)前几天世界为什么讨厌犹太人 |
the days | (组)近来,这几天 |
the day before | (组)前一天 |
the day before yesterday | (组)前天 |
the day after tomorrow | (组)后天 |
all day(long) | (组)一整天 |
day after day | (组)日复一日 |
day by day | (组)一天天地 |
day and night | (组)日以继夜 |
daybreak | n.破晓,黎明 |
daylight | n.日光;日间 |
in broad daylight | (组)大白天里,光天化日之下 |
daytime | adj./n.白天(的) |
in the daytime | (组)在白天 |
dead | adj.死的 |
deadly | adj.致命的 |
deadline | n.最后期限 |
meet the deadline | (组)赶上截止时间 |
deaf | adj.聋的 |
deafness | n.耳聋 |
deafen | vt.使聋 |
deafening | adj.震耳欲聋的 |
deal | vi.处理 n.数量;交易 |
deal with | (组)处理,对待(在疑问句中与how连用);论及;与…交往 |
a good/great deal of | (组)大量的(修饰不可数名词) |
dealer | n.商人 |
dear | adj.亲爱的;昂贵的 |
death | n.死亡 |
debate | v./n.辩论;争论 |
蚕丝被怎么清洗debt | n.欠债,债务 |
be in debt | (组)欠债 |
decade | n.十年 |
decay | v.(使)腐烂,(使)蛀蚀;衰退 n.腐烂,蛀蚀;衰退 |
deceive | vt.欺骗 |
decide | v.决定 |
decide(not)to do | (组)决定(不)做 |
decide on/upon | (组)决定… |
decisive | adj.决定性的 |
decision | n.决定 |
make a decision | (组)做决定 |
deck | n.甲板 |
declare | vt.宣布 |
declaration | n.宣布;宣言 |
decline | v.谢绝,婉言谢绝 vi./n.减少,下降;衰退 |
decorate | v.装饰,装潢 |
decoration | n.装饰,装潢;(常~s)装饰物 |
decrea | v.减少,降低 n.减少,降低 |
deed | n.事情;行为 |
do good deeds | (组)做好事 |
deep | adj./adv.深 |
deeply | adv.深深地 |
deepen | v.(使)变深 |
deer | n.(pl.)鹿 |
defeat | vt./n.打败 |
defence,defen | n.防御,保卫;辩护 |
defend | vt.防御,保卫;为…辩护 |
defensive | adj.防御的,保卫的;辩护的 |
defendant | n.被告 |
define | vt.给…下定义 |
definite | adj.确定的 |
definition | n.定义 |
degree | n.程度;度数;学位 |
to a certain degree | (组)在某种程度上 |
a doctor's/master's/bachelor's degree | (组)博士/硕士/学士学位 |
delay | v./n.推迟;耽搁,延误 |
delay doing | (组)推迟做 |
delegate | n.代表七嘴八舌的近义词 |
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