尊敬的来宾:Distinguished guests:
Welcome to Changzhou XXXXCo., Ltd. visit, study, work, the following safety precautions that you must pay attention to, This will make you more cure here, smooth and enjoyable:
All visitors of your activities must be registered by the guard by the reception staff of the Company General Manager's Office arranged, and is responsible for accompanying reception.
In the cour of your visit, once an emergency call the company you inside an emergency call: 851 156 ***, plea tell the phone your name, location and emergency
information is to help us to rve you.新人培训计划
Plea obrve the plant into the factory vehicle traffic rules, and out of the guard at the speed limit of 5km / h, the factory speed limit 20km / h plant prohibited honk
and stick. Plea park vehicles in designated areas.
Submission of cargo vehicles into the company accountable for submission of cargo into a single procedure, the guard at the registration, numbering, line up,the company
produced the goods to be carried out with single and subject to curity screening company and command.
五、在公司区域内(进出或工作),必须佩戴厂证(含临时入厂证、来访证),严禁无证、不明身份人员在 厂内逗留。
Area in the company (or work out), must wear factory certificate (including provisional certificates into the plant, visiting card), is prohibited without alicen,
unidentified people stay in the factory.
Where the guests into the company and negotiate business visitors, activities in the designated areas is strictly prohibited without the connt oftrespassing in other
regions and departments.
Prohibits carrying hazardous materials (flammable, explosive, chemical) into the plant.
To enter the workshop, plea obtain authorization or accompanied by company staff, and in accordance with the requirements of the regional workshop, to comply with
safety requirements, wear a good person Before entering the labor protection articles. Children can not enter the workshop or laboratory site.
Plea right-hand man to walk the line in a special channel. Plea do not run and pay attention to the situation at the foot of the road, so as not to fall.
Plea do not touch too near the equipment and operating equipment. Plea note belongings, to prevent items from falling from a visit to the aisles
Not the whole content is strictly prohibited clothing, shorts, vests, slippers and other bad image to enter the company,the company shall not indecent behavior
(in public places to sit, down and lateral position).
Health care for the environment, littering is strictly prohibited, misplacing items and green area riding pressure.
The work of civilization, be sure that non-fighting theft, and offenders should bear all loss resulting rious cas, nt to the public curity organ for handling.
For your safety and well-being, and to lights Co., Ltd. Changzhou XXXXprosperity and prosperity, plea comply with our company's safety management regulations. If you have
questions or need moreinformation, plea to the companysafety management information, the last wish you every success in Division I!