Mattel, Inc.
Company Profile
Publication Date: 27 Oct 2011
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Company Overview (4)
Key Facts (4)
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Mattel (or ‘the company ’) is engaged in designing, manufacturing and marketing of toys across the world.The company ’s key global brands include Barbie, Hot Wheels, American Girl, and Fisher-Price.The company operates in the Americas, Asia Pacific, and Europe. It is headquartered in El Segundo,California and employs about 31,000 people.
The company recorded revenues of $5,856.2 million during the financial year ended December 2010(FY2010), an increa of 7.8% over 2009.The operating profit of the company was $901.9 million in FY2010, an increa of 23.4% over 2009.The net profit was $684.9 million in FY2010, an increa of 29.5% over 2009.KEY FACTS
Mattel, Inc.
Head Office 333 Continental Boulevard
El Segundo
California 90245 5012
1 310 25
2 2000Phone
Web Address 5,856.2
Revenue / turnover (USD Mn)
December Financial Year End
Market Ticker Mattel, Inc.
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Company Overview
Mattel (or ‘the company ’) is engaged in designing, manufacturing and marketing of toy products across the world.The company ’s key global brands include Barbie, Hot Wheels, American Girl, and Fisher-Price.The brands are highly recognized in the industry, and its core brands provide it with st
eady sales and earnings visibility. However, failure to comply with government regulations could have a negative impact on Mattel ’s business, financial condition and results of operations Weakness Strengths
High customer concentration Strong portfolio of leading toy brands
Worldwide sales distribution network
Threats Opportunities
Compliance with government regulations Growing global toys and games market
Growing private label toys market
Licensing agreement with DreamWorks
Animation SKG Strengths
Strong portfolio of leading toy brands
Mattel is one of the largest toy companies in the world.The company has some of the highly recogniz
ed brands in the industry, and its core brands provide it with steady sales and earnings visibility. Mattel's product lineup consists of some of the best-known brands in children's toys including Barbie, Hot Wheels, American Girl, T ycoRC, Power Wheels, Polly Pocket and Fisher Price. Barbie has been the most popular fashion doll brand for last 50 years. Fisher-Price is the leading brand in the global infant and preschool toys category and Hot Wheels is one of the leading brands in the global toy-car category. Strong global brands provide a competitive advantage to Mattel in most of the markets in which it operates. Furthermore, the universal acceptance of brands helps the company penetrate new and existing markets.
Worldwide sales distribution network
Mattel sustains its business scale by reaching to a larger customer ba.The company has its prence in 43 countries and territories. In the US, Mattel lls products directly to the retailers including discount and free-standing toy stores, department stores, other retail outlets.The company also markets its products to wholesalers through its Mattel Girls & Boys Brands US and Fisher-Price Brands US.
Mattel, Inc.
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SWOT Analysis