高一年级第一次学程考试英语科试卷露人。我第1日选件进部分(A1009)第一部分力(月两节、满分20分)2一1(共3小器。每小题15分,满分15分)新下面5段对话,每及对话后有一个小数,从题中所给的 A.8.C 三个选项中造出能作比项,并标在试题费的相位位置,究物表时话后,你都有1090的时间来日在有天小眼和网次下 小题,你取对话仅读一词。
1. How is the weather in the woman's opinion?
A. Warm.
B. Cold.
C. Hot.
2 What does the man mean?
A. He alnrady las plani B. The woman should decide.
C. He will make ia reurvation 3. Why did the man go to Beijing?
A. To visit his parents B. To have an interview.
C. To receive job training 4. What are the two speakers talking about?
A. What to take up (A) an a hobby.
B. How to keep fit.
C. How to deal with stress (E)5. What will the man do fina"A. Clean his noom B. Go on a picmic.
C. Wee clothes.
第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,清分22.5分)请所下面5设时话成确门。每段对话成株白的有几个小题,从照小用始的 A3,C 三个选理中为出住选境。开和在试器参的相应位置,而每段对动或性白前。你的有时问能读各个小题,每小题5的钟,完,各个器给出5秒种的作时间,每及对试成社白计两。
6. What are the two speakers doing?
A. Seeing a movic B. Having dimmer C. Making soup 7 What makes the man unhappy?
A. The woman doesn't cook very weil.
B. The woman ldom talks to him at dimer.
C. The woman watches tou many commercials ()第了设材料,同特第8798.
8. What is the woman going to do after dinner?
A. Watch TV.
B. Give a speech.
C. Liten to a speech 9. What do we inow about the woman?
A. She feels very tired B. She cnjoys the election() vory much.
C Sbe likes to shake hands with many peoplie.
所第日科料、同的果10年江题10. Whene is the weman from?
A. The UK B. America C. Russia 11. What do the kids ask for on Halloween?
A. Candy B. Manks.
C. Clothex 12. What will the woman do?
A. Buy some candy.
B. Attend a purty C. Make masks 平第9没科料,日部第13414813. What is the man reading?
A.'A testhook B. A magazine C. A novel.
14. Why are some people against kung fu novels?
A. They think kung fu novels are bad for emapen.
B. They think kung fu novels are not unelul today.
C. They don't think highly of kung fu writers.
15. What ant kung fu nevels comsideted as by some people?
A. Old Chine literature (X)B. Medert Chine literate.
C. Future Chine literature.
16. What does the woman think of the new tesibook?
A. She is indifferent (, 无所) to them.
B. She is in favor of (支) them.
C. She in against them.
所第10段村料,回答第江至20817. How long han the woman boen coughing?
A. Two day B. Three days C. Four days.
18. What is wrong with the woman?
A. She han a headache.
I. She is tired C. She has got the thu.
19. What does the man tell the woman to do?
A. Stay in hed for some time,B. Go around from time to time.
C. Come to e him tomorrow moeneng.
20. Whene does the comvemation most probably take place?
A. In the strec B. In the man's office C. At the woman's 二分理,请分00分)第一节(共15个题,每小题2.5分,分37.5分)阅证下判超文,从每能所性的四个选项(A.3.C.3)中 A 出最位运理。
Top Summer Music Festivals to Travel to Summer is the best time of a year for music lovens, especially if yoou kove the oundocr concon ene Fesival nson in jut kicking off, and there is a lot to look forward to in the uponming monts.
Primavera Sound To kick off the rammer, there's so better place than Rarcelena. On the comcet lineup, youll find bunds like The Zumbies, Ancade Fire, and Bon iver Then take some time to lante the local food and wine.
May 31-June 4, Barcelona. Spain Music Type: Rock, hip-hop Price: S86-3323Governors Ball Onc of the greal summer concerts in New York City is Govemor's Ball, whoch takes place in carly June at Randall's Island Park. Some of the playing artint include Tool, Phoeno, Londe, Flume, andthe Wo-Tang Ca family who have this kind of thing on s daily basis or shanng somcthing with pcople who don June 2-4:New York Cny.New York.USA even have tbe most baic thing Michael sid."Hopefully.this will also give the stirt for other Music Type:Rock,hip-bop.pop wodding dinners to be hel here with our htherndnd Price $105.S 40524.Why did so many people cruwd in Kilis?
Bo 有 ne A.To attend Michael and Linda's wedding B.To sipport the entaniration Bornoo is ther summer event that draws in ctowds of around .000 cach ycar Some of the C.To ecape the damaging carthquake D.To help distribute free daily meal most well-knowm mu
scians will he plmying this yeat,ineluding U2.Red Hot Chi Prpper.The 25.How did the couple celehrte their wedding?
Weckad,and Chance the Rapper A.They treated their fnends and relatives to abig dinner June1;Manchester,Tmnc.USA B.They shared their happinessi h homeless in Kilis Muak 下 peRo,hiphep C.They afforded the emire cos of the day fr feeding victims Pn0s210-s54D.They took photosith tegrfuvictin Firel Musie Festival 26.Whut docs the underlnod word "approached"in Paragraph 2 mcan?
Many poople haven thouhl af ening to Delawarg for a mid-June is a rreat A14n,15,mn#,C,cane ncress D 山 uwh tme to plan this trip if you love music Headliners for this years shiw arc The Weeknd.Mu,27.Wecin know from the text tut Iwenty One Pilots.Chance the Rapper and Hob Dylan A.Kilis is a place which hes in southeam Turicy June 15-18.Dover,Deleware,USA 1 Ted was a represcrtive of the orgniraon Musc Iype B 生.odt C.Linda adopted the suggestion immediely she hear it mcS179-s499D.Mchucl dogbted if more new oouples would folow him 21.What is special abou Firefly Music Feitival?