1. 概述Summary
2. 听写Dictation
3. 精听Intensive listening
Intensive listening,指的是精听。小编所说的“精听”,并不只是指全神贯注地听,当然,这是必须的。我所说的“精听”步骤如下:
as a result 、therefore 、since、for 、for this reason 、so、becau 、conquently 、as、thus
first 、before 、first of all、on the right/left、next、to begin with、turn right/left 、afterward、meanwhile、cond、 last but not least 、for a start、third 、finally、 until、between 、firstly 、subquently、then 、condly 、previously、in the middle 、for one thing、 for another、after 、in the first place
as a result、altogether 、finally、in short、therefore 、overall、in sum 、thus、 on the whole、in brief 、accordingly、to conclude、in a word 、conquently、 to sum up、in conclusion、 so 、to summarize
and、in addition to that、one more thing 、what’s more 、besides 、too、as well as、for instance 、both and 、together、for example 、further more 、such as、in addition 、likewi、 like、similarly、moreover
although 、by contract 、as a matter of fact、nevertheless 、in contrast 、instead、 however 、while 、otherwi、though、 but 、despite、on the contrary 、on the other hand 、in the same way、in spite of 、yet 、whereas
that is 、in particular、 I mean、namely、 especially、 actually、in other words 、that is to say 、specially、another way of saying、 equally
define, is defined as, known as, that is, the term means, we mean, we can state
4. 高质量泛听High-quality extensive listening
High-quality extensive listening,指的是高质量的泛听。泛听不用像精听那样每个细节都得突破,只需要把握住整体的语流,听懂说话人的大概意思就可以。而高质量的泛听,指的是必须全神贯注的听。泛听的“泛”并不指态度的懒散,而是针对整体的要求。
泛听最佳的材料有两个:一个是National Geographic(国家地理),另一个是Discovery(探索)。看的时候,一定要有英文字幕。每天看一集,养成习惯,会有极大收获。
5. 高难度材料Challenging materials
Challenging materials,意思是“有挑战性的材料”,指的是备考托福听力,平时听力练习的
6. 下意识听力训练Subconscious listening practice
Subconscious listening practice,意思是“下意识的听力练习”,它指的是我们要自己为自己创造一个英文的环境,比如早晨一起床,我们就打开音箱播放英语,可以是托福的听力机经材料,也可以是英文广播,也可以是一部英文电影,只要是英文的就行,这样做的好处是我们随时都可以听到英语,这样会在潜移默化中加强我们对英语的敏感。
City dwellers can attest that the animals they share the city with—the pigeons, rats, roaches—can be pretty brazen when they're prowling for a bite.
While visiting Barbados, McGill University neurobiologist Jean-Nicolas Audet, noticed that local bullfinches were acplished thieves.
"They were always trying to steal our food.
And we can e tho birds entering in supermarkets, trying to steal food there."
And that gave him an idea.
"Since this bird species is able to solve amazing problems in cities, and they're also prent in rural areas, we were wondering" are the rural birds also good problem-solvers, and they just don't take advantage of their abilities?
Or are they fundamentally different?
So Audet and his McGill colleagues captured Barbados bullfinches, both in the island's to
wns and out in the countryside.
They then administered the bird equivalent of personality and IQ tests:asssing traits like boldness and fear, or timing how quickly the finches could open a puzzle box full of eds.
And it turns out the city birds really could solve puzzles faster.
They were bolder, too, except when it came to dealing with new objects—perhaps assuming, unlike their more naive country cousins, that new things can either mean reward…or danger.
The study is in the journal Behavioral Ecology.
The city birds bested their country counterparts in another trait:they have more robust immune systems, possibly from scavenging food and water in dirty places.
Which suggests that sometimes, a city's dirt and grit could be the very thing that gives avian residents a wing up.