Business To Manufacturing
Markup Language
B2MML – Product Definition
Version 03
August 26, 2005
Product Definition Schema
IMPORTANT: While the information, data, and standards provided in this publication were developed and are prented in good faith in accordance with a reasonable process that was subject to intellectual property and antitrust policies to benefit the industry as a whole, the publication is provided “as is” for information and guidance only, and there is no reprentation or warranty of any type or kind, including but not limited to warranties of mer
chantability or fitness for a particular purpo, and no warranty that u of the information, data, or standards will not infringe patent, copyright, trademark, trade cret, or other intellectual property rights of any party.
Table of Contents
Change History:
Change | Date | Person | Description |
V01 | 7 April 2002 | Dennis Brandl Dave Emerson | Initial relea |
V02 | 23 Sept 2003 | Dennis Brandl Dave Emerson | Changed any to "Any" element of type "AnyType" |
V03 | 26 Aug 2005 | Dennis Brandl Dave Emerson | Added substitution groups. One group added just before each Any element. |
| | | |
Copyright 2005 WBF
This WBF Work including specifications, documents, software, and related items referred to as the Business To Manufacturing Markup Language B2MML is provided by the copyright holders under the following licen.
Permission to u, copy, modify, or redistribute this Work and its documentation, with or without modification, for any purpo and without fee or royalty is hereby granted provided the WBF is acknowledged as the originator of this Work using the following statement:
"The Business To Manufacturing Markup Language B2MML is ud courtesy of the WBF."
In no event shall the WBF, its members, or any third party be liable for any costs, expens, loss, damages or injuries incurred by u of the Work or as a result of this agreement.
Schema Scope
Key Information Assumptions
Model of Exchanged Product Definition Information
This schema us a common schema for definition of elements that are ud in multiple schemas, such as ID, Description, and Value. See the document defining the WBF95Common schema for definition of the common elements.
Key U Assumptions
The model only defines the exchanged information and does not define the u of the information or encapsulation of the information in any defining transactions.
A manufacturing bill identifies a material or material class that is needed for production of the product.
The manufacturing bill includes all us of the material in production of the product, while the product gment’s material specification defines just the amount ud in a gment of production.