Sushi Domain Containing 2 (SUSD2) inhibits platelet activation and binding to high-grade rous ovarian
carcinoma cells
期刊名称: Platelets
作者: Lager, Tyson W.,Roetman, Jessica J.,Kunkel, Jacob,Thacker, Megan,Sheets,
Jordan N.,Egland, Kristi A.,Miles, Cecelia M.,Larson, Mark K.,Gubbels, Jennifer A. A.
年份: 2018年
关键词: GPIIb/IIIa;ovarian cancer;SUSD2
摘要:Platelets play a central role in primary hemostasis affecting tumor survival and metastas. Tumors induce platelets to aggregate and bind to the cancer cells, resulting in protection from immune surveillance and often leading to thrombocytosis. In ovarian cancer (OvCa), one-third of patients pre
nt with thrombocytosis, a diagnosis that correlates with shorter survival. SUSD2 (SUShi Domain containing 2), a type I transmembrane protein, shown to inhibit metastatic process in high-grade rous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC), is expresd on endothelial cells and thus may influence platelet reactivity. As such, we hypothesized that SUSD2 levels in ovarian cancer-derived cell lines influence
platelet activation. We incubated OvCa non-targeting (NT) and SUSD2 knockdown (KD) cell lines with labeled platelets and quantified platelet binding, as...