
更新时间:2023-05-12 06:12:28 阅读: 评论:0

线路工程railway line engineering
铁路勘测;铁道勘测railway reconnaissance
铁路选线;铁道选线railway route lection;railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route lection
经济勘察economic investigation
地质调查geological survey;geologic survey
方案比较project comparison
铁路勘探;铁道勘探railway exploration
铁路测量;铁道测量railway survey
线路测量route survey;profile survey;longitudinal survey
曲线测量curve survey
既有线测量survey of existing line;survey of existing railway
铁路线路图;铁道线路图railway map
定线location of line
铁路设计;铁道设计railway design
线路设计track design
平面设计plane design
纵断面设计longitudinal ction design
横断面设计transver ction design
曲线设计curve design
车站设计station design
站场设计design of stations and yards
标准设计standard design
线路等级line grade 铁路限界;铁道限界railway clearance
建筑限界construction clearance
设计规范code of design
设计标准design standard
铁路线路;铁道线路railway line
铁路曲线;铁道曲线railway curve
缓和曲线transition curve;eament curve;spiral transition curve
小半径曲线small-radius curve
曲线半径curve radius
曲线超高superelevation on curve;cant;elevation of curve
欠超高inadequate superelevation;deficient superelevation
未被平衡加速度unbalanced acceleration
竖曲线vertical curve
限制坡度ruling grade;limiting grade
坡度折减grade compensation;compensation of gradient;gradient compensation
避难线refuge siding;catch siding
双线插入段double track interpolation
铁路连接线;铁道连接线railway connecting line
隧道内线路line in tunnel
桥头引线bridge approach
站线长度length of station line
铁路标志;铁道标志railway sign
警冲标fouling point indicator;fouling post
线路中心线track center line;central lines of track
线间距离;线间距distance between centres of lines;distance between centers of tracks;midway between tracks
线路试验;线路实验track test;road test;running test
铁路路基;路基;铁道路基railway subgrade;subgrade
软土路基soft soil subgrade
沙漠路基dert subgrade
冻土路基permafrost subgrade
膨胀土路基subgrade in swelling soil zone
路基基床subgrade bed
高路堤high-fill embankment
路堑cut;road cutting
深路堑deep cutting
路肩road shoulder;subgrade shoulder
边坡side slope
护坡revetment;slope protection;pitching
路基滑动subgrade slip
滑坡防治landslide preventive treatment
路基排水subgrade drainage
塑料排水板plastic drainage board
路基加固subgrade strengthening 土工织物geotextile
挡土墙;挡墙retaining walls
锚定板anchor plate
锚杆anchor bolt
抗滑桩antiskid pile;anti-slide pile;counter-sliding pile
加筋土reinforced earth
路基防护subgrade protection
防护工程protective engineering
防护林protection forest
防沙sand proof
固沙stabilization of sand
输导砂diment transport
路侧建筑物roadside structure
排水沟weeper drain;weep drain;drainage ditch;drain ditch
挡风墙wind-shield wall;wind-break wall
隔声墙sound-proof wall
防雪栅snow fence;snow guard
轨道理论track theory
轨道设计track design
轨道参数track parameter
轨距track gauge;rail gage;rail gauge
轨距加宽track gauge widening
轨底坡cant of rail;rail cant
轨道力学track dynamics;track mechanics
轨道强度track strength
轨道阻力track resistance
道床阻力trackbed resistance;ballast resistance 扣固力fastening force
钢轨应力rail stress
轨道承载力track bearing capacity
轨道稳定性track stability;stability of track
轨道试验;轨道实验track test
轮轨关系wheel-rail interaction;wheel-rail relation
轮轨动力学wheel-rail dynamics
轮轨作用力wheel-rail force
轮轨接触wheel-rail contact
接触应力contact stress
轨道结构track structure
铁路轨道;轨道;铁道轨道railway track;track 线路上部建筑;轨道track superstructure;track
重型轨道heavy track
宽轨枕轨道broad sleeper track
板式轨道slab track;slab-track
整体道床轨道monolithic roadbed track
防振轨道anti-vibration track
高架轨道elevated track
无缝线路jointless line;continuously welded rail track;jointless track
桥上轨道结构bridge deck track structure
隧道内轨道结构track structure in tunnel
钢轨steel rail 重型钢轨heavy rail
长钢轨long rail
焊接长钢轨long welded rail
缩短轨shortened rail;standard shortened rail;fabricated short rail ud on curves;standard curtailed rail
热处理钢轨heat-treated rail
合金钢轨alloy steels rail
旧钢轨ud rail
钢轨钢rail steel
钢轨螺栓孔rail bolt hole
轨缝rail gap;joint gap
钢轨焊缝rail welding am
钢轨接头rail joint
异型接头compromi joint
伸缩接头expansion joint
焊接接头welding joint;welded joint
绝缘接头track ction insulator;insulated joint 胶接接头adhesive joint
鱼尾板fish plate
鱼尾螺栓fish bolt
扣件fastening;rail fastening
弹性扣件elastic fastening;elastic rail fastening 弹条式扣件elastic rod type fastening
分开式扣件parated fastening;parated rail fastening;indirect holding fastening
扣板式扣件clip fastening
刚性扣件rigid fastening
道钉spike;track spike;rail spike;dog spike
螺纹道钉threading spike;screw spike
垫板tie-plate;tie plate
橡胶垫板rubber tie-plate;rubber tie plate
防爬器anticreeper;anti-creeper;rail anchor
轨距拉杆gauge tie rod
轨下基础underrail foundation;sub-rail foundation;sub-rail track bed
轨枕sleeper;tie;cross tie
木枕wooden sleeper;wooden tie
混凝土枕;砼枕concrete sleeper;concrete tie 轨枕板;宽轨枕sleeper slab;broad sleeper
钢枕steel sleeper;steel tie
合成轨枕composite sleeper
纵向轨枕longitudinal tie
岔枕points sleeper;switch tie;turnout tie
桥枕bridge tie;bridge sleeper
轨排track panel;track skeleton
枕下胶垫rubber pad under sleeper
道床track bed;ballast bed
碎石道床ballast bed
整体道床monolithic track bed;solid bed;integrated ballast bed;monolithic concrete bed
沥青道床bituminous raodbed;asphalt roadbed;asphalt cemented ballast bed
石棉道床asbestos ballast
道床覆盖ballast cover 轨道附属设备track auxiliary equipment
钢轨涂油器rail lubricator
融雪器snow melter
复轨器replacer;re-railer;rerailing device
车挡bumper;bumper post
道岔switch;point;turnout;switches and crossings
单开道岔single point;simple turnout;lateral turnout
双开道岔double turnout
三开道岔three-throw turnout;symmetrical three throw turnout;three-way turnout
交分道岔slip switch
高速道岔high-speed switch
切线型道岔tangent turnout
道岔设计turnout design
过岔速度switch crossing speed
整铸辙叉integrated cast frog
锰钢辙叉mangane steel frog crossing
焊接辙叉welding frog crossing
组合辙叉combined frog;asmbled frog
可动心轨辙叉movable point frog;movable-point frog
可动翼轨辙叉movable wing rails;movable-wing frog
尖轨switch point;point tongue;switch rail;tongue rail;blade
滑床板slide chair;slide plate;switch plate
基本轨stock rail
翼轨wing rail
护轮轨guard rail
导曲线curve of turnout;lead curve
道岔附带曲线curve following turnout branch line
渡线track cross-over;crossover
通过道岔passing switch
铁路道口;铁道道口railway crossing
平交道口level crossing
道口板crossing slab
道口路面crossing road surface
立体交叉;立交grade paration
线路施工track construction
石方工程rock excavation
土方调拨mass dispatching
线路施工机械track construction machinery and equipment
轨道施工track construction
轨道工程track construction
轨道铺设track laying
轨枕铺设sleeper laying
铺轨rail-laying 轨排组装track panel asmbling
轨排装运track panel loading
轨排基地track panel ba
钢轨焊接rail welding
钢轨热处理rail heat treatment
钢轨铺设rail laying
钢轨锁定rail locking
道岔铺设switch laying
轨道施工机械track construction machinery 铺轨列车tracklaying train;track laying train
铺轨机rail-laying machine;track laying machine
钢轨焊接车rail welding car
焊轨机steel rails weldeding mill;rail welding machine
轨排组装机track panel asmbling machine 轨排运送车track panel transport car
铺枕机sleeper-laying machine
铺碴车ballasting car
铺碴机ballasting machine
铺道岔机turnout-laying machine
焊接长钢轨运送车welding long rails transport car
动力稳定车dynamic track stabilizer
线路状态track state
路基病害subgrade defect
坍方落石;危石collap rock
翻浆冒泥frost boiling;mud-pumping

本文发布于:2023-05-12 06:12:28,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:轨道   铁路   铁道   钢轨   线路   设计   轮轨   扣件
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