1/2/3级抗震墙 | grade 1/2/3 wall |
1/2/3级框架 | grade 1/2/3 framed structure |
K型支撑 | k-shape brace |
暗梁 | hidden-beam |
暗柱 | hidden column |
凹角 | reentrant corner |
凹凸不规则 | reentrance corners irregularity |
板柱-抗震墙结构 | slab-column-structural wall structure |
饱和砂土 | saturated sand |
饱和粘土 | saturated silt |
崩塌 | avalanche |
边坡边缘 | boundary of slope |
薄弱层 | weak story |
不液化 | non-liquefaction |
部分框支抗震墙结构 | frame-support wall structure |
侧向刚度不规则 | stiffness irregularity |
侧向支承点 | lateral braced point |
侧移刚度 | lateral displacement(sway) stiffness |
层间位移角限值 | allowable value of drift angle |
长悬臂结构 | long-cantilevered structure |
场地 | site |
场地类别 | site-class |
超越概率 | probability of exceedence |
沉降缝 | ttlement joint |
承载力抗震调整系数 | ismic adjusting factor for loading capacity |
承载力突变 | discontinuity in bearing capacity |
承重墙 | bearing wall |
脆性破坏 | brittle mode of failure |
大震 | major earthquake |
带竖缝钢筋混凝土墙板 | reinforced concrete wall plane with vertical parators |
单斜杆支撑 | single diagonal brace |
弹塑性变形分析 | elasto-plastic deformation analysis |
弹塑性层间位移放大系数 | amplifying factor for elaso-plastic story drift |
弹塑性层间位移角限值 | limit value of elaso-plastic story drift rotation |
弹塑性时程分析 | elato-plasic time-history analyzing method |
弹性层间位移角限值 | limit value of elastic story drift rotation |
等效侧向静力荷载 | equivalent static lateral force |
等效粘滞阻尼比 | equivalent viscous damping ratio |
底部剪力 | ba shear force |
地基抗震承载力 | ismic soil bearing capacity |
地面加速度峰值 | peak ground acceleration |
地震剪力 | ismic shear force |
地震倾覆弯矩 | ismic overturning moment |
地震作用 | earthquake action |
垫板 | backing bar |
顶部附加地震作用系数 | additional ismic action factors at top of the building |
动力特性 | dynamic characteristics |
端柱 | end-column |
多道抗震防线 | ismic multiple-defen lines |
多遇地震 | frequently earthquake |
反应谱 | respon spectrum |
非岩石的陡坡 | non-rocky steep slope |
附加弯矩 | additional bending moment |
附加阻尼 | additional damping |
复合箍筋 | compound hoop |
复合或连续复合矩形螺旋箍 | compound or continuous compound rectangular spiral hoop |
覆盖层厚度 | overlaying depth |
刚度中心 | center of rigidity |
刚性/半刚性/柔性隔板 | rigid/mi-rigid/flexible diaphragm |
刚性地基 | rigid ba |
钢筋混凝土托墙梁 | reinforced concrete spandrel girder |
高宽比 | height-width ratio |
高耸孤立的山丘 | lonely tall hill |
割线刚度 | cant stiffness |
隔震的 | ismically isolated |
狗骨节点 | dog-bone connection |
构造边缘构件 | ordinary boundary element |
构造柱 | tie column |
箍筋间距 | the spacing of hoops |
规则抗震建筑 | regular ismic building |
罕遇地震 | rarely earthquake |
耗能构件 | energy-dissipating component |
耗能梁段 | energy-dissipating beam gment |
河岸 | river bank |
桁架-筒体 | truss tube |
横墙 | transver wall |
滑坡 | landslide |
恢复力模型 | restoring-force characteristic model |
基底剪力法 | ba shear method |
基底平均压力 | mean pressure on foundation bottom |
基底最大压力 | maximum pressure on foundation bottom |
极惯性矩 | polar moment of inertial |
集中质量 | lumped mass |
加密法 | compaction method |
加强层 | story strengthening with outrigger member |
剪切变形为主 | deformations predominantly due to shear |
剪切波速 | shear-wave velocity of soil |
建筑抗震概念设计 | ismic concept design of buildings |
建筑抗震设计规范 | code for ismic design of buildings |
交叉支撑 | crosswi brace |
角柱 | corner column |
节点域剪切变形 | joint-panel shear deformation |
巨型框架 | great frame |
抗侧力体系 | lateral-force-resisting system |
抗液化措施 | liquefaction mitigation measure |
抗震措施 | ismic fortification measures |
抗震缝 | isolation joint |
抗震构造措施 | detail of ismic design |
抗震构造要求 | ismic detail requirement |
抗震建筑薄弱部位 | weak region of ismic building |
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