Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections, 2011 (CDC)
导管相关性感染预防指南 2011 (美国疾病控制中心)
Catheter Securement Devices
U a sutureless curement device to reduce the risk of infection for intravascular catheters [105].
Catheter stabilization is recognized as an intervention to decrea the risk for phlebitis, catheter migration and dislodgement, and may be advantageous in preventing CRBSIs. Pathogenesis of CRBSI occurs via migration of skin flora through the percutaneous entry sit
e. Sutureless curement devices avoid disruption around the catheter entry site and may decrea the degree of bacterial colonization. [105]. Using a sutureless curement device also mitigates the risk of sharps injury to the healthcare provider from inadvertent needlestick injury.
Summary of Product Trials for 10,164 Patients
Comparing an Intravenous Stabilizing Device to Tape
Inadequate catheter curement is an underrecognized patient safety issue that contributes significantly to catheter-related complications, including dislodgment, occlusion, infiltration, and infection. Pooled data from prospective product trials at 83 hospitals compared tape to a standard peripheral intravenous (PIV) curement method with a PIV-specific catheter-stabilizing device. A 67% reduction (P < .001) in total patient complications was obrved in the stabilizing device group, as compared with the tape group. Also, the need for unscheduled PIV restarts was reduced by 76% with the stabilizing device (P < .001). An annual cost savings of $18,000 per hospital on PIV materials and a combined savings of $277,000 on materials, complication costs, and nursing time were estimated on the basis of the reduced complications.
Newer catheter-stabilizing technologies can help to reduce patient complications, for an overall cost savings, and conquently reduce needlestick exposures for healthcare provi
ders by reducing restarts and prolonging dwell times.
导管固定不良可显著增加导管相关的投诉,包括(导管)脱落、堵塞、外渗和感染,这一患者安全问题尚未被重视。本研究在83家医院将使用标准外周静脉(PIV)固定方式(使用医用胶带)和PIV使用专业导管固定装置进行了前瞻性对照研究。(研究结果表明)观察人群中使用专业导管固定装置组的总投诉率比使用医用胶带组降低了67%(P <0.001 ),另外,使用导管固定装置组的非计划内的换管次数减少了76%(P <0.001 )。平均每家医院每年可节约外周静脉穿刺材料费$18,000元和其他材料费$277,000元,包括物料成本、复合成本、护士用于处理各种并发症所耗费的时间成本。