How to U the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument
History 病史
The history questionnaire is lf-administered by the patient. Respons are added to obtain the total score. Respons of “yes” to items 1-3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12, 14-15 are each counted as one point. A “no” respon on items 7 and 13 counts as 1 point. Item #4 is a measure of impaired circulation and item #10 is a measure of general aesthenia and are not included in scoring. To decrea the potential for bias, all scoring information has been eliminated from the patient version.
病史调查表由病人自己填写,回答将计入其筛查总分中,1-3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12, 14-15题每回答一个“是”将加1分,7和13题每回答一个“否”将加1分,4和10题不计分。为了减少潜在的误差,在病史调查表上将不出现得分信息。
Physical Asssment
For all asssments, the foot should be warm (>30︒C).
Foot Inspection: The feet are inspected for evidence of excessively dry skin, callous formation, fissures, frank ulceration or deformities. Deformities include flat feet, hammer toes, overlapping toes, halux valgus, joint subluxation, prominent metatarsal heads, medial convexity (Charcot foot) and amputation.
Vibration Sensation: Vibration nsation should be performed with the great toe unsupported. Vibration nsation will be tested bilaterally using a 128 Hz tuning fork placed over the dorsum of the great toe on the boney prominence of the DIP joint. Patients, who eyes are clod, will be asked to indicate when they can no longer n
the vibration from the vibrating tuning fork. In general, the examiner should be able to feel vibration from the hand-held tuning fork for 5 conds longer on his distal forefinger than a normal subject can at the great toe (e.g. examiner’s DIP joint of the first finger versus patient’s toe). If the examiner feels vibration for 10 or more conds on his or her finger, then vibration is considered decread. A trial should be given when the tuning fork is not vibrating to be certain that the patient is responding to vibration and not pressure or some other clue. Vibration is scored as 1) prent if the examiner ns the vibration on his or her finger for < 10 conds, 2) reduced if nd for ≥10 or 3) abnt (no vibration detection.)
振动觉:振动觉应在大拇趾上检查,用128 Hz音叉放在大拇趾远端第一关节突起的上方进行双侧检查,同时病人闭起眼睛,这时再询问患者何时感觉不到音叉在振动了。通常,当患者不能感受到振动,而检查者把音叉放在自己示指上仍能感受到音叉振动超过10秒钟,那么就要考虑振动觉减退了,同时必须进行一个试验来证实受检者是否诚实反应确切的感受而非受暗示,即使用未振动的音叉来检验。振动觉将被记录为1)正常检查者感觉音叉振动的时间<10秒;2)减退 感觉音叉振动的时间≥10秒;3)缺失 受检者未察觉振动的存在。
Muscle Stretch Reflexes: The ankle reflexes will be examined using an appropriate reflex hammer (e.g. Trommer or Queen square). The ankle reflexes should be elicited in the sitting position with the foot dependent and the patient relaxed. For the reflex, the foot should be passively positioned and the foot dorsi-flexed slightly to obtain optimal stretch of the muscle. The Achilles tendon should be percusd directly. If the reflex is obtained, it is graded as prent. If the reflex is abnt, the patient is asked to perform the Jend-rassic maneuver (i.e., hooking the fingers together and pulling). Reflexes elicited with the Jendrassic maneuver alone are designated “prent with reinforcement.” If the reflex is abnt, even in the face of the Jendrassic maneuver, the reflex is considered abnt.
Monofilament Testing: For this examination, it is important that the patient’s foot be supported (i.e., allow the sole of the foot to rest on a flat, warm surface). The filament sho
uld initially be prestresd (4-6 perpendicular applications to the dorsum of the examiner’s first finger). The filament is then applied to the dorsum of the great toe midway between the nail fold and the DIP joint. Do not hold the toe directly. The filament is applied perpendicularly and briefly, (<1 cond) with an even pressure. When the filament bends, the force of 10 grams has been applied. The patient, who eyes are clod, is asked to respond yes if he/she feels the filament. Eight correct respons out of 10 applications is considered normal: one to ven correct respons indicates reduced nsation and no correct answers translates into abnt nsation.
Patient Version
A.History (To be completed by the person with diabetes) 病史(由糖尿病患者亲自完成)
Plea take a few minutes to answer the following questions about the feeling in your legs and feet. Check yes or no bad on how you usually feel. Thank you.
1. Are you legs and/or feet numb? Yes No
你的下肢或足部有麻木感吗? 是 否
2. Do you ever have any burning pain in your legs and/or feet? Yes No
3. Are your feet too nsitive to touch? Yes No
4. Do you get muscle cramps in your legs and/or feet? Yes No