I cannot believe that you didn't tell me we are still married!
Look,I was going to tell you.
When? After the birth of our first cret child?
Ross didn't get the annulment. We are still married!
-You're kidding. -Oh,my God!
It wasn't my best decision,but I couldn't face another failed marriage.
At what point did you think this was a successful marriage?
Rach,come on. If you think about it, it's actually kind of funny.
Maybe it's best not to think about it.
This is inexcusable. I'm shocked to my very core.
Phoebe,I told her you already knew.
Another lie. You have a sickness!
For my own peace of mind, are you married to any more of us?
Look,Rach,I was going to tell you.
I just wanted to do it in my own way.
Yes,silently,with no words.
Look,in Ross'
The One With Joey's Porsche
To a Porsche.
-Are the yours? -Yeah. That's what I drive.
I make 4 bucks an hour. I saved up for 350 years.
Did anybody lo their keys?
Put them in the lost and found.
There's a lost and found?
My shoe!
You left a shoe here?
I didn't realize till I got home. I wasn't gonna walk back with one shoe.
I'll go find that guy's car and leave a note on the windshield.
When he comes back for his keys, I'll give him your shoe.
Great. Thanks.
Oh,good. You guys are here. Listen.
How would you like to spend tomorrow taking care of three cute puppies?
My God! What a fun day! Sounds great!
Yeah,all right.
I'll bring them by tomorrow morning.
By the way,they're not actually puppies.
They're Frank and Alice's triplets. See you.
Plea,plea,plea? Frank
asked me to baby-sit them. I'm nervous. I've never done that.
Don't worry. We'll do it.
I'm gonna pass,becau I was kind of iffy when it was puppies.
Come on,Chandler. It'll give us great practice
people with babies come to visit.
So I still have boxes here.
I still have boxes at Ross'.
And I have nowhere to live.
I could so easily freak out right now.
What about me? Deni is leaving town for a while. I don't have a roommate.
Well,maybe I could be your roommate,Phoebe.
Maybe you could be my roommate!
Well,there's an idea!
That would be great!
-How long is Deni gone for? -She said she'd be back December 26th.
December 26th.
Maybe she's Santa Claus.
Oh,look who it is. My husband,the apple of my eye.
Okay,I got us a court date for tomorrow
and I picked up all the forms.
I'll take care of it.
Sure,if you say you'll take care of it,I have no reason to doubt you.
Give me tho forms.
I'm gonna do this my way and I don't wanna hear a peep out of you.
-Okay, Rach,but.. -You're peeping!
Ross,I just got..
-Why did you do this? -I told you..
I don't wanna hear "three failed marriages."
If you'd had two failed marriages, you'd understand.
Thanks to you, I'm halfway there.
Oh,I am so mad,Ross! I don't think I've ever been this angry!
What about when I said we were on a break?
-Nice car. -Yeah,it's not mine.
-I love your car. -Yeah,it's mine.
-I bet it's fast. -Me too. Yeah.
And comfortable.
-You like leather ats? -Yeah.
It's got them!
Phoebe,how's it going?
I'm okay. Are they having fun? Am I talking too fast?
No. You sound like me.
It's going great. Look at Chandler with Little Baby Girl Chandler.
Little Baby Girl Chandler. Where have I heard that before? Oh,Coach Rubin.
Phoebe,when you're done over there, we've got a situation over here too.
No. We are all responsible for our own babies.
That's where you're wrong. We've been playing them man-to-man.
We should really be playing a zone defen.
What do you mean?
Things'll go smoother if we each have a zone. Phoebe,be in charge of wiping.
Mon,be in charge of diapering.
I'll be in charge of looking at how cute they are when they put
Sounds great, but you should be in charge of wiping.
Okay,I'm a rookie. I should not be in the end zone.
This is so great. This is exactly how we t the plates at the restaurant.
Yeah? Well, this is not what I ordered.
I'm having the best morning.
That Porsche I've got the keys to? Still there.
Shocking, since you still have the keys.
You should e the treatment I get with that car.
People are friendly. They wanna talk. And not just about the car.
One guy advid me on my equity investments.