I. Decide whether the following statements are true or fal. Write T for True and F for Fal . ( points each , 30 points in total )
1. The British economy experienced a relative decline during the postwar period.
2. Thatcher’s revolution turned out to be a great success in dealing with all the British economic and social problems.
3. The economic approach adopted by Tony Blair is different from that of the Labour party and the Conrvative Party.
4. Britain is the world’s leading exporter of poultry and dairy products.
5. The fishing industry provides more than 50% of Britain’s demand for fish.
6. Britain is an important oil exporter since its oil industry has a long history.
7. Nuclear power is one of the major energy sources in Britain.
8. The British government has been responsible for education since the early 1800s.
9. Education in Britain is compulsory for all children between the ages of 6 and 15.
10. The National Curriculum in Britain is compulsory in both the state system and the independent system.
11. When children finish their schooling at 16, they are required to take a national GCSE examination.
12. Graduates from state schools in Britain have a less favourable chance to enter famous universities than tho from independent schools.
13. In the 1960s, a large number of new universities were founded in Britain.
14. Most British people begin their day with reading the morning newspaper and end it watching television in the evening.
15. The Times is the world’s oldest national newspaper.
16. The BBC World Service broadcasts only in English throughout the world.
17. Some British holidays are celebrated to mark the important events of the Christian calendar, the others are related to local customs and traditions.
18. The climate in the United States can be classified as temperate, with some mild subtropical and tropical zones.
19. The Blacks brought from Africa to America usually worked on plantations or farms in the North.
20. The British monarchy has never been interrupted throught the history.
Answer keys: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F 10. F
11. T 12. T 13. T 14. T 15. F 16. F 17. T 18. T 19. F 20. F
II. Choo the one that best completes each of the following statements. (2 points each, 40 points in total)
1. In Britain, the parliamentary general election is held every ___C______ years.
A. three B. four C. five D. six
2. Generally speaking, the British Parliament operates on a ____B_______ system.
A. single-party B. two-party C. three-party D. multi-party
3. The polices of the Conrvative Party are characterized by progmatism and ___D__________.
A. government intervention B. nationalization of enterpris
C. social reform D. a belief in individualism
4. The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it ____A_____>
A. t up the National Health Service B. improved public transportation
C. abolished the old tax system D. enhanced the economic developent
5. In _____B___, the British Parliament pasd two important acts to establish a welfare state.
A. 1945 B. 1946 C. 1947 D. 1948
6. Of the following practices, ___C______ does not belong to Thatcher’s social welfare reform.
A. reducing child benefits B. shortening the unemployment benefits period
C. reducing the unemployment D. lowering old age pensions
7. The Blair government has been successful in all the following aspects except ____D_____.
A. limiting government spending B. keeping inflation under control
C. reducing unemployment D. reducing inequality
8. Britain has devoted ____C_____ of its land area to agriculture.
A. 54% B. 64% C. 74% D. 84%
9. The car industy in Britain is mostly ____A_______.
A. foreign-owned B. state-owned C. joint-venture
D. privately-owned
10. Of the following ctors in Britain, ____C______ has experienced spectacular growth since the end of World War II.
A. agriculture B. energy industy C. rvice industy D. manufacturing industy
11. In Britain, the division between grammar schools and vocational schools were ended by the introduction of comprehensive schools in the _______D____.