坚定合作信心 振兴世界经济
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
Strengthen Confidence in Cooperation and Revive World Economy
——Speech at the APEC CEO Summit by H.E. Hu Jintao
President of the People’s Republic of China
Singapore, 13 November 2009
Madame Chair,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
I am delighted to join you, reprentatives of the Asia-Pacific business community, here in Singapore for an exchange of views on “Rebuilding the Global Economy: Crisis and Opportunity”.
Thanks to the concerted efforts of the international community, the world economy has shown positive signs of stabilization and recovery, which will help us increa confidence and deepen cooperation. At the same time, we must recognize that the international financial crisis has laid bare some rious problems, including the lack of sustainability in the current pattern of world economic growth and the existence of major deficiencies in the international financial system. The profound impact of the financial crisis is still evident and the world economic upturn is not yet firmly established. The inherent problems of the international economic system have not been fully addresd, and a comprehensive world economic recovery still faces many uncertainties and destabilizing factors.
To ensure long-term development of the world economy, we must, while countering immediate difficulties, adopt a multi-pronged approach and effectively address the underlying structural problems in the world economy. We should turn the crisis into an opportunity and lay a solid foundation for the full recovery of the world economy. I wish to propo, in this connection, that we make greater efforts in the following areas:
First, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation with strong determination. Only with trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, can we achieve world economic recovery and growth. The international financial crisis has given ri to trade and investment protectionism of various forms. Protectionism will not help any country move out of the crisis. It can only po a threat to the fragile momentum of economic recovery. We must continue to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and oppo protectionism in all its manifestations, particularly the unreasonable trade and investment restrictions impod on developing countries. We should advance the Doha Round negotiations on the basis of locking in the existing achievements and respecting the Doha mandate. We need to speed up the ttlement of the remaining issues and work for early comprehensive and balanced outcomes in the negotiations in order to achieve the goals of the development round. The developed members of APEC should adopt effective measures to meet the Bogor Goals on schedule next year, so as to inject new vitality into sustained economic and trade growth in our region.
Second, push forward regional economic integration through multiple channels. Regional economic integration will bring about more dynamic intra-regional trade and investment and reprents an important means in driving regional and world economic growth. We should continue to explore diver ways to accelerate economic integration in the Asia-Pacific. We should promote economic structural reform with a focus on regulatory reform in a voluntary, flexible and pragmatic fashion. We should further improve the business environment and facilitate cross-border business operations. And we should continue to improve trade, telecommunication and transportation networks and strengthen infrastruct
ural development in the region so as to provide the material foundation and institutional guarantee for regional economic integration.
Third, advance reform of the international financial system with renewed efforts. The international economic situation is now improving, but we should not slow down reform of the international financial system. We should follow a comprehensive, balanced, increme
ntal and results-oriented approach and work for a fair, just, inclusive and well-managed international financial system and an institutional environment conducive to sound development of the world economy. We should continue to increa the reprentation and voice of developing countries in international financial institutions, speedily implement the quantitative reform targets t at the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, and improve decision-making process and mechanisms in international financial institutions. We should move forward reform of the international financial supervisory and regulatory system and improve the most fundamental principles and goals of supervision and regulation. We should encourage stronger international cooperation in financial supervision and regulation, expand the coverage of supervision and regulation and move quickly to adopt supervisory and regulatory standards that are widely acceptable.
Fourth, accelerate transformation of economic development patterns with innovative ideas. A shift in economic development patterns is the fundamental way to realize balanced and orderly development of the world economy. Historical experience tells us that a major economic crisis is always followed by scientific and technological breakthroughs and industrial readjustments, which catalyze transformation of economic development patterns. We should speed up scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading, develop green economy and circular economy, and rely on scientific and technological advancement to build up the internal dynamism of the world economy. We should intensify economic and technical cooperation, reduce man-made barriers to technology transfer, narrow the technological gap, especially the green technology gap, b
etween developed and developing members and avoid a new “green divide”. It is incumbent upon developed members to help developing members gain access to capital and technology needed for the transformation of economic development patterns, thus contributing to balanced and orderly development of the world economy.