2020.05.14 锦觅良识
1. Don’t fear failure, be afraid of not having the chance.
2. No sky too high, no a too rough, no muff too tough.
3.In order to feel compelled to live a powerful and meaningful life, you must love you.
4. I don’t care how minuscule the movement is, but make movement.
5. There is no passion to be found playing small in tting for a life, that’s less than the on you’re capable of living.
6. When all the clouds darken up the skyway, there is a rainbow highway to be found.
7.Becau tomorrow, the sun will ri. 因为明天,太阳总会升起。
8. You’ve got glitter in your veins. 你骨子里就是发光的。
9. You have to spin a good yarn before you can weave a great dream.
10.The world is a chessboard, on which we played game will never suppod to be fair. But still excite us with its numbers possibilities. So go play with what you have, change the game!
11. The fire is the best of gold; adversity of strong men. 烈火炼真金,逆境练壮士。
12.However bad life may em, there is always something you can do, and succeed at.
无论生活有多么糟糕,你总会找到自己的发光方式。 《万物理论》
13.Never forget how much your family loves you. 永远别忘了你的家人们有多爱你。
14.Put aside logic, do what feels right. 抛开逻辑,跟着直觉走。《星际迷航》
15.Going straight and choosing life. 勇往直前,选择人生。
16. Love isn’t easy. That’s why they call it love. 爱并不容易,所以才被称之为爱。
17. The end of one story is merely the beginning of another.
一个故事的终结仅仅是另一个故事的开始。 《魔弦传说》
18.It’s what lies ahead that should concern us. 眼前的事情才是我们该关心的。