
更新时间:2023-05-11 13:52:13 阅读: 评论:0

A new story about “ A crows drinking water”
Scene 1
旁白:(播放鸟叫水声柔和的轻音乐,森林里小动物们出场玩耍。 黑猫警长作巡逻状, 看到小动物玩得开心,微笑)Many years ago, the sky was blue. Everything in the forest was beautiful. The flowers were smiling, the grass was dancing. Animals were living a happy life. They were playing. A crow was tired and thirsty. He was flying to find water.
(两只小兔子在追逐。兔子1在前 )兔子1:Come on! Come on! 兔子2:(在后 )I know I will catch you.  (两只小熊在玩捉迷藏, 一只在找好的躲藏地点):Where? Where? Oh, here.(藏在大树后,一只):One, two, three, four, five, go! (开始找)Don’t  hide , I can e you.aah!I e you .(动物们同时退场。乌鸦出场,叫两声,落在了水边。背景: 一条清澈的小河)乌鸦:Wow, how clear! (做喝水状)Wonderful!(动物排成一排上场,跳舞,唱歌曲“Wheres the crow?根据新译林版英语教材3B歌曲 “Wheres the bird?填词):
Where, where, wheres the crow? Where are his friends? The little crow and all his friends, they are beside the brook.
兔子1:(招手蹦跳)Crow, play with us.
Crow: Sorry, my mother is waiting for me. I must go now. Bye!(乌鸦飞走。在说Bye时,向两边同时退场。乌鸦飞向一边,动物们走向另外一边。)
旁白:Not long after, things changed, what happened? Let’s e.
(两个穿着七十年代农民装的学生,带着砍树的锯子和绳上,在丛林中转一圈)农民1:This one is big and tall.(两个农民做砍树状,一棵树倒,非常开心的用绳将树带走。)One, two, three, go. One, two, three, go.(坐下,做休息状,搽汗)
农民 1:Big harvest! 
农民2:Yeah, we can build a big hou, we can make lots of money!(边说边做数钱的动作站起,两人高兴地跳着抱在一起。同时背景PPT呈现卡通大房子、钱堆,播放硬币哗哗掉落的声音)
农民2:We can grow crops here!(二人带着很吃力的样子拖树下场。背景PPT呈现卡通农场,播放羊叫声数秒,个农民返回, 两人2前1后做耕地状)
农民1:Come on.
农民2:I will. (然后换工具做播种状,农民1手拿锄头挖坑,农民2拿盆播种。
农民1(手拿锄头站立):We will have enough food.
(农民3上场,拿铣做取土填坑状, 手擦汗,面带微笑):Now, I have the field to grow crops. I will have enough food. (三人带着工具离开,退场)
旁白(一边说话一边把道具细颈花瓶和玻璃球带到台上):Oh, the forest became small
er. The pools disappeared. There were fields here and there. The crow was hot and thirsty. What should he do? (背景PPT呈现干涸的农田,乌鸦出场。)
乌鸦(渴得咳嗽了两声): Oh!  I’m tired and thirsty. I want to drink some water. Where is the water? (作找水状,看到瓶子, 眼前一亮):Wow, water!  Water! (非常高兴,做喝水状,但是没有喝到水。 围着瓶子转, 做思考状)The neck is too long and thin. What should I do? (向周围看看)Stones, oh, I have a good idea!(乌鸦把玻璃球放入瓶子,播放石子落水声。乌鸦喝到了水,作心满意足状。)Now, I’m not thirsty. I want to dance! (乌鸦跳街舞,播放伴奏“ I believe in miracles片段。)
黑猫警长(乌鸦开始跳的时候上场):I like dancing, too!(和乌鸦一起跳)
(两只兔子蹦蹦跳跳的出场)兔子1:Oh! How clever!
兔子2(竖起大拇指):How cool!
乌鸦: Yes, I think so. Goodbye, Mr. Rabbit. We must go now.
兔子们: Goodbye. (乌鸦和黑猫自左边退场,两只兔子自右边退场)
旁白:Many years later, everything changed again.(背景PPT呈现卡通汽车洋房,播放唢呐演奏的《财神到》数秒)
农民1(穿现代装,做开车状):Now, I’m rich! I have a car.(农民1边说边拍胸脯,指着自己的车)
农民2:(吃香蕉,随地扔香蕉皮和垃圾袋):How  delicious! 农民3:(做配农药状)Medicine! Water! Ok! (背起农药箱走了,药瓶丢了下来)Growing crops is easy now.
旁白:The environment becomes bad. The sky is grey. There isn’t clear water any more. The crow is thirsty. He is looking for water. (背景PPT呈现被污染后乌黑的河水)
乌鸦(上场,作筋疲力尽状,在找水):Where is water? I am too tired and thirsty.
做出渴的咳嗽状 ,来到了小河旁,准备喝水)Why is the water too black? Ai! (失望地走开)Where is the bottle?(看见农药瓶,擦擦眼睛)Bottle! Its here!  Water! Clear water! I am cleverer now. Look! I have this. (取出一个吸管放入瓶中准备喝水)
动物们: Oh, no!
乌鸦(惊讶地看着他们):Whats the matter?
兔子1:We are all thirsty! But it’s not water.
众动物(做抹脖子的动作站起):It will kill you!
Crow: (做害怕状 )Oh, my god! What should I do? I‵m very thirsty. But I can’t find any water.
兔子和熊: Yes, we are thirsty too. There’s no clear water here.
乌鸦(做思考状): Maybe, we can dig a deep well just like humans.  Perhaps we can have clear water. (动物们一起做挖坑状)
所有动物: Oh, clear water. (做喝水状,然后离开)
旁白:The farmers have much money, and they have enough food now .Do they live a happy life. Let’s e together.(背景PPT呈现卡通医院,播放小汽车鸣笛声数秒)
(农民2、3穿现代装出场,两人做生病状,农民1开车送他们去医院)农民2: We have lots of money now,but I’m ill.(做叹息状)
农民3: Yes, money is not everything, but health is the most important.
三个农民(忏悔地):We are wrong. We must change.
(背景PPT呈现环保宣传画,播放歌曲《你早》伴奏,动物和人都上,有手那树的,有手拿铣的,有手拿盆的 做栽树状。 有手拿夹子捡破烂的)栽树的:Come on! Come on! Water! Water!
排上场跳兔子舞。跳两个八拍后, 乌鸦做出“走你”的姿势。其他演员顺着他手指的方向绕一圈, 在舞台前一字排开。)
乌鸦:Save water,所有演员(伸出手来):it will save you later!(鞠躬)Thank you very much!(演员自两边退场)

本文发布于:2023-05-11 13:52:13,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:播放   乌鸦   农民
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