Police Certificate Application Guidance Notes
The notes apply to tho applicants wishing to obtain an immigration visa for Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America
The Association of Chief Police Officers Criminal Records Office (ACRO) will aim to produce all Police Certificates (standard rvice) within 10 working days. This will be measured from the day the applicati
on is accepted by ACRO, to the day of dispatch (e also urgent requests).
The completed application form will be
procesd and the results nt directly to you at your current address as quoted on the application form or to another address as requested by you.
To help to avoid errors, the application form should be completed in clear BLOCK CAPITALS.
ACRO will carry out extensive authentication exercis including arching various databas.
The following factors are likely to delay the processing of a Certificate:
• Incomplete information provided
• Inability to authenticate your current address • Failure to enclo correct payment
• You are subject of impending/outstanding criminal proceedings
An event or occurrence outside of ACRO’s control, for example a postal strike or computer systems failure.
To minimi the risk of errors ACRO have developed administrative procedures and safeguards including the right of appeal and a formal dispute procedure. You should contact ACRO if you dispute the content of your Police Certificate (e page 2 for contact details)
ACRO will initiate the formal dispute procedure if there is an alleged error in the criminal history information including:
Disputed Identity (The whole record is incorrect)
• Accuracy (Yes that’s me, but some of the
details are wrong)
• Relevance (Why is that on the Certificate?)
If an error occurs due to illegible handwriting, a new Certificate will be issued at a cost of £5.
Plea ensure the form is completed using
Proof of Identity: ACRO require a copy of your passport description page (usually carrying your photograph) and 2 items of correspondence that confirm your current address, e.g. utility bills, such as a phone bill, gas bill, electricity bill or bank statement. (Do NOT nd originals, they will not be returned)
If you are living outside the UK you need to provide confirmation of your current residential address, together with a list of previous UK address within the last 5 years.
Urgent Requests: If you require your Police Certificate urgently, the Premium Service* will provide this in 2 working days (excludes days of receipt and dispatch). Note - £70 fee applies.
If you are the subject of impending/outstanding criminal proceedings, you will not be eligible for the premium rvice.
Fees (in Pounds Sterling):
Standard Service - £35.00 (10 working days) Premium Service - £70.00 ( 2 working days) Additional Copy (ies) £5.00 each
Payment must be by Cheque, Postal Order, or Bankers Draft. Plea note - cash will not be accepted.
Payments should be made payable to HPA.
If your payment is not cleared, your Certificate will be deemed invalid and the appropriate Embassy/High Commission will be notified.
Additional Copies: If you require more than one copy of the Certificate, plea submit £5 for each additional copy. Additional copies can only be provided at the time of the original application. Subquent requests for extra copies will require a new application.
A POLICE CERTIFICATE IS PROVIDED FOR THE AGREED SPECIFIED PURPOSE OF OBTAINING A Photographs: Plea enclo a recent passport size colour photograph (45mm x 35mm). This will be scanned onto your Police Certificate. (For guidance, plea refer to the Home Office Identity and Passport Service’s guide to passport photographs, or click here ). The back of your photograph needs to be signed by a person listed below. This person is someone other than yourlf or a family member who can confirm your identity and has known you for a minimum of 2 years . Your chon individual must: • Complete and sign the declaration on the application form. • Write “I certify this to be a true likeness of (your full name)” on the back of your photograph, which should be signed and dated. In order to satisfy ACRO requirements, the person endorsing should be included in one of the following groups: • Accountant • Bank/building society official • Barrister • Broker • Chairman / Director / Manager /
Personnel Officer (limited company)
• Chiropodist
• Commissioner of Oaths
• Councillor: local or county
• Civil Servant (permanent)
• Engineer (Qualified)
• Fire Service Official
• General Practitioner
• Minister of a recognid religion
• Nur (SRN and SEN) • Member of Parliament • Merchant Navy Officer • Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers of the Armed Services (active or retired) • Optician/Chemist/Dentist • Police Officer / Police Staff • Post Office Official • Solicitor • Teacher or Lecturer Plea note that this list is not exhaustive, but you must ensure that the endorsing individual is a Professional. If you are currently residing outside of the UK
and are having problems identifying anyone
from the above list, plea contact ACRO at:
acro.policecertificates@acro.pnn.police.uk Declaration: Before signing the declaration, you
must ensure that all the information provided on your application form is correct and accurate. Plea note that signing the declaration allows ACRO to share any information to enable a
decision on your immigration application, and update police systems where appropriate. Your completed application form, proof of
identity, photograph and payment must be nt to: ACRO, PO Box 481, Fareham, PO14 9FS (UK) For enquiries concerning the completion of this form, plea contact ACRO on 0845 60 13 999 during our office opening hours (8:30-16:30) Monday to Friday or via email to:
International callers from outside of the UK should call 00 (44) 1962 871111 during the above UK times
All documents referring to your Police Certificate, including your application form and identity
documents, will be destroyed after 12 months.
Office u only
Police Certificate Application Form
Plea complete the application clearly using BLOCK CAPITALS
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, other): ……………Surname: ………………………………………....
Forename (s): ………………………………………………………………………...………………
Any other surname by which you have been known (including maiden name, all married names, names prior to or after change by Deed Poll)
………………………………… ……………………………….. ..……………..…………….... ………………………………… ……………………………….. ………………….……………
Date of Birth: dd / mm / yyyy Place of Birth (town & country): …..….………………… Nationality (include all): …..……………………………………………………………...…
Passport Number and Issuing Country: .……………………………………………………..….
Country to be visited: ………………………………UK Departure date (if known): dd / mm / yyyy.
Current Address: Postal Address for Return of Your Certificate:
(If different from current)
Postcode: ………………………. Postcode: ……………………….
If No, plea provide details of your previous address(es) for the last five years (including
dates) on the continuation sheet provided*.
Contact detail(s):
Home: ………………………………… Work: ………………………………………………... Mobile: ………………………………. Email: …………………………………………..……
If YES, plea provide details on a parate sheet
Number of additional copies requested at the time the application is made (£5 each):...……
Total Payment Enclod (Pounds Sterling): £
Postal Order
Applicant Declaration
The Applicant must agree to the following conditions:
1. I understand the questions asked in this application form and I declare that the information I have
supplied is accurate and I am the person to whom it relates.
2. I declare I have listed all the names by which I have ever been known.
3. I authori ACRO to make any enquiries it deems necessary in relation to the information given on this
form and to share this information to the extent necessary to enable a decision on my Immigration Application.
4. I understand that ACRO will check the details I provide against the Police National Computer and Police
Service of Northern Ireland Records (where applicable) to obtain details of criminal convictions where they exist.
5. I understand that ACRO will update the aforementioned police systems if appropriate, with the
information provided.
6. I am aware that it is an offence to make a statement or reprentation which I know to be fal or do not
believe to be true, or obtain or ek to obtain a Police Certificate by any means which include deception. Signature (Applicant) ……………………………………………..…………Date… dd / mm / yyyy
Photograph Endorment
(to be completed by the Endorr of the photograph)
I have endord on the back of the photograph confirming that the image is a true likeness of the Applicant.
Signature ……………………………………………………………………Date… dd / mm / yyyy Print name …………………………………………………………………………………………….…… Occupation ………………………………………………………………………………………….……... Contact Telephone Number ……………………….....…………………………………………………
*plea refer to the guidance notes regarding photographs
Your Check List – plea tick when you are satisfied the item is included
What your envelope should contain
Application Form (fully completed and signed)
Two proofs of current address (copies will not 5
be returned)
Passport size photograph (endord on rever)
the page containing identification detail if other
Your payment (dated, signed & payable to HPA )
Plea do not staple or pin documents together