
更新时间:2023-05-11 12:52:37 阅读: 评论:0

1.Supply illustrations at the size they are to be printed, usually 76 mm wide (single column of text) or for especially large figures 161 mm (two columns of text). The intermediate width of 100 mm is also available should neither of the suffice.
2.Do not put a box around graphs, diagrams or other artwork.
3.Ensure that lettering is appropriately sized –should correspond to 8 or 9 pt when 指的字号大小。我们汉语里经常是五号字,四号字等。这是英文的要求。都在相同的栏下改。此杂志要求是8、或9号字。
4.We ask authors to state all possible conflicts of interest, including financial and other relationships. If you are sure that there is no conflict of interest, plea state this. You might like to look at an editorial in the British Medical Journal on Beyond conflict of interest (/cgi/content/short/317/7154/291). Remember that sources of funding should be acknowledged in your paper.
本编辑部提请所有文稿作者注明一切可能的“利益冲突” (conflicts of interests). 包括(作者研究科题的)资金来源及其它(关连)关系. 尚若作者确信无利益冲突, 请明确注明“无利益冲突” (No conflicts of interests).请注意:作者应在文稿中注明课题资金来源.关于基金资助有的杂志是在利益冲突中申明(包括每个基金是谁的,都要写清)。有的是在致谢中写,不包括在利益冲突条款中。
5.Submission items include a cover letter (Authors are highly encouraged to include a list of 5-6 potential reviewers for their manuscript, with complete contact information), the manuscript (including title page, abstract, manuscript text, references, and table/figure legends), tables, and figures.
6.Manuscripts should be written in clear, conci form and nt to the Director,Three copies of the manuscripts must be written in English and double-spaced throughout.
论文要写得思路清晰,整洁精悍,并寄给the Director,需要三份拷贝,必须用英文书写并双倍行距。
7.Each table should be titled, appropriately numbered and typed on a parate sheet. Units of measurement should be indicated and all abbreviations defined.
8.All the illustrations (graphs, drawings and photographs) should be referred to in the text as Figures. The should be good quality glossy photographs (or original India-ink drawings).
9.Since graphs are generally reduced in size to 8.5 cm, numbers, letters and symbols are to be originally large enough so that, when reduced, they will remain at least 2 mm high to maintain legibility. To avoid reduction, photographs' width should generally not exceed 8.5 cm. When necessary, photographs can be arranged to form a plate of the maximum size of 17 cm (width) x 18 cm (height). Legends to figures should be typed on a parate sheet.
一般图片的大小会8.5厘米,所以当中的数字,字母和标记要稍微大点。图片宽度不会超过8.5厘米。如果一定需要,图片可以增至最大17 cm (width) x 18 cm (height)。图片的解释说明文要另起一页。
10.Reprints should be ordered when returning the revid proofs and will be charged to the Authors.
11.Authors can submit their articles electronically via the “Author Gateway” page of this journal (/).The system automatically converts source files to a single Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the article, which is ud in the peer-review process. Plea note that even though manuscript source files are converted to PDF at submission for the review process, the source files are needed for further processing after acceptance.
12.Alternatively authors can submit by nding three hard copies of the manuscript and matching disk or e-mail directly to an editor who is an expert in the field of work being submitted.
作者可以直接寄稿给该领域专家的编辑.如果通过Email投给专家编辑,不必同时发 3 copies。
13.The Publisher welcomes the receipt of an electronic version of your accepted manuscript (preferably encoded in LATEX). If there is not already a copy of this (on diskette) with the journal Editor at the time the manuscript is being refereed, you will be asked to nd a file with the text of the accepted manuscript directly to the Publisher by e-mail or on diskette to the address given below.
If the electronic file is suitable for processing by the Publisher, the article will be published without rekeying the full text. The article should be encoded in LATEX, preferably using the Elvier document class ‘elsart’, or alternatively the standard document class ‘article’ or the document style ‘re-vtex’.
评审阶段的稿件不一定用LATEX生成,但是录用后稿件一定用 LATEX生成, 稿子确定能被接收后,要重新上传一个latex生成的稿子。
14.The Title page should include (1) a short and informative full article title (ries titles are not accepted); (2) names of all authors (with one forename in full for each author), followed by their affiliations (department, institution, city with postcode, country); (3) the mailing address, fax and phone number and e-mail address of the corresponding author; (4) a running title of 50 characters or less.
就是一个高度概括的标题.一般来说文章的题目很长,但是running title要求字数限制,主要用于文章每页最上方.起页眉作用,一般控制在一行之内. 如果你的题目不长,就可以直接用TITLE作为RUNNING TITLE。
15.Plea enter any additional comments that you would like to nd to the editorial office. The c
omments do not appear in your manuscript.
主要指其他的一些可能有助于文章发表的内容,类似于cover letter内容.比如文章的特色,意义,等等,也可以包括回避审稿人,文章被谁谁或公司修改过等等.可检索本版内容. 16."Teaching Cas: “Teaching Cas” are prepared as “Original Articles,” though they must include an extra page with the complete names and address of 4 experts to rve as possible authors for the accompanying “Critical Commentaries.”. Ca reports of paradigmatic interest published along with one or two Critical Commentaries written by lected experts.
这个杂志发表很多类型的文章,其中有个叫Teaching Cas(教学?教训?),这是附有一位或多位指定专家评论的典型性的病例报道。Teaching Cas要像Original Articles一样去
17.All illustrations should accompany the typescript, but not be inrted in the text.
和 Fig要分开
18.should have the author's name, bthe figure number and an indication as to which is the top of the picture.
19.Script should be typed doulbe-spaced on one side of the paper only
20.The name of the author and the number of the figure (in Arabic numbers) should be written in the margin in blue pencil.
这是指打印稿的。意思是你要把作者的名字(往往是姓)以及图片的号码(比如Figure 1, Figure 2或者写成Fig.1,Fig.2)用蓝色铅笔写在打印纸的空白边缘上。
21.The legends of the figures should be typed on a parate sheet headed "Figure legends".)(figure legend?)
22.Submit the text (including any Tables) as a single file, in a standard disk (3.5 inch, not high density; 100 and 250 MB Zip disk and CD are also accepted), together with two hard copies of the manuscript and two ts of figures (not photocopies). Not photocopies
最好是将文字,图片,表格都放在软盘里.另外再打印两份,包括图片,这两份就是送审到专家那里去的,因此建议用好的打印机打印.not photocopies指的是不要原始照片.图片是指打印机上打印的.
23.The manuscript must be accompanied by copies of all relevant papers published elwhere by the authors and by copies of relevant manuscripts that are in press or under editorial consideration. If any tables or illustrations have been published elwhere the editorial office must be informed so that permission to reproduce can be obtained from the original publishers.
24.Papers must be arranged in the following order of prentation: title of paper; names of the auth
ors; address of the place at which the work was carried out; a lf-contained synopsis of the paper (100-200 words in length); tables; an abbreviated title for u as a running headline; captions to figures (on a parate page). Submissions not conforming to the guidelines may be returned to the authors.
a lf-contained synopsis of the paper (100-200 words in length)一般指摘要,有些杂志可能不叫abstract,写法也有所不同。tables 表格,每个表格也是单独放一页,表格的说明在表的上方,一起的。an abbreviated title for u as a running headline也就是running title了,有些杂志需要这个,滚动标题(不知道是不是这样翻译,写在文章最上部的标题)captions to figures (on a parate page)也就是legend of figures,图例,每个图的说明文字。
25.Figure captions should be submitted on a parate sheet of manuscript paper, clearly labeled.
26.A total of 25 reprints of each paper will be provided free of charge to the author 发表后,免费给25份reprints也就是offprints,单行本或者说抽印本。
27.An official letter (paper with the heading of the institute, laboratory or company submitting the manuscript) signed by one of the authors, scanned as an image or pdf file.
28.Submit original figures with the final manuscript. Figures are normally glossy prints of photographs or crisp black and white reproductions (photostats) of line drawings. To submit figures as computer files follow the instructions below. Image resolution must be 300 ppi at final printed image size. If the final printed image size is unknown, size the image at a larger than final print size, maintaining at least 300 ppi resolution, and we will downsample the image to fit the final print dimensions (we cannot enlarge a digitized image). Image sizes as follows: 2175 pixels wide for a 2-column image; 975 pixels wide for a 1-column image.
如果是将原始图片寄过去,请保证照片(比如拍的荧光照片等)或者线图(比如一些用绘图仪绘制的黑白统计图)要平滑(glossy),不要起皱。如果是通过计算机处理获得的数字图象(比如扫描,计算机谱获来的图片)递交的图片要符合下列要求:杂志印刷出版的时候图的最低分辨率300像素。杂志要求请尽量给我们一个分辨率更高的图,如果必要,我们会通过手段将照片的分辨率降到出版印刷的最低的300像素的要求。如果你给了我们一个低于300像素的图,我们没有办法增加图片的像素。图片大小要求为如果是占两栏的图,图片的宽度大小为2175像素。如果占单栏(见我的贴图),图片的宽度大小为975像素。29.line artwork, halftone artwork, combination artwork(line/tone)
line artwork:指的是线图,纯的黑白图没有中间颜色。halftone artwork:半色调图,也就是灰度图,是有颜色深浅差别的灰度图。combination artwork(line/tone):这个就是两者的混合,有时也指彩色图与line artwork的组合。
30.Authors should NOT in addition then post a hard copy submission to the editorial office, unless you are supplying artwork, letters or files that cannot be submitted electronically, or have been instructed to do so by the editorial office. References to figures and tables should be made in order of appearance in the text and should be in Arabic numerals in parenthes, e.g. (Fig. 2). Most file formats are accepted, but TIFF and EPS files, with fonts embedded, are preferred. If scanned, line art should be at a resolution of 800 dpi, and halftones and colour at 300 dpi. All colour values should be CMYK.
分杂志都是要求图片独立上传的,而不是放在word文档里的。有部分杂志是要求开始的时候可以把表格,图片全部嵌入到word文档,在网上投稿系统中自己转变为PDF 格式,给审稿人审稿。但是最后如果稿子被接受了,还是要重新独立上传图片,图片表格的解释文是放在word里面的。
31.Tables should be typed on parate pages and be numbered concutively using Arabic
32.Manuscripts (including table legends, figure legends and references) should be typed double-spaced with font size 12 letters.
33.If a Figure or Table is uploaded as a parate file, then plea exclude this from the manuscript textfile, otherwi it will be shown in the PDF twice.
34.Line graphs and bar charts should be nt in bitmap TIFF files with a minimum resolution of 1200 dpi, or as EPS files, with a preferred line width of 1 pt (minimum line width of 0.5 pt). Bitmap images should be nt as TIFF files and not placed within EPS files .
转换图片格式为TIF格式,设置线宽至少0.5pt,推荐是1pt。注意分辨率minimum resolution of 1200 dpi,图片格式TIFF或EPS,主要是为了便于修改图片,而JPG放大或缩小会导致分辨率的变化。
35.Format the manuscript as a double-spaced document with no paragraph indents.
双行距,段落、节不要缩进排版。意思是段落开始不要缩进(包括首行缩进和悬挂缩进)。36.U the word-processor's word-wrap feature. U hard returns only at the end of paragraphs.
37.All manuscripts must follow the following prentation style: the text with double-space, the reference list, a parate page of figure legends, and finally tables and figures with a parate page for each one.
38.Edited galley sheets will be e-mailed to you in the reasonably near future
Edited galley sheets是指校样

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