1Shiper 发件人√
Payer Account No.
Shipment Insurance 2Shipper's account number
Contact Name 联系人
4Shipper's reference(up to 32 characters-first 12 will be shown on invoice)
Company name 公司名称
Address 地址
5Give content and quantity 物品及数量
3Company name 公司名称6Non-Document shipments Only(Customs Re
Attach the original and two copies of a Proforma or Commercial invoice 须付形式
Delivery adress 派送地址
DHL cannot deliver to a PO Box
Shipper's VAT/GST number
DHL 无法将快件送至邮政信箱
Declared Value for Customs海关申报价值
Country 国家
Contact person 联系人7Shipper's agreement(Signature required
Postcode/Zip code(required)
Phone,Fax or E-mail(required)电话、传真或电子邮件(须填写)
Payer account number and insurance details 付款账号及快件保险资料From (Shipper) 发件人To (Receiver)收件人
Total numer
of packages 总件数
Total Wei
总重量Shipment details Full description of contents 交
Charge to 支付方式3rd party 第三方Postcode/Zip code(required)邮政编码(须填写)Phone,Fax or E-mail(required)电话、传真或电子邮件(须填写)
uantity 物品及数量