2014 年 6 月
目前,以莫尔条纹技术为基础的光栅线性位移传感器发展十分迅速,光栅长度测量系统的分辨率达到纳米级,测量精度已达 0.1um,已成为位移测量领域各工业化国家竞争的关键技术。它的应用非常广泛,几乎渗透到社会科学中的各个领域,如机床行业、计量测试部门、航空航天航海、科研教育以及国防等各个行业部门。
栅线性位移传感器应用在数字读数显微镜上,数字读数显微镜包括光学系统、控制与显示系统、CCD 摄像机与显示器四部分,其中,控制与显示系统是设计的核心模块,是基于 FPGA 技术实现的,它包括倍频鉴相模块、可逆计数模块、显示控制和显示接口模块。
经过大量的理论研究和实践测试工作,我们已经把光栅莫尔条纹技术成功地应用在数字读数显微镜上,实现了对被测物体线性位移的精密测量,测量分辨率达到 0.5um,测量精度达到±1um。设计中用 CCD 摄像头代替目镜可以避免传统的肉眼观察的不便。
At the prent time, grating linear movement nsor bad on grating Moiré fringe interferometry technology has developed rapidly.Grating movement measurement system has reached the nanometer level resolution, measuring accuracy than 0.1um.It is widely ud, almost penetrated into the social sciences in various fields, such as the machine to
ol industry,test measurement,aerospace navigation,national defen,education and scientific rearch in all industry ctors.
This paper first described in detail the formation mechanism of Moire fringe,when the measurement grating for coar grating, the moire fringe formation mechanism of the shadow of the principle of using sunscreen to explain, when the measurement grating for fine grating, then explained by diffraction interference principle. And then systematically introduced the principle of design of grating linear movement nsor bad on Grating Moire fringe technology, grating linear movement nsor is compod of grating reading-head and Moire fringe signal processing electronics components.Grating reading-head include Grating pair, the lighting system compod of light source, collimation mirror, the esntial diaphragm, received slot and adjusted organization, etc. Finally, a new kind of application bad on the Moire fringe interferometry technology is propod, which apply the grating linear movement nsor to the digital reading microscope. The digital reading microscope includes optical system, control and display system, CCD camera and display four parts, among them, it is the key module that is designed to control with the di
splay system, which is bad on FPGA technology and mainly concludes four fold-frequency and direction-judgment module,reversible counter module,displaying control module and displaying interface module.