Advantages and disadvantages of wind power generation
1、 Advantages
Wind energy is a clean energy source; The cost of large-scale power generation is lower than that of other forms of power generation; 2. Most wind energy facilities are non three-dimensional facilities, which can protect land and ecology; Wind power generation is a renewable energy, very environmentally friendly, very clean; Energy conrvation and environmental protection of wind power generation.
2、 Disadvantages
The ecological problem of wind power generation is that it may interfere with bird flight. For example, the grou in Kansas has gradually disappeared after the emergence of windmills. The current solution is offshore power generation, which has high price but high efficiency.
The economy of wind power generation is insufficient. The abundance of wind energy is greatly affected by weather and climate. The wind power in many areas is intermittent and asonal. There is no difference between the wind energy rich period and the market demand period. For example, Taiwan and other places have less wind power in summer and daytime when the power demand is high. Low wind power conversion rate.
The wind farm covers a large area. Wind power generation requires a large amount of land to build wind farms, which can produce more energy.
It will cau regional environmental changes and noi pollution. So we need to find some open and sparly populated places to build.
At prent, wind power generation is not yet mature, and there is still considerable room for development. The impact of wind power generation on the environment significantly reduces the local wind speed, and the stability of atmospheric stratification determines that the wind farm will produce warming or cooling effects.
Under the condition of sufficient water vapor, the precipitation in this area will be doubled, the vegetation coverage will be incread, and the vegetation growth will further increa the precipitation, forming a virtuous circle ①, which can reduce the local wind speed
When the wind blows over the blade, due to the asymmetry of the shape of the blade cross ction, the flow velocity of the wind above the blade is large, while the flow velocity below the blade is small. This will cau the pressure above the blade to be low and the pressure below to be high. This pressure difference will generate lift and make the blade rotate. To some extent, the wind farm is equivalent to a "barrier" with gaps, so the wind speed will be reduced when the wind pass through. In arid areas, especially in dertification areas, the reduction of network speed can slow down or inhibit dertification.
② More warming effects When the atmospheric stratification is stable, the air temperature in the upper layer is higher and that in the lower layer is lower. With the stirring of blades, the air in the upper layer is brought to the lower layer, causing the air temperature in the lower layer to ri.
As the wind speed in the wind farm interior and downstream area decreas, evaporation will weaken when the underlying surface of the area is relatively wet, resulting in temperature ri. ③ The global climate effect of wind farms The global warming effect of wind farms is far lower than that of greenhou gas emitted by human activities, but it cannot be ignored.