
更新时间:2023-05-10 20:05:38 阅读: 评论:0

1.whicheven part of Scotland takes you fancy,history is never far away.You feel it in the brooding prence of
Glencoe,evocative of that treacherous night in 1692 when Campbell soldiers slaughtered MacDonads as they slept. You touch it when you hike tyrough the hills and stumble across the ruins of a derted shieling. You e it in the weatherworm stones of turreted castales. You hear in in rousing Border ballads and haunting Hebridean melodies.
2.Englishman Lesline Stephen wass one of the true pioneers of mountaineering. In 1871, when tourism in Switzerland was still in its infancy,he publishesd a book on climbing in the Swiss Alps, aptly titled The Playground of
Europe”.If Switzerland was a playground then-it certainly is now!But the country has changed,no longer offering stunning scenery,top-clsshotels,winter sports and convalescence to an exclusive few.Switzerland’s Jungfrau Region offers everything from perfect perfect peace to spectacular sport-at prices which compare favourably with other top tourist destinations.
3.In China,many natural landscape spots which ud to be unknown to world have been discovered and opened to the public,A number of historical sites have become new attractions,such as Confucius’Residence and the Confucian Temple in Shangdong Province,the clay figures of warriors and hors by the tomb og the First Emperor in China in the Qin Dynasty in Xi’an and the Chengde Summer Resort.
4.In Songyang Academy,there are two great cypress,which are the oldest in China.As the legend goes,in the year
110.B.C,when visiting the Songshan Mountain,Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty was greatly surprid to e such big cypress there,so he conferred them the title of “the Great General”,”the Second General”and “the Third General”.”The Third General”died many years ago.Now,only the other still stand there vibrant.
5.With waters and hills,every place looks bright and beautiful;with rain and sunshine every moment appears pleasant and wonderful.
In 2005,the Glacier Express celebrated its 75th anniversary.It all began in the golden years of the 1920s.As a result of the reports by keen alpine climbers of their adventures,memebeers of high society with a yearning to travel came from all over the world to discover the stark beauty of the Swiss Alps.Previously remote mountain villages like Zermatt and St.Moritz turned into sophisticated rstorts. The powers discovered the potential of adventure tours by rail,and finally,on June
25th,1930,the Glacier Express made its first trip from St.Moritz to Zermatt.At that time, the trip lasted 11hours,and pasngers travelled in elegant saloon carriages and specially converted pasnger trains.
Of couryour journey through Scotland may not take you this way,but wherever you go you’re in for a treat.You might linger in the Borders to explore the footsteps ruins of once-powerful abbeys or fish for plump salmon in the Tweed.Or follow in the footsteps of Rob Roy and Walter Scott through
the Trossachs to soak up the “scenery of a fairy dream”,as Scott described it .Perhaps you will potter around colorful fishing villages in the Kingdom of Fife and tee off on the legendary Old Cour in St Andrew.Or venture into Speyside to tickle your tastabuds on the malt whisky trail. If it is drama you a
re after,you will head for the Highlands,a vast swathe of untamed widerness fringed by mile upon mile of fretted cosatline dotted with islands.
One of Sichuan’s finest scenic spots is Huangling,which lies in Songpan Cunty just beneath Xuebao,the main peak of the Minshan Mountains.Here you will enjoy lush green forests,fragrent flowers,bubbling streams,and songbirds.There is a story about the place as the Great was determined to China,when great floods threatened the people of central China,Yu the Great was determined to tame the mighty floods by himlf.However,water was too inundant for any boat to carry him.Then ,a yellow loong(pronounced huanglong in Chine,with the image similar to English”dragon”)appeared to boat him,leading to his success in the fight against the floods.Too exha
usted to return to its ocean,the loong died at the foot of the Minshan Mountains.And the place was named after it.
例三原⽂主要讲述了“黄龙”这个名字的来历,其中的传说故事并不晦涩难懂,所以完全可以将这⼀段故事直译。但值得注意的是,由于中⽂的“龙”与英语的“dragon”在⽂化联想意义上是完全不同的,所以笔者将其直译为loong,这也是很多学者呼吁的。在中国,⼈们对龙的隐喻往往是褒义的,所以才有了望⼦成龙和龙的传⼈这样的说法,但在西⽅,dragon是邪恶的象征。《圣经》中是这样描述的:an enormous red dragon with ven heads and ten horns and ven crowns on his heads.His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and fling them to the earth.The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth,so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.(有⼀条⼤红龙,七头⼗⾓,七头上戴着七个冠冕。它的尾巴拖拉着天上星⾠的三分之⼀,摔在地上,龙就站在那将要⽣产的妇⼈⾯前,等她成产在之后,要吞吃她的孩⼦。)以及Then form his mouth the rpent spewed water like a river,to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent(它就在妇⼈⾝后,从⼝中吐出⽔来,像河⼀样,要将妇⼈冲去),甚⾄causing fire to come down form heaven to earth in full view of man(在⼈⾯前,叫⽕从天降到地上)。虽然很长时间以来,汉语的“龙”被译成了英⽂“dragon”,英⽂中的“dragon”被译成了中⽂的“龙”,但实际上误传了其中的象征意义,没有正确传达出中英⽂两个民族对这⼀形象的不同认知(彭萍,2009:231)。例四:
After unifying all other six states,Emperor Qinshihuang,the first emporer of the Qin Dynasty,while pulling down the walls between the former states, had new walls built in the north to defend the Hun. The walls stretched more than five thousand kilometres,forming the oldest Great Wall.From then on ,in was restored and reinforced by successive dynasties.
Qindao is a beautiful coastal city.It is cool in summer and warm in winter.The 40-km-long scenic line begins from Tuandao Island at the west end to Xiaqinggong of Mount Lao at the east end.
Tourists can ride a bamboo raft to enjoy the picturesque landscape along the Nine-bend Stream,as reflected in the ancient lines that the landscape of the Wuyi Mountains is as marvelous as a fairyland.
于⽐较复杂,但其承载的信息在后稳中已经表达出来了,所以译⽂将其直接省译,例六则将武夷风光堪称奇,胜似⼈间仙境简化成the landscape of the Wuyi Mountains is as marvelous as a fairyland,这种简化可以说是既⽣动形象⼜简单易懂,基本上传达出了原⽂的意境,⼜容易为外国读者所接受。
With its hot sun and gay night lift San Francisco is a fine place to live or to visit. It is the most European of all American cities and you’ll be sure to grow fond of it instantly. So tell yourlf in the words of the song from the last century,”San Francisco,here I come!”
例七原⽂的最后引⽤了⼀句歌词San Francisco,here I come,这句歌词的其中⼀个译⽂是“旧⾦⼭,我到你的⾝边来了”,但笔者认为“我到你的⾝边来了”并不⼗分通顺,⽽最容易为中⽂读者接受并记住的中译⽂应该是“旧⾦⼭,我来了”。
A Chine saying goes,”Timing is everything”and this applies to Ditan Temple Fair(a temple fair held in the Park of Earth Temple),at which you will find everything concerned with culture of Bejing.Both insiders and outsiders of Beijing enjoy it. 例九:
There is a saything that goes as follows:”An awning,a fish globe,and a pomegranate tree;a gentleman.a fat dog and a plumpy girl”,the vivid portrait of the well-to-do life in a countyard hou of Beijing.The first half tells of the surroundings and architecture of the countyard hou while the latter half tells of the living things there that are lively and lovely.
Situated in the west of Hangzhou,the West Lake covers 6.03 square kilometers.The cauways, bridges, pavilions, springs, trees and flowers in and around the Lake make it a paradi on earth,where one can’t tear himlf away.
以上三个例⼦的原⽂均含有中国⼈使⽤的俗语,可谓形象⽣动地描绘了所介绍的景点。细细的读者会发现,这三个俗语的翻译策略不尽相同。例如例⼋的“赶得早不如赶得巧”归化成英⽂的Timing is everything,符合西⽅关于“准时”的观念;例九的“天棚鱼缸⽯榴树,先⽣肥狗胖丫头”可谓地道的中⽂俗语,是不同形象的堆积,译⽂中将其直译,有些像西⽅的意象派诗歌,英⽂读者根据上下⽂能过来理解其意思;历史的“上有天堂下有苏杭”则采取了解释性的翻译,简单地翻译成paradi,完全迎合了英语读者的表达习惯。事项,如果将其直译为There is a heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou on the earth,势必会使译⽂冗长啰嗦,

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