Possible recurrence of symptoms after discontinuation of omalizumab in anti-IgE-assisted
densitization to egg
期刊名称: Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
作者: Isabel Lafuente,Angel Mazon,Maria Nieto,Sonia Uixera,Antonio Nieto
年份: 2014年
期号: 第7期
关键词: Densitization;egg allergy;food allergy;omalizumab
摘要:Procedures of densitization to food in children who do not spontaneously outgrow their food allergy are increasingly being ud. Some patients, especially tho with vere allergy, have reactions during this process and must quit the procedure (1,2). An alternative for the cas is to u omalizumab,
as an off-label indication, and there are reports of successful and safe results in this type of patients (3,4,5,6). This article is protected by copyright. All rights rerved.