
更新时间:2023-05-10 15:06:27 阅读: 评论:0

COD chemical oxygen demand化学需氧量
BOD biochemical oxygen demand 生化需氧量
TOC total organic carbon 总有机碳
DO dissolved oxygen 溶解氧
POPs persistent organic pollutants 持久性有机污染物
TSP total suspended particle 总悬浮颗粒
TKN total Kjeldahl nitrogen 总凯氏氮
UASB up flow anaerobic sludge blanket 上流式厌氧污泥床
MBR membrane bioreactor 膜生物反应器
SBR quencing batch reactor 间歇式活性污泥法
1、Many of the chemicals saved from the wer were either worthless or of such a low value as to render recovery uneconomical.
2、Becau CO2 can absorb thermal energy, it decreas the atmosphere’s emissivity, that is, its ability to radiate long-wave infrared and transparency to visible light is characterized as the “greenhou effect”.
3、Equipment may be modified to enhance recovery or recycling operations, to produce less waste, or to improve operating efficiency.
4、The most ver conquence of CO2 induced global warming would be melting of the polar ice caps and the subquent ri of ocean levels and inundation of coastal plains.
5、Although world coal resources are enormous, their utilization is limited by environmentally disruption from mining and emissions of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.
Unit 1
Unfortunately,many important environmental problems are not confined to an air,water,or land system,but involve interactions between systems. 不幸的是,许多重要的环境保护问题并不只局限于空气、水、土地系统,但涉及系统之间的相互作用。Unit 5
1、Air pollution is normally defined as air that contains one or more chemicals in high enough concentrations to harm humans, other animals, vegetation or materials.环境污染通常认为是空气中含有一种或更多种有害物质,并且其浓度达到了足以对人,其他动物,植物或材料产生危害的程度。
2、By themlves, measured concentrations tell us nothing about the danger caud by pollutions, becau threshold levels, synergy, and biological magnification are also determining factors.通过测出的浓度自身并不能告知我们有关污染物所带来的危险的信息,因为临界浓度、协同作用还有生物放大效应都是决定因素。
1、The principal means for control of particulate emissions from industrial sources are cyclones,electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters and scrubbers. 控制工业来源的颗粒物的排放的主要方法是利用旋风分离器、静电除尘器、布袋过滤器和洗涤器。
2、Fabric filters usually provide very high collection efficiencies, exceeding 99.5%, at pressure drops usually ranging from 4 to 6 inches of water. 布袋过滤器通常有较高的除尘效率,超过99.5%,压力降一般在4~6英寸水柱之间。
3、The high energy scrubber, or V enturi, imparts high velocity to the gas stream by means of converging-diverging duct ction, and contact the stream with injected water.高能洗涤器或者文丘里管,用收缩—扩大管截面的方法给气流提供高速,与上面注入的水流接触。
4、The gas is ionized by the high voltage discharge and the particulate matter is charge by the interaction of the gas ions.气体被高压电极电离,同时气体离子的相互作用使颗粒物带上电荷。
1、Water pollution problems intensified following world war II when dramatic increas in urban density and industrialization occurred.
2、T ests for the few pathogens that might be prent are difficult and time consuming, and standard practice is to test for other more plentiful organisms that are always prent (in the billions) in the intestines of warm-blooded animals, including humans. 对可能存在的病菌的检测不仅有难度并且很耗时,并且标准的实施是对其他许多存在于包括人类在内的热血动物肠道内的有机体进行的检测。
3、TOC is determined by measuring the amount of CO2 produced when the organic carbon in the sample is oxidized by a strong oxidizer and comparing it with the amount in a standard of known TOC. 总有机碳是通过测量样品中的有机碳在一种强氧化剂的氧化作用下产生的二氧化碳的量,并与已知的总有机碳的标准对比而测得的。
1、Whatever the approach, it must be remembered that energy is required to lift water or to pump it through a filter. 不论采取哪一种方法,必须记住,提升水或用泵将水输送通过过滤床都需要能量。
1、Coagulation/flocculation is a chemical-physical procedure whereby particles too small for practica
l removal by plain dimentation are destabilized and clustered together for faster ttling.
2、The exact mechanism is not well understood, but the general idea is to add a chemical which has positively charged colloids to water containing negatively charged colloids.
3、In rever osmosis(RO),fresh water is forced through a mipermeable membrane in the direction opposite to that occurring in natural osmosis.在反渗透系统中,淡水被迫通过半透膜的方向与自然渗透的方向相反。
Unit 1
1、life expectancy :耐用期限,平均寿命
poverty-stricken :贫穷的,贫困的,贫乏的
smog-laden air :烟雾弥漫的天空,烟雾缭绕的空气,阴霾天气
global conditions :全球状况
haves and have-nots :富人和穷人
underprivileged :社会地位低下的,相对贫困的,生活水平低下的,弱势的
savanna :热带大草原,稀树草原
predator :食肉动物,捕食者
environmental disruptions :环境破坏,环境失调
2、农药—pesticide / agricultural chemicals (including: pesticide, germicide, herbicide)
化肥—chemical fertilizer 有机废物—organic wastes
微生物—microorganism / microbe 衰减—attenuation
阻滞的—retardant / blocking 稀释—dilution
添加剂—additive 合成塑料—synthetic plastic
Unit 5
1、condary pollutant 二次大气污染物air stagnation 空气流动停滞,大气停滞nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮(N2O) nitric oxide 一氧化氮(NO)
nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮(NO2) soot 煤烟dust 灰尘
smog 烟雾ozone 臭氧
herbicide 除草剂pesticide 杀虫剂/ 农药
2 、正常浓度normal concentration
严重污染的rious polluted / heavily polluted
决定因素determining factor
光化学氧化物photochemical oxidant
液体微滴liquid droplet
放射性物质radioactive substance
不完全氧化incomplete oxidization / incomplete combustion
风化wind erosion / weathering
汽车尾气automobile exhaust
Unit 7 (P.47)
3 、出口outlet多管高效旋风分离器multitube high-efficiency cyclone 合成纤维synthetic fabric 捕集效率collection efficiency
机械洗涤mechanical scrubbing 压力降pressure drop
焚化炉incinerator 气体离子gas ion
捕集板collection surface 碳黑carbon black
Unit 8 (P.52)
1尾气off-gas 可应用性applicability 工业规模full-scale
土壤床soil bed 生物过滤器biofilter 固定资本fixed capital
易生物降解的easily biodegraded
2、VOC 挥发性有机化合物APC 大气污染控制
Regulatory program 调整项目Financial support 财政支持
Operating cost 操作成本Biodegradation capacity 生物降解能力Environmental media 环境介质Biological 生物学的
Technologies 技术、工艺Inorganic air pollutants 无机大气污染物
Unit 10 (P.66)
1、treatment facilities 处理设备per capita per day 每人每天
municipality 市政当局, 自治市population equivalent 人口当量
bament flooding 地下室浸水runoff 排水
domestic wage 生活污水type of terrain 地形种类
Unit 12 (P.81)
1 、land disposal 掩埋处置fecal coliform 粪大肠菌群
stringent effluent requirement 严格的废水排放要求
assimilation capacity 同化能力practical outlets 可行的排出途径,现实出路aquatic life 水生生物detrimental to human health 对人体健康有害的endogenous pha 内源〔生长〕期
Unit 13 (P.89)
1 、flow monitoring 流量监测equipment age and reliability 装备老化及其可靠性mechanistic facilities 机械设备microbial activity 微生物活性
activated sludge 活性污泥controlling respiration 控制呼吸
oxidation ditches 氧化沟on-line automation 在线自动〔监测〕
2 、手动控制operator control/ manual control
最优化minimize the effects
统计分析statistical analysis
质量衡算mass balance
氧化还原oxidation and reduction /redox
停留时间residence time

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标签:有机   空气   能够   方法
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