江苏牛津高中英语Module6 unit1 P9-11
fit·ness /ˈfɪtnɪs/ n [U]
when you are healthy and strong enough to do hard work or play sports
an exerci programme to improve your fitness
Running marathons requires a high level of physical fitness .
the degree to which someone or something is suitable or good enough for a particular situation or purpo
fitness for
He questioned McNeil's fitness for high office.
fitness to do sth
The doctor will first determine your fitness to receive the anaesthetic.
W3 /ˈstreŋθən, ˈstrenθən/ v
2【team/army etc】
3【financial situation】
to become stronger or make something stronger
≠ weaken
Our friendship has steadily strengthened over the years.
Steve's opposition only strengthened her resolve to go ahead.
strengthen sth's ties/bonds/links etc
The university hopes to strengthen its ties with the local community.
The company plans to strengthen its hand (=make itlf more powerful) in Europe by opening an office in Spain.
to make an organization, army etc more powerful, especially by increasing the number or quality of the people in it
≠ weaken
The team has been strengthened by the arrival of two new players.
if the financial situation of a country or company strengthens or is strengthened, it improves or is made to improve
≠ weaken
measures to strengthen the economy
【MONEY】 [I and T]
to increa in value, or to increa the value of money
≠ weaken
The pound has strengthened against other currencies.
to make something such as your body or a building stronger
≠ weaken
Metal supports were added to strengthen the outer walls.
to help prove something
Fresh evidence has greatly strengthened the ca against him.
to increa in force
The wind had strengthened during the night.
/ ˈjəugə; ˋjoɡə/ n [U] (a) Hindu philosophy that teaches control over the mind, ns and body in order to produce mystical experience and the union of the individual soul with the universal spirit 瑜伽派(印度哲学的一派). (b) system of exercis for the body and the control of breathing for tho practising yoga or wanting to become fitter 瑜伽(术); 瑜伽修行法: [attrib 作定语] yoga class 瑜伽学习班.
> yogi / ˈjəugɪ; ˋjoɡi/ n (pl ~s) teacher of or expert in yoga 瑜伽论者; 瑜伽(术)的导师或专家.
/ ˈmʌsl; ˋmʌsl/ n
(a) [C] length of stretchable tissue in an animal body that is attached at each end to bone and can be tightened or relaxed to produce movement 肌肉: arm, leg, face, etc muscles 胳膊﹑ 大腿﹑ 面部等的肌肉 * strain/tear/pull a muscle 扭伤[撕裂/拉伤]肌肉 * exercis to develop the muscles 做运动以锻炼肌肉 * Don't move a muscle! ie Stay completely still. 呆着别动! (b) [U] such tissue 肌肉组织: The heart is made of muscle. 心脏是肌肉组织. * [attrib 作定语] muscle fibres 肌肉纤维.
[U] muscular power 肌肉的力量: have plenty of muscle but no brains 肌肉发达, 头脑简单.
[U] (fig 比喻) power to make others do as one wishes (操纵他人的)力量: political, industrial, etc muscle 政治的﹑ 工业的...力量 * a trade union with plenty of muscle 强大的工会.
(idm 习语) flex one's muscles => flex.
> muscle v (phr v) muscle in (on sb/sth) (infml derog 口, 贬) join in sth when one has no right to do so, for one's own advantage 强行挤入某事物以分享利益: I wrote the book,
and now she's trying to muscle in on its success by saying she gave me the ideas. 书是我写的, 现在她却要分享其成, 硬说是她给我的构思.
# `muscle-bound adj having large stiff muscles as the result of excessive exerci (因锻炼过度)肌肉粗而硬的.
`muscleman / -mæn; -ˏmæn/ n (pl -men / -men; -mɛn/)(infml sometimes derog 口, 有时作贬义) man with large muscles and (often) great strength 肌肉发达而有力的男子.
/ pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt; pɑrˋtɪsəˏpet/ v [I, Ipr] ~ (in sth) take part or become involved (in an activity) 参加, 参与(某活动): participate in a competition, discussion, meeting 参加竞赛﹑ 讨论﹑ 会议 * She actively participates in local politics. 她积极参与本地政治活动. * How many countries will be participating (in the Olympic Games)? 有多少国家要参加(奥林匹克运动会)?
> participant / pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt; pɑrˋtɪsəpənt/ n ~ (in sth) person or group of people who participate in sth 参加者: All the participants in the debate had an opportunity to speak. 所
participation / pɑːˏtɪsɪˈpeɪʃn; pɑrˏtɪsəˋpeʃən/ n [U] ~ (in sth) (action of) participating in sth 参加: Union leaders called for the active participation of all members in the day of protest. 工会领袖号召抗议那天全体会员积极参加.
/ ˈpɔzətɪv; ˋpɑzətɪv/ adj
with no possibility of doubt; clear and definite 无可怀疑的; 明确的; 确定的: positive instructions, orders, rules, etc 明确的指示﹑ 命令﹑ 规定等 * We have no positive proof of her guilt. 我们没有她犯罪的确切证据.
~ (about ) (of a person) confidently holding an opinion; convinced (指人)有把握的, 确信的: Are you absolutely positive that it was after midnight? 你是否有绝对把握认为那事是在午夜以後发生的? * She was quite positive about the amount of money involved. 她对所涉及的钱数十分肯定.
(a) providing help; constructive 有助益的; 建设性的: make positive proposals, suggestions, etc 提出有益的建议﹑ 意见等 * Try to be more positive in dealing with the problem. 对解决该问题再积极一些. (b) showing confidence and optimism 自信的; 乐观的: a positive attitude, feeling, etc 乐观的态度﹑ 情绪等 * positive thinking, ie a determined mental attitude that helps one achieve success 必胜的思想.
(infml 口) absolute; complete 彻底的; 绝对的; 完全的: Her behaviour was a positive outrage. 她的行为残暴到了极点. * It was a positive miracle that we arrived on time. 我们
能够及时赶到, 这简直是奇迹.
(of the results of a test or an experiment) indicating that a substance is prent (指试验或实验的结果)表明存在某物质的, 阳性的: a positive reaction 阳性反应 * The tests proved positive. 试验结果呈阳性. * They were hoping for a positive result from the experiment. 他们希望从实验中获得阳性结果.
(mathematics 数) (of a quantity) greater than zero (指数量)正的: a positive number 正数 * the positive sign (+) 正号.
tending towards increa or improvement 倾向於增加或改善的: Positive progress has been achieved during the negotiations. 谈判取得了良好的进展. * There have been positive developments in international relations. 国际关系已逐步改善. * positive discrimination, ie deliberately favouring an underprivileged group, esp in employment policy 具有积极意义的区别对待(尤指在就业政策中所实施的偏向贫困阶层的做法).
containing or producing the type of electrical charge produced by rubbing glass with silk 正电的; 正极的: a positive charge 正电荷 * the positive terminal of a battery, ie the one through which electric current leaves the battery 电池的正极端子.
(of a photograph) showing light and shadows as in nature or in the object photographed, not reverd as in a negative (指照片)正片的: a positive image 正片影像. Cf 参看 negative.
(grammar) (of an adjective or adverb) in the simple form, not the comparative or superlative (指形容词或副词)原级的(非比较级的或最高级的).
> positive n
1 (grammar) positive adjective 原级形容词: `Silly' is the positive and `sillier' the comparative. *silly 是原级形容词, sillier是比较级形容词.
2 positive quality or quantity 确实; 正量; 正数.
3 photograph printed from a negative plate or film (照片的)正片.
positively adv (a) (infml 口) extremely; absolutely 极其; 绝对地: He was positively furious when he saw the mess. 他看到混乱的情况, 气得不得了. * She was positively bursting to tell us the news. 她迫不及待地要把那消息告诉我们. (b) with complete certainty; firmly 十分肯定地; 坚定地: She positively assured me that it was true. 她向我明确地保证那是事实. * Are you positively convinced that he is not coming back? 你确信他不回来了吗?
positiveness n [U].
# ,positive `pole (a) positive terminal of an electric battery; anode (电池的)正极, 阳极. (b) north-eking pole of a magnet (磁体的)北极.
drive away [drive sb⇔away] phr v
to behave in a way that makes someone leave
He was cruel becau he wanted to drive me away.
drive sb away to make sb not want to stay or not want to go somewhere: Her constant nagging drove him away. ◆ Terrorist threats are driving away tourists.
/ ˈnegətɪv; ˋnɛɡətɪv/ adj
(of words, ntences,etc) expressing denial or refusal; indicating `no' or `not' (指词﹑ 句等)表示否定或拒绝的: a negative ntence, question, adverb 否定句﹑ 否定疑问句﹑ 有否定含义的副词 * give sb a negative answer 给某人以否定的答覆 * a negative decision on an application 对申请的否决. Cf 参看 affirmative.
lacking in definite, constructive or helpful qualities or characteristics 消极的; 败事的; 无助益的: He has a very negative attitude to his work, ie is not interested in trying to do it well or properly. 他的工作态度很消极. * negative criticism, ie that does not suggest how the thing criticized could be improved 消极的批评(未对所批评的事物提出改进意见的) * a negative definition, ie one that defines a word, etc by saying what it does not mean 反面定义(通过说明一词不是某意思来给该词下定义者) * The results of her pregnancy test were negative, ie showed that she was not pregnant. 她的妊娠试验结果呈阴性.
(mathematics 数) (of a quantity) less than zero; (of a number) that has to be subtracted from other numbers or from zero (指值或数)负的.
containing or producing the type of electric charge carried by electrons (电)阴极的,
负极的: the negative terminal of a battery, ie the one through which current enters from an external circuit 电池的负极.
(of a photograph) with the light areas of the actual object(s) or scene appearing as dark, and the dark areas as light (指摄影)底片的. Cf 参看 positive.
> negative n
1 word or statement that express or means denial or refusal 否定词; 否定语: `No', `not' and `neither' are negatives. no﹑ not﹑ neither都是否定词.
2 developed photographic film, etc on which the light and dark areas of the actual object(s) or scene are reverd and from which positive pictures can be made (摄影等的)底片, 负片.
3 (idm 习语) in the `negative (fml 文) (of a ntence, etc) containing a negative word; expressing denial, refusal, etc (指句子等)含有否定词的, 表示否定或拒绝等的, 否定的: She answered in the negative, ie said `no'. 她做出否定的回答.
negative v [Tn] (fml 文) 1 refu to approve or grant (sth); veto 否定, 否认(某事); 否决: negative a request, an application, etc 否决一要求﹑ 申请等. 2 prove (sth) to be untrue; di
sprove 证明(某事物)不实; 驳斥; 反驳. 3 neutralize (an effect) 抵销(一作用).
negatively adv.
guarantee 1
/ ˏgærənˈtiː; ˏɡærənˋti/ n
(a) ~ (against sth) promi (usu in writing) that certain conditions agreed to in a transaction will be fulfilled (交易的)保证, 保证书: The watch comes with a year's guarantee, ie a promi to repair it free for a year after purcha. 这手表保修一年. * It's still under guarantee (ie The guarantee is still valid), so the manufacturer will repair it. 保证书还有效, 所以厂家会给修理的. * provide a guarantee against rust 保不生锈 * You have our guarantee! 我们给你产品保证! * The Soviets are demanding certain guarantees about verification before signing the treaty. 苏联人要求得到有关核实的某些保证後才签约. (b) ~ (of ) promi given by one person to another that he will be responsible for eing that sth is done (eg payment of a debt by another person) 担保, 保证(如另一人偿还债务): give a guarantee of (one's/sb's) good behaviour 对(自己的[某人的])良好品行给予保证. (c) document, property, etc offered as curity for carrying out the conditions in a guarantee (作为保证物的)契据﹑ 财产等; 抵押品: `What guarantee can you offer?' `I can offer my hou as a guarantee.' ‘你用什麽做抵押?’‘我可以拿房子抵押.’ Cf 参看 curity 3.
person who promis to be responsible for eing that sth is done 保证人; 担保人: Are you willing to be a guarantee of your friend's good behaviour, ie undertake to make sure that he behaves himlf properly? 你愿担保你朋友品行良好吗? * be sb's guarantee for a loan from the bank 做某人从银行贷款的保证人.
~ (of ) (infml 口) thing that makes an event likely to happen 担保(某事可能发生)的事物: Blue skies are not a guarantee of continuing fine weather. 蔚蓝的天空不一定担保天气持续晴朗. * There's no guarantee she won't reject them all, ie She may well do so. 不能保证她不会全盘否定.