1仔细思考每一种文章的模式及写法(如开头结尾有那些套话,文章的固定框架是什么?连词怎么用?)→2. 在考前一周左右突击记忆下文中列出的outline, 并确定出自己最不熟悉的篇目→3. 在考前头三天晚上把outline再背一遍, 把不熟悉的部分抄录在一张纸上→4. 考前一小时把这张纸上的内容再看一遍!
Unit 1: the power of language: critical reading/ the language of confidence
P112 Unit 1: Is it necessary to develop the ability to read critically? Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons and examples to support yourlf.
P119: A person without higher education could also get a decent job. If you were faced with the choice between starting a job and continuing education, what would you do?
Unit2 Mistakes to Success: Spilt Milk/ The Cake
P130: What can mistakes teach us? How can we learn from mistakes so as to achieve success? Reasons and examples to support yourlf
P139: The most Important way to success. Write a speech for the speech contest.
Unit3 Friendship and Loyalty: Reflections: Friendship and Loyalty/ A Tribute to the Dog
P151: Do you believe that virtual friends can be loyal and real friends? Give reasons to support your argument.
P158: What is True Friendship.
Unit4: The Joy of work: Work is a Blessing/ How to start your own business
P169: What do you think of the NEET(not in education, employment, or training) group in society? Give reasons and suggestions.
P180: Will you be committed to a lifetime career or job-hop often? Give your reasons.
P191: Success in English Learning.
Unit 5: Keeping your dreams alive: Life is difficult/Begin Again
P202: What do you think of the problems and difficulties in your life? Give reasons and examples.
P209: What’s your dream for the future in your life?
Unit6: The virtue of Money: Teaching children to spend pocket money wily/ The Importance of Money in Life
P220: What’s your opinion about pocket money management? Give your suggestions on how to teach kids to manage finances wily
P228: Students’ pursuit of famous brands. Describe and analyze.
Unit7: Inner voice: Your Inner Voice/ Make a good first impression
P238: Would you follow your inner voice to help the old man or would you follow the crowd? Give your reasons.
P245: Career choice for young people. What would be your decision?
Unit8: The Great Minds: Life without limits/ An Unwanted baby, Steve Jobs
P257: What personalities do you think can help people overcome difficulties when challenged? How can we develop tho qualities?
P266: How do you understand kind deeds, small or big, and the realization of the value of your life?
P278 More Chine students get overas education at high expens. What do you think of this?
Unit9: Facing Life’s Challenges: 300 Hurdles/ A violin with three strings
P288: What attitude should we have when faced with difficulties and challenges? Give your opinions and suggestions.
P296: What do you think is the role of challenge in your life? How will you prepare yourlf to face a challenge?
Unit 10: Ode to public transport: The importance of public transportation/ Personal advantages of taking public transportation
P306: Reasonable and feasible suggestions to the local or central government as to how to promote public transportation and call for green travel.
P314: Canceling the free ride for niors at rush hour or due respect given to niors? Your side and reasons.
Unit11:Cyber World: Cyberlove/The Impact of the Internet on society
P327: Us of the Internet and your interested u of the Internet. Good points and bad points. Reasons and examples.
P336: Your best friend’s addiction to the Internet starts to affect your friendship. What do you plan to do to maintain this friendship?
Unit 12: A Break from life: Feeling free/ Self-esteem and body image
P347: Why should people t themlves free form their busy life? List some reasons except illness. Give examples to support yourlf.
P356: the importance of cosmetic surgery for young people’s job hunting. Comments or advice given from a cosmetic surgeon.
P369: Is Internet a Blessing or a Cur?
类型一: 从多论点当中选三点或一点加以论述
模式: There are many important factors in ...→In my opinion, the most important one is…→First of all, (解释句+例子,下同) →what’s more, →Last but not the least →In conclusion, … is indeed of greatest importance in…
类型二: 描述中心人物的品质, 写法近似类型一
类型三: 有明显情节(有的附带议论或暗线)的记叙文.
Laura had parents who kept her best interests in mind→ Christmas coming, father was o
ut of job→mother decided to cut the bone to the list and spent holidays on a farm→ it was largely Laura’s doing that they had a unforgettable Christmas→ she accepted cheap gifts instead of ballerina dress → she assisted mother in houwork→romped with brother and talked politics nsibly with her father→ If you keep the best interests of children in mind, they won’t let you down in a crisis.