Expire: to come to an end or be no longer valid
∙ My visa has expired
Juvenile: young or youthful
Log: a ction of the trunk or a thick branch of the tree that has been cut for fuel
Maritime: relating to the a
Obstruct: block. To block a road or prevent something from happening / Origin: to build in the way, build up against.
Pollen: a powdery substance produced by flowering plants that containing reproductive cells.
Prevalent: occurring or accepted commonly or widely.
Origin: prevail.
Syllable: a word or part of a word which contains a single vowel of sound. Origin: sy---syn, same; lambanein---to take
Tow: to pull something
Unearth=dig out
Coil: a continuous ries of circular rings ---to gather
Deceive: intentionally trick or mislead somebody.--- to take away.
Fume: to feel great angry. Latin, fumus, smoke