The Law of the Heart
by J. George Frederick
At long last I have come to a rather simple point as to what I believe. I believe in what I choo to call “The Law of the Heart”.
In the medical world this phra, The Law of the Heart, means the great discovery by Professor Ernest Henry Starling of the preci method by which the heart accelerates and retards itlf through the heart muscle; also the manner in which it accomplishes the vital twoway exchange of fluids between the bloodstream and the body tissues.
In my view of life there is also supremely needful a vital twoway exchange of heart qualities between human beings. Without it the human spirit and relationship to other spirits is lifeless and dangerous. Dependence on head qualities is mechanical and empty, just as we have discovered that babies do not thrive, even with technically expert nursing care, without mother love.
The Law of the Heart, in my belief, then, means that I can achieve greatest physical and mental health, and have the most constructive relations with life and people, if my matured emotional lf dominates my motives and actions. When, after due consultation with my head, the true heart speaks, it is the finest and most mellowed judgment that I, human creature, am capable of. Man is indivisible, I believe; he is a whole; mind, spirit, body—but with only one real, fully reprentative voice—the voice of the heart.
There is, in my belief, very suggestive symbolism in the means by which the Law of the Heart operates. We know that man needs to give others weaker, less fortunate, a transfu
sion of his blood as proof of fellowship. We know that hearts and arteries which are hard and unresponsive can bring the retribution of sudden death. We know that hearts which beat in unison with the problems, pains, miries and needs of others know celestial music which can never be known to tho who do not.
We know that hearts capable of quickened pul at the sight of beauty and nobility, courage and sacrifice, love and tenderness, a child or a sunt, achieve intensities of living—a song in their hearts—unknown to others. We know that tho who choke off the heart’s native impuls will likely bring on a coronary thrombosis of obstructed emotion which can cripple.
The first Law of the Heart, I feel sure, is to pulsate, to love. To fail to pulsate and love is swift and certain spiritual death. There are far, far too many of us who em obsd with lf, unable or unwilling to love. The cond Law of the Heart, I believe, is to give, and forgive, to sacrifice. The heart is the great supplier and giver to every remote atom in the body. The heart muscle is the strongest in the whole body.
The things I know and believe, and they provide me with the foundation of what I call my humanistic philosophy of life. It works for me. I feel clo to the earth with it. Yet face uplifted. The heart is clor to everlasting reality, although I am fully aware that I must not
let raw emotion masquerade as a heart quality, and that the immature heart can make rious errors. The educated, matured heart is, to my belief, not only the noblest thing in man but also the great hope of the world.
A Mask was Stifling Me');
Lucy Freeman
I believe that everyone wants to love and be loved and that happiness stems from a facing and acceptance of lf that allows you to give and receive love.
Some think of love as a passionate, hungry, dramatic feeling, all consuming in intensity and desire. As I e it, this is, rather, immature love: it is a demand on others, not a giving of onelf. Mature love, the love that brings happiness, flows out of an inner fullness, and accepts, understands and is tender toward the other person. It does not ask to be rved but only where it may rve.
Six years ago I could hardly breathe becau of acute sinus. My stomach was always upt and full of queasiness and I had trouble sleeping, even though I felt exhausted all the time. In desperation, after doctors who treated the physical symptoms failed to ea the pain, I tried psychoanalysis. I was lucky to find a wi, compassionate man who showed me what it meant to be able to trust mylf and others.