完形高频答案词 可快速向标准答案靠拢!解决“发挥不稳定”及“看不懂短文或看懂了还错”的两大难题。知道了第一类高频答案词就可以马上秒杀答案, 知道了第二类高频答案词,可快速缩小范围,在剩余两项中结合2012吴军高考英语高分密码快速对比,迅速做答!
drop落下,掉下; 丢下,扔下
55. a. b. startedc. pasdd. misd
38. a. took b. c. got d. pulled
不管备选项是什么词,最终的答案始终是dropped, 您可以再试试更早的高考真题,领悟会更深!当然也可以多试一些正规的市级以上的模拟试题,可能意想不到的惊喜在等着您!
eventually =finally =at last最后
an insurance firm and started her own company.
42. a. gradually b. actually c. d. naturally
50. a. finally b. instantly c. normally d. regularly
50.a.hardlyb.casually c.absolutely d.再试了这个后,你同样可以发现红花词还是我们总结的eventually 或finally,其他的都是绿叶词,欲想知道更多的一类秒杀高频答案词当然要预定2012吴军高频答案词一本通喽!
现在再看一下第二类高频答案词:realize 97%是完形答案,recognize是三类高频词,同时出现时要小心,应适当对比一下:
51. a. b. suggestc. hope d. prove
35.a. b.apologized c.plained
48. a. introducedb. recognized c. identifiedd. considered
为了让您深信不疑,我们再举个例子, decide 95%是完形答案, know是三类高频词,
2011年福建卷和2010年辽宁卷毫无疑问选了decided. 关键是2009年辽宁卷decide和kno
39. a. demanded b.c. agreed d. hesitated
43.a.offered b.agreedc.decidedd.happened
37. a finding b proving c deciding
此题找到主语即动作发出者he时,代入两个词,he his father……,他决定他父亲还是他知道他父亲?当然知道通顺了,很快突破,选了d.
词汇单选高频答案词 主要考词汇辩析,吴老师教你另类答题方法!
actually = in fact =as a matter of fact 事实上 强调时或看到插入语i think, i believe, there is时,选in fact或actually.
◆as i found out, there is,46
对应)between two 47in two languages. 强调!
46. a. at least
suddenly突然, 只要选项里出现,一般都是答案!
◆what laughing 42 we had about the 43 respectable method for moving spaghetti from plate to mouth. own 46 , not for mr. fleagle, my composition teacher.47 , i would write something el.
44. a. especiallyb. probably c.d. fortunately b. in fact c. at times d. in ca
◆and so we 27 for another ten minutes,until 28 my daughter burst into tears,and 29 that she was beaten.
vously b.immediatelyc.strangelyd.suddenly
◆50, she insisted that i read the definition(定义)of a word in a monolingual
what she meant.
52. a. largely
b. generally c. d. probablyb.immediatelyc.strangely d.高频核心短语(以介词和副词为中心及连词搭配)
请看2011年福建卷中after all 和above all都是高频短语答案词! 转折时用after all,并列或above all if……时,用above all!
55. a. after all b.c. at least d. at first
and时选above all ,but时选after all.方法很具体,很实在!是对2012吴军高考英语高分密码的细节补充!
高频短语either…or…, from…to…, between…and…, not…but…, would rather…than…等是解决看不懂长句的法宝!
found mylf in the unique position
medical reporters) in my field. i gained strength every time i said , “yes, i’ll try that.”
32. a. and b. but c. or d. for
classmates. i have the back of the classroom and not wanting to call attention to mylf,
my hand— even when i sometimes wasn’t and not 100 percent 54. a. by b. forc. with d. to
语法考点高频答案词 避开语法的干扰,平均轻松多得3-7分!
the famous scientist grew up where he was born and in 1930 he came to shanghai.
2.关系副词。用于定从。 there were dirty marks on her trours where she had wiped her bands.
you are saying that everyone should be equal and this is where i disagree.
〖2011陕西卷〗i walked up to the top of the hill with my friends, we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.
a.which b. c. whod.that
〖2010全国Ⅰ〗we haven’t discusd yet ______ we are going to place our new furniture.
a. that b. whichc. what d. where
〖2010全国Ⅱ〗—have you finished the book?
---no,i’ve read up to_________the children discover the cret cave.
a.which b.what c.thatd.
〖2010江苏〗—i prefer shutting mylf in and listening to music all day on sundays. —that’s_______i don’t agree. you should have a more active life.
a.whereb.how c.when d.what
〖2010重庆〗today, we will begin _____we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.
a. when
the former.
a. before b. wherec. unless d. until b. c. howd. what 〖2009江苏〗__ unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to
高频句型核心词 对完形和单选有快速突破作用,同时对作文造句起到立竿见影的功效!
〖2008江苏〗—i can’t repair the until tomorrow, i’m afraid.
—that’s ok, there’s ______.
a. no problem b. no wonderc. no doubt d. no hurry
no problem意思是 “没问题”, 通常单独使用或用that’s no problem;(it’s) no wonder…意思