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SEMI MF723-99
Practice for Conversion Between Resistivity and Dopant Density for Boron-Doped,  Phosphorus-Doped, and Arnic-Doped Silicon
This standard was originally published by ASTM International as ASTM F 723-81.  It was formally approved by ASTM
balloting procedures and adhered to ASTM patent requirements.  Though ownership of this standard has been transferred
to SEMI, it has not been formally approved by SEMI balloting procedures and does not adhere either to SEMI
Regulations dealing with patents or to SEMI Editorial Guidelines.  Available at October 2003, to be
published November 2003.  Last published by ASTM International as ASTM F 723-99.
The ability to convert between resistivity and dopant density in a miconductor is important for a variety of applications
ranging from  material inspection and acceptance to process and device modeling. Despite  some experimental
limitations, the conversion is more readily established  from an empirical data ba than from theoretical calculations.
Resistivity  may be unambiguously determined throughout the desired resistivity range regardless  of the dopant
impurity. However, it was necessary to u a variety of techniques  to establish the complete dopant density scale of
interest; the techniques  do not all respond to the same parameter of the miconductor.
In the experimental work (1), (2), (3)1 supporting  the conversions, capacitance-voltage measurements were ud to
determine  the dopant density of both boron- and phosphorous-doped specimens with dopant  densities less than about
1018 cm−3. The  specimens were assumed to be negligibly compensated; hence, the data given  by the capacitance-voltage
measurements were taken to be a direct measure  of the dopant density in the specimen. Hall effect measurements were
ud  to obtain dopant density values greater than 1018 cm−3. In addition, in this range neutron activation analysis and
spectrophotometric analysis were ud to determine phosphorus density, and  the nuclear track technique was ud to
determine boron density. Where there  were discrepancies in the data from the analytical techniques, more weight  was
given to the Hall effect results. Up to the highest densities measured,  boron is expected to be fully electrically active.
Therefore, the boron densities  of the specimens were assumed equal to the carrier densities obtained from  the Hall
effect measurements with the u of an estimate for the Hall proportionality  factor bad on the best available
experimental and theoretical information.  In the ca of specimens heavily doped with phosphorus, the Hall
proportionality  factor is unity, but there is considerable evidence that at densities above  about 5 × 1019 cm−3 not all of
the phosphorus is electrically active becau of  the formation of complexes. In the abnce of data regarding the fraction
of phosphorus atoms withdrawn from electrically active states due to complexing,  the values of carrier density taken
from the Hall effect measurements were  assumed to be equal to the phosphorus density values. Conquently, the
conversions  bad on the data may understate the total phosphorus density for stated  values above about
5 × 1019 cm−3.
1. Scope
1.1 This practice 2 describes a conversion between dopant density and resistivity for arnic-, boron- and  phosphorus-doped single crystal silicon at 23°C. The conversions are bad  primarily on the data of Thurber et al (1), (2), (3)2  taken on bulk single crystal silicon having dopant density values in the range  from 3 × 1013 cm−3  to 1 × 1020 cm−3  for phosphorus-doped silicon and in the range from 1014 cm−3 to 1 × 1020 cm−3 for boron-doped silicon. The phosphorus data ba was supplemented  in the following manner: two bulk specimen data points of Esaki and Miyahara  (4) an
d one diffud specimen  data point of Fair and Tsai  (5)  were ud to extend the data ba above 1020cm−3,  and an imaginary point was added at 1012 cm−3  to improve the quality of the conversion for low dopant density  values. A conversion for arnic, distint from that of phosphorus, is prented  for the range 1019 to 6 by 1020cm−3.
1.2 The lf consistency of the conversion (resistivity to dopant density and dopant density to resistivity) (e Appendix X1)  is within 3 % for boron from 0.0001 to 10 000 Ω·cm, (10 12  to 1021 cm−3) and within 4.5 %  for phosphorus from 0.0002 to 4000 Ω·cm (1012 to 5 × 10 20cm−3). This error increas rapidly if the phosphorus  conversions are ud for densities above 5 × 1020 cm−3 .
1.3 The conversions are bad upon boron and phosphorus data. They may be extended to other dopants in silicon that have similar activation  energies; although the accuracy of conversions for other dopants has not been  established, it is expected that the phosphorus data would be satisfactory  for u with arnic and antimony, except when approaching solid solubility  (e 6.3).
1  Boldface numbers in parenthes refer to the list of references at the end of this practice.
2  DIN 50434 is an equivalent method. It is the responsibility of DIN Committee NMP 221, with which Comittee F-1 maintains clo technical liaison. DIN 50444,  Testing of Materials for Semiconductor T
echnology: Conversion Between Resistivity  and Dopant Density of Silicon, is available from Beuth Verlag GmbH Burggrafenstras  4-10, D-1000 Berlin 30, Federal Republic of Germany.
1.4 The conversions are between resistivity and dopant density and should not be confud with conversions between resistivity and  carrier density or with mobility relations.
N OTE 1—The commonly ud conversion between resistivity and dopant density compiled by Irvin (6) is compared  with this conversion in  Appendix X2. In this compilation, Irvin  ud the term “impurity concentration” instead of the term “dopant  density.”
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its u. It is the responsibility  of the ur of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices  and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to u.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
F 84 Test Method for Measuring Resistivity of Silicon Wafers with an In-Line Four-Point Probe 3
2.2 Adjuncts:
Large Wall Chart 4
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1  carrier density, n (electrons);p (holes)—the number of majority carriers per unit volume in an extrinsic miconductor, usually given in number/cm 3 although the SI unit is number/m3.
3.1.2 compensation—reduction in number of free carriers resulting from the prence of impurities other than the majority  dopant density impurity. Compensation occurs when both donor and acceptor  dopant impurities are prent in a miconductor; in this ca the net dopant  density (whi
ch is equal to the carrier density provided that all the dopant  impurities are ionized) is given by the absolute magnitude of the difference  between the acceptor dopant density and the donor dopant density. Compensation  may also occur if deep-level impurities or defects are prent in quantities  comparable with the dopant impurities; in this ca the relationship between  the carrier density and the dopant density (under the assumption of full ionization  of the dopant impurity) depends on a variety of parameters  (7). A miconductor that exhibits compensation  is said to be “compensated.”
3.1.3 concentration—relative amount of a minority constituent of a mixture to the majority constituent (for example, parts per  million, parts per billion, or percent) by either volume or weight. In the  miconductor literature, often ud interchangeably with number density (for  example, number per unit volume).
3.1.4 deep-level impurity—a chemical element that when introduced into a miconductor has an energy level (or levels)  that lies in the mid-range of the forbidden energy gap, between tho of the  dopant impurity species.
4.1 Discussion-Certain crystal defects and complexes may also introduce electrically active deep lev
els in the miconductor.
3.1.5 dopant density—in an uncompensated extrinsic miconductor, the number of dopant impurity atoms per unit volume, usually given in atoms/cm3 although  the SI unit is atoms/m3. Symbols: N D for donor impurities  and N A for acceptor impurities.
4. Summary of Practices
4.1 The conversions between resistivity and dopant density are made using equations, tables, or graphs.
5. Significance and U
5.1 Dopant density and resistivity of silicon are two important acceptance parameters ud in the interchange of material by consumers  and producers in the miconductor industry. Therefore, a particular method  of converting from dopant density to resistivity and vice versa must be available  since some test methods measure resistivity while others measure dopant density.
5.2 The conversions are uful in mathematical modeling of miconductor processing and devices.
3  Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.05, ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA  19428.  Telephone: 610-832-9500, Fax: 610-832-9555, Website:
4  A large wall chart, “Conversion Between Resistivity and Dopant Density” is available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,  PA 19428. Order Adjunct ADJF0723.
6. Interferences
6.1 Carrier Density— Attempts to derive carrier density values from resistivity values by using  the conversions are subject to error. While dopant density and carrier density  values are expected to be the same at low densities (up to about 1017 cm−3), the two quantities generally do not have the  same value in a given specimen at moderate densities. At such moderate densities,  (about 1017 cm−3  to 1019 cm−3), dopant densities are larger than carrier densities due to  incomplete ionization.
At densities above 10 19 cm−3, the population statistics become degenerate, and carrier densities  would normally be equal to dopant densities. However, in this upper range  of densities, the possibility of formation of compounds or complexes involving  dopant atoms is more pronounced and would prevent some of the dopant atoms  from being electrically active. Such formation of compounds or complexes is  particularly likely in phosphorus- or arnic-doped silicon. Precipitation  occurs at dopant densities greater than solid solubility.
6.2 Heavily Phosphorus-Doped Silicon—The conversions are given as functions of resistivity and of dopant density. For heavily phosphorus-doped specimens, primary emphasis  was placed on Hall effect measurements for establishing the density values.  However, since the Hall effect measures carrier density, it was assumed for  the heavily doped specimens that all atoms were electrically active; that  is, the dopant density was equal to the carrier density as measured by the  Hall effect. The possible formation of phosphorus-vacancy pairs which are  known to reduce the electrically active phosphorus atoms at high densities (5) was not tested or accounted for  in the data ba or the resulting conversions. The existence of such phosphorus-vacancy  pairs would cau the Hall measurements to understate the total dopant density  for the heavily phosphorus-doped specimens.
6.3 Other Dopant Species—The applicability of the conversions to silicon doped with other than ar
nic, boron or phosphorus has not yet been established. However, in the  lightly doped range (<1017 cm−3) the conversions  are expected to be reasonably accurate for other dopants. Between 10 17 and 1019 cm −3, the difference  in activation energy of different dopant species will cau different resistivities  to be measured for the same dopant density. In this range the differences  in resistivities will be larger among the p-type  dopants than among the n-type dopants due to larger  differences in the activation energies among the p-type  dopants. At high dopant densities (>1019 cm−3), the formation of complexes involving dopant atoms, lattice defects,  and other impurities will lead to a modification in the number of charge carriers.  The extent of this effect will depend upon the particular dopant species and  is not well detailed in the literature for the various common dopants. Its  ont is expected to be related to the density of the dopant compared to the  solid solubility of that dopant in silicon. Therefore, in this upper dopant  density range, the applicability of the conversions to dopants other than  boron and phosphorus is unclear.
6.4 Compensation— The specimens ud to obtain the data ba for the conversions were assumed  to be uncompensated. The measured net dopant density was taken to be the total  density of the intentional dopant in the specimen. For specimens in which  significant compensation occurs, the conversions may not apply.
6.5 Temperature— The conversions in this practice hold for a temperature of 23°C. Resistivity  varies with temperature, but dopant density does not.
N OTE 2—It is possible to obtain dopant density values from resistivity values that were not measured at 23°C by using Test Method F 84 to correct the resistivity values to 23°C. Also, the conversion  from dopant density to resistivity may be made directly and the temperature  correction for resistivity then made following Test Method F 84 to obtain the resistivity at other than 23°C.
N OTE 3—References 1, 2,  and 3 give values for the coefficients in the conversion equations at both 23°C and 300 K.
6.6 Other Electrically Active Centers—Numerous other mechanisms exist that may modify the number of free carriers or noticeably alter carrier mobility, either of which will  change the resistivity from the value given here for a given dopant density.  Among the mechanisms are (1) lattice damage due  to radiation (neutron transmutation doping or ion implantation), (2) formation of deep level centers due to chemical impurities (typically  heavy metals, either unwanted or sometimes intentionally added for minority  carrier lifetime control), and (3) unintentional  doping due, for example, to electrically activated oxygen. When any of the  effects is known or expected to be prent, the conversions given here may  not apply.
6.7 Range of Arnic-Doped Silicon Data—The conversion given for arnic-doped silicon is from Fair and Tsai (8), covering the  doping range of 1019 to 6 by 1020. This conversion was  generated using Hall effect measurements. The principal reference for neutron  activation data is that of Newman  et al.(9).  Neutron activation data give higher  resistivity values for a given dopant density than do Hall data becau of  the assumption that the Hall coefficient R H = 1/ne. A more complicated relationship between R H and n is given in  Ref (9). Care must be taken in  using any conversion not to extrapolate beyond the range of the data fitted,  as the formulas will diverge beyond that range. Other studies support the  u of the conversion given here Refs (10, 11, 12, and 13), which means that the conversion  to resistivity for phosphorus can be ud for arnic in this range. In the  range 2 by 1019 to 1020, the Fair and Tsai fit matches  the Irvin formula. The range beyond 6 by 1020 is discusd only  in Ref (13).
7. Procedure
7.1  Convert Resistivity Values to Dopant Density Values— Follow 7.1.1 (graphical method), 7.1.2  (tabular method), or 7.1.3 (computation method). 5
7.1.1 Graphical Method: For boron-doped silicon, u the curve labeled “boron” in Fig. 1. For phosphorus-doped silicon, u the curve labeled “phosphorus” in Fig. 1.
7.1.2 Tabular Method: For boron-doped silicon u Table 1.
TABLE 1 Dopant Density as a Function of Resistivity for Boron-Doped Silicon
N OTE 1—Entries in two significant digits are for regions of extrapolated data.
TABLE  1 Continued For phosphorus-doped silicon u Table 2.
7.1.3 Computational Method : For boron-doped silicon, calculate the dopant density value from the resistivity value as follows:
N  = 1.330 × 10  16ρ  +    1.082 × 10 17
ρ []1 + ()54.56ρ  1.105    (1)
=  resistivity and  N  =  dopant density. For phosphorus-doped silicon, calculate the dopant density from the resistivity as follows:
N  = 6.242 × 10  18
ρ  × 10  Z    (2)
Z  = A 0 + A 1x  + A 2x  2 + A 3x  3
1 + B 1x  + B 2x
2 + B 3x
3    (3)
x  =  log 10ρ,
A 0  =  −3.1083,

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