
更新时间:2023-05-10 03:43:03 阅读: 评论:0

1 Purpo:
目 的:
1.1To define the requirements and procedures of surface resistivity test.
2 Scope:
2.1The test method described in the document cover directcurrent procedures for the determination of D
C surface resistance and surface resistivity of electrical materials.
2.2This document shall be applicable to solid materials and products ud and/or produced byPE AK, except of metal materials
本规范适用于必佳公司内生产及使用的,除金属材料外,其它固体材料及产 品的表面电阻和/或表面电阻率的测试。
3 Instrument :
3.1MCPHT260 Resistivity meter
3.2Model PSI870 Surface Resistance/Resistivity Indicator
PSI870 型 表面电阻/表面电阻率测试仪
3.3PRF912 miniature concentric ring fixture
3.4SRM110 Surface Resistivity Meter
SRM110 型表面电阻率测试仪。
4 External Reference documents:
4.1ASTM D25793 :Standard test methods for DC resistance or conductance of insulating materials
4.2ASTM D4496:      Test method for DC resistance or conductance of moderately conductive materials
5 Definitions
定 义
5.1 Moderately conductiveDescribe a solid material having a volume resistivity
between 1 and 10,000,000 ohmcm.
中等导电性:指固体材料的体积电阻率在1010,000,000 ohmcm
5.2Surface resistance (Rs) The ratio of the DC voltage applied to the two electrodes ( on the surface of a sp ecimen) to the current betweenthem. expresd in ohm.(symbol is Ω)
表面电阻(Rs)施加在试样表面上两电极间的直流电压与通过两电极间的电流的比值 ;单位是欧姆(o hm,)符号 Ω
5.3 Surface resistivity (ρs) the surface resistance multiplied by that ratio of the specimendimensions  (wid th of electrodes defining the current path divided by the distance between electrodes) which transforms th e measured resistance to that obtained if the electrodes had formed  the opposite sides of a square.
Remarks:Surface resistivity is expresd in ohms. It is popularly expresd also as ohms/square.(the size o f the square is immaterial).
注: 表面电阻率的单位是欧姆(ohm, Ω),通常也写为欧姆/平方面积 (ohms/square), 此处平方面积的大小是非实质的量。
6 General Requirements:
6.1The lab assistant involved in the measurement shall be trained and certified. 实验人员应培训合格方可作业。
6.2 Unless otherwi specified,the minimumsample quantities shall be  3 pieces and 3  points on each sa mple.
除非特别要求,最少3个测试样品, 每个样品测3个点。
6.3 Both sides/surfaces of samples shall be tested
样品的两面 都应进行测试。
6.4 Unless otherwi specified, Before  test starting , sweep off dirt , dust , sweat stains and other co
ntami nationon sample surface with a piece of cleansoft cloth. 除非另有要求,测试前,用干净软布擦去样品表面的脏物,灰尘和汗等。 7 Test specimens
7.1The specimen may be of any practical form consistent with the particular objective, such as flat plates, t apes or tubes.
7.2Aminimum of three specimens is required.
8 Conditioning.
8.1Unless otherwi specified or required, the specimen shall be conditioned under the condition of        23±2ºC and 50±5%RH.
除非另有要求或说明,测试前试样应在温度23±2ºC,相对湿度50±5%的 条件下进行状态调节。
9 Test Procedure for MCP HT260
使用MCP HT260的测试 步骤:
9.1 Operation environment for the instrument is: temperature: 0 ~40°C, relative Humidity below 80%.
本仪器可适应的实验环境条件是:温度0°C 40°C,相对湿度小于80%。
9.2 Turn on power switch
9.3 Push [PROBE] key to t probe type as HRS. Each time key is pushed probe
type indicator change. HRS turns on,at the same time resistivity correction factor 10.09 shows in data indi cator. press [ENTER] key to finish the tting 按[PROBE]键设置探针类别为HRS:每按一次[PROBE]键,探针类别改变 一次。HRS点亮。同时电阻校正因子10.09显示在数据显示器上,按 [ERTER]键结束设置。
9.4 Push  [TIMER] Key to t test time. Generally choo 10 conds.
9.5 Push [SPLY VOLT] key to lect supplied voltage. Each time key is pushed, supplied voltage indicator cha nged accordingly. refer to Table 1 to lect a suitable voltage:
按[SPLY VOLT]键设定测试电压。参照表1选择合适的测试电压。
9.6 Push [AUTO/MANUAL] key,lect  measuring range mode.by  key.
用 和 9.6.1 Generally u “AUTO” mode. 通常选择“自动”(AUTO)模式.
Table 1: Test Voltage and Effective Measuring Range. Measurement in auto mode first to get the whole ran ge of surface resistivity of the material
手动(MANUAL)模式下可设定最合适的测量范围。但首先应在自动 模式下进行测试,以获得材料表面电阻的最大范围。
9.7 Push [SINGL PRNT] key to t print mode. Select single print mode .each time measuring is complete d, measuring data is print out.
按[SINGL PRNT]键设定打印方式,选择单次打印方式(SINGLE),每次测量完成,数据即被打印出来。
9.8 Push [UNIT] key to lect Ω/□as measuring unit.
9.9 Place the sample on the insulative side of support plate, then press the MCP probe against sample to e nsure the surface of electrode and sample in fully and intimately contact.
把待测样品平放在垫板的绝缘的一面上,然后,把MCP 电极放在样品表 面上,施加一定的力使电极表面与样品表面紧密接触。
9.10 Push [START/HOLD] key, measurement start, the “MEASURE ‘lights on and twinkles during measurem ent.
按下[START/HOLD]键,测量开始,“MEASURE”(测量) 灯亮并在测量过 程中持续闪烁。
9.11 During measurement, S.R data is indicated at measured data indicator.
9.12 Measuringresult is automatically printed out after measurement.
9.13 Repeat step 9.99.12 to start another test..
9.14 Turn off the power when test finished.
实验结束后, 关闭仪器电源。
10 Test Procedures for SRM110
10.1 General description.
10.1.1 Table 2 detailed the readings and corresponding effective measurement range of SRM110.
Table 2 Readings and corresponding effective measurement range of SRM110
表2 SRM110的读数及相应的有效测量范围
10.1.2 When power on the meter, check if the battery of the meter is fully
charged or not. If the low battery indicator lamp is on(refer to fig.2). It need to be recharged Plea rech arge it with supplied charger for about 12 hours. in advance (refer to the SRM manual for recharging time o f the
battery) and it can not be  ud during charging.
打开电源后,观 察电能是否充足:如电池电量指示灯亮(参见图
2), 表示电量不足。应先使用指定的充电充电器充电约12小时,然 后使用。不可以边充电边使用。
10.2 Place  specimens on aninsulative flat surface.
10.3 Switch on the Surface Resistivity Meter (SRM) and place it on the specimen. as
indicated on Figure 1,And then check the readings on the SRM
打开电阻测试仪(SRM)开关,把它放在样品上(如图1),测试样品表面 电阻,看SRM上显示的读数。
Fig. 1: Demonstration of  surface resistivity test
图 1:表面电阻率测试示意图
10.4 During the test, be sure that the parallel bar or the foot(electrodes) of the
SRM is fully and intimately contact with the sample surface. Refer Figure 2. 测试时,电阻测试仪支脚(电极)一定要与黑盒表面充分,紧密接触,参
图 2:表面电阻率测试示意图II
10.5 If necessary, record the readings of the SRM110 in the data record sheet.
11 Test Procedures for PSI870
使用PSI870 的测试步骤。
11.1 General description of PSI870
11.1.1 Figure 3 detailed the name
of each part of the instrument.
图 3 给出了仪器各部分的名称。.
11.1.2 The PSI870 has eleven (11)
LED’s provide resistance ( lower scale) and resistivity (upper scale) measurement indication in one decade  increments.
PSI870有 11个 LED 灯指示表面电
( 上排刻度 ) 的测试结果 ,
(十进位)。 Figure 3:    Demonstration of PSI8 图 3: PSI870 简 图

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标签:表面   测试   电阻率   测量   材料   样品   使用   实验
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